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Posts posted by redfurry

  1. I find that http://www.knotor.com works fine for that. Unfortunately you cannot search by "equipment comendation vendor", but if you list all the NPCs in the Fleet you can pick them out easily. It is the only place I found that reliably list the items that each vendor sells. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have been updated since before 1.2, but most commendation vendors haven't changed since launch so it should work for you.
  2. Ok I'm sure this is covered somewhere but I haven't found it yet. I just joined this weekend, and It's not quite what I expected. I was expecting a better Galaxies, and so far its just not it. Level 12 pistoleer, and its just story bound missions, When do I get to do missions I want? No houses? No crafting? etc? I can't even find a place to buy a better weapon than the one I had on Ord Mantell. All the weapons and armor don't cost credits, they cost medallions from PVP?


    The manual online leaves alot to be desired. As do the using keys instead of mouse controls for movement. Anyway, If I am missing something about places on Coruscant to buy weapons I would appreciate it, as well as any hope that the future levels get better.






    Well, no, it's not "a better Galaxies", it's a very different game. They are often described as "Galaxies was a sandbox, Old Republic is a theme park" i.e. instead of providing you with an open world to do what you want, it gives you a closed and finite set of things to do. That doesn't mean it's a bad game though.


    This being said:

    - All missions are story-bound, but there is a bit of wiggle room in choosing which missions to do: you pretty much have to do your class story missions, but the planet missions are optional.

    - There are no player housing, sadly, but when you finish the Capital World of your story class (Coruscant if you are Republic) you get a ship which is sorta your house.

    - Yes there is crafting. Go to the Republic Fleet and open the map; you'll see an area marked Crew Skills. You can learn crafting skills there. They are very different than Galaxies crafting but you may like them. You should check this guide: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=530

    - Some weapons cost credits, some cost PvP medallions, some cost planet commendations - which you get doing missions on that planet. The best you can do is upgrade your starter weapon with barrels, mods and enhancements that you can get, again, for credits or commendations. Also check the Galactic Trade Network for stuff sold by other players - the best barrels, mods and enhancements are those crafted by players.

    - There is a shopping mall in Coruscant - go to the senate plaza and down the stairs. There you can find weapon vendors, commendation vendors (that sell weapons, armor and mods for comms) and GTN terminals.

    - Check the control and keybind options in Preferences - you can indeed move using the mouse.


    I'm not sure the game will "get better", but if you adjust your expectations to what it actually has to offer, it may be very enjoyable. I hope you'll have a good time!

  3. My chapter one weapon kit offered me a green quality lightsaber. Since I got an orange one to start with, I don't see the point of this. Waste of a trip to Coruscant.


    The blaster I got for my Smuggler was a bit better than the orange one with the mods I had access to at level 14. I outleveled it by level 20, but I got a bit of a nice boost from it. I don't think it's worth the enormous cost in daily or fleet commendations, but if you happen to get one, why not use it.

  4. Let's see if we can break this down:

    - Cooldown, literally, is the time from when you use an ability to the time when you can use it again. You probably knew this already.

    - In this context, a "cooldown" is short for a "poweful ability that has a long cooldown"; in the more specific context of cooldowns for tanks, it refers to defensive abilities.


    So, it comes down to knowing your class / spec abilities. I'm not overly familiar with tank classes yet, but a quick overview of the Assassin skills shows, for instance, Deflection - 2 minutes cooldown, increases your defenses by 50% for 12 seconds. This would be a "tanking cooldown". That is, a skill that can get you and your party through the hardest part of a fight, if you use it at the right time.


    Hope this helps. Good luck and enjoy - tanking is very fun and rewarding! :)

  5. Also, if you level a human character up to 50, or have a relatively low Legacy level(8 I think) and pay 500,000 credits, you get a +100 presence bonus, which makes a huge difference at low levels and a nice boost at higher ones.


    Armstech, Armormech and Synthweaving have a nice viability niche now in form of augments and augmented orange gear. This will be a bit different with 1.3 since those professions will craft augment kits that anyone can use. But they're a more viable choice now than at launch, I think.


    Your original post asked about changing specialization. You may reset your skill tree as often as you like - it costs extra each time but the costs reset to 0 each week. So if you pick Guardian / Juggernaut, you can switch between DPS-specialized and tank-specialized with no problem. But you cannot, ever, change your Advanced Class. So no changing between one and two lightsabers, I'm afraid.

  6. Right now it is impossible to get an orange wrist or belt with augment slot.

    In update 1.3 there are supposed to be 2 new ways of getting them:

    - orange wrists and belts will be craftable, and thus crittable

    - augment kits will allow to add an augment slot to any item


    1.3 is on the Public Test Server right now, so it should hit live soonish.

  7. I had difficulties first time I encountered him, because our group panicked when he does his missile spam move; everyone ran around like crazy, healer coudn't heal and the explosions hit everyone.


    The only thing you need in that phase, is for everyone to spread around. The missiles will hit only the tank and the healer can keep him up easily. The DPS can keep hurting him - and should. Enrage timers are alwasy a concern.


    That and interrupt the Snipe attack.

  8. LeContrapasso: Mithro's answer probably tells you all you need to know. :) But if you tell us what crew skills you have now, we can tell you exactly which one you should drop (if any) and get instead.
  9. I dont' think I've ever read official confirmation of this, and there's no way to know for sure without testing each and every conversation variation with every companion, but it certainly seems that way. Conversations from missions that are supposed to be done at a certain level, only have affection gains for the companions you are supposed to have at that level.


    I guess it makes sense that most people won't ever go back to low level content, although it would be nice to be able to do exactly what you describe to raise affection for the newest companions.

  10. what i want to know is why does it say Augment: Open in your screenshot. just like the Juggernaut boots gloves and other items but int he actual game there is absolutely no slot at all to put an augment in. is it hidden? servers are down so i cant tell if i can still CTRL R-click to mod it or anything but id also like to know more about why it says that on website but not in game. ive seen an armor in game for sale on the GM and it had slots for : Armor, Enhancement, Mod, AND augment. but the item you show in the link says augment open, just like some juggernaut items i have obtained but in the game there is no slot.


    (P.S) i know this is old post but its LITERALLY the only one i can find with the question about "augment: Open"


    When a crafter makes a weapon or piece of armor, there is a chance that s/he will get a critical hit on the crafting process (modified by skill level, companion affection and companion bonuses). If the craft "crits", then the resulting piece of equipment will have an augment slot.

    Torhead shows every piece of equipment with an augment slot, whether it is actually possible to get it in game or not.

    Right now, only crafted items can have an augment slot; dropped items or quest rewards cannot.

    This will change with patch 1.3, that is supposed to include a way to add an augment slot to an existing piece of gear.

  11. Just a bit of advice: if you post this on the crew skill forum, put "level 50 stims" in the subject, and speak of yourself as a biochemist instead of a potion maker, you're likely to get more and better help. :)


    Still, I think I have the answer you need. The level 50 stims are called Exotech, for instance: Exotech Resolve Stim. The schematics drop from Hard Mode Operations and are Bind on Pickup, so you cannot get them any other way than participating in HM Ops; but the stims themselves are Bind on Equip and require no Biochem skill to use. So you can buy them from whoever can make them (and if you do get the schematic, you can sell them to anyone).


    Hope this helps!

  12. I had no idea Ctrl+Tab did that... I always use shift+F1 to select my companion. It never selects the pet. I suggest you try that - it may be a bit of an adjustment to learn a new keybind, but it sounds like it will be worth it.
  13. The one you get for free for every character that finishes Act I (or had finished it when the patch 1.2 came out) is a Weapon Legacy Construction Kit. You have to go to the appropriate Legacy Vendor at Dromund City (Sith Inquisitor in your case) and trade it for the right item - in your case, a Inquisitor's Inheritance Saberstaff.


    I'm not sure what may be the problem, since you say you already tried this... Did you go to the right vendor? Did you find the right item? Every construction kit is only good for one type of item.

  14. You may know this guide linked from the sticky Directoty post in this forum: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=132015


    It is a detailed and thorough analysis of what crew skills are best for what classes, taking into account the crew skill bonuses of their companions. According to this criteria, the recommended skills for an Imperial Agent are either Biochem, Armstech, Armormech or gathering.


    Which really doesn't help you decide :p I assume you don't want another Biochemist or Armstech, and both of your other options appear equally well suited to the IA.


    So the question you should be asking is, what will help the rest of your Legacy more? Armor crafting, or another source of materials / schematics / credits? I guess that depends on what classes your other toons are, what levels, and how many credits in your bank(s).

  15. Okay, very relevant question here:


    Could a Jedi use the Force to have sex with someone?


    And if so, is it technically cheating if you're in a relationship while you do it?



    +150 Internet points if you get it.


    No idea if that's what you were going for, but I'm thinking of Cyclops and Emma Frost.


    Hey, Satele. I bet you could teach me better than any other lady here..;)


    At the start of the Jedi Knight class story, Satele assigns you a new master, and there's a conversation option to tell her you'd prefer herself to be your master. Apparently I'm not the only one with a very specific idea of what kind of teachings I'd have liked. :D

  16. From patchnotes 1.2.4 (latest at the time of this writing):


    "Actions in the UI layout editor and chat window now prevent a player from being labeled as AFK."


    Is this what you mean? It sounds similar to what you say, but as you can see, it talks about UI editor and chat window, not crafting.


    The keyword in there is "actions". If you are interacting with the crafting UI (checking schematics, sending companions on missions or craft orders, etc.) it should not trigger AFK state and timeout - and if it does it is a significant bug. But if you send a bunch of companions out, leave the craft window open, and expect that the game won't mark you as AFK while you don't do anything but wait for them to complete - I don't think that will ever happen. Too easy to exploit.

  17. When you reach armstech skill level 100, you can learn to craft a bunch of orange weapon shells. You can get the schematics from the GTN or Investigation Researched Compounds missions. These sell pretty decently, and really well if augmented. Since the are low level they crit quite often if your affection with Corso is high. You probably won't get rich by this, but at least you won't feel the weapons you make are useless. :)
  18. If I remember correctly, these are all the possible ways to get Inheritance / Birthright Construction Kits:

    - For each character that finishes Act I of their class story, you get a Inheritance Main Hand Construction Kit in the mail.

    - You can buy them for Daily Commendations or Fleet Commendations.

    - Some enemies from level 50 content (Corellia heroic daily mission, Flashpoints, Operations) may drop them.

    - You may get one in addition to the usual materials, from mission crew skills,


    Anything I forget?

  19. zerrocool, you owe it to yourself to check Kaeper's post here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=97350

    (#10, bottom of first page)


    One thing about choosing your advanced class: if you pick Gunslinger you will have to master the Cover mechanism. You pretty much have to use it in the first few levels, so you'll have an idea what it is. Some people love it, some hate it - if you find yourself to be one of the latter, pick Scoundrel and you can forget about cover.

  20. I hope that the characters sitting on bar stools in the video is something that we will also get with patch 1.3 (why else show such a scene there?).


    I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed that. :) This a very vocally requested reature, it would be really nice if it came with 1.3.

  21. Increasing affection early will improve your companion's crew skill results, and will help unlock their missions sooner. Nothing wrong with doing those missions later, except that you will get no XP from them, and those XP help a lot with leveling (and are effort free since most of those missions consist of a two-minute conversation).


    I highly advise to shower your companions with gifts at every chance ;)

  22. What is latency or ping. I am new to PC gaming.


    Latency is the time that it takes the information to travel from your computer to the game server and back. It depends on your network connection as well as the server's connection and traffic. It is sometimes called "ping" because of a command line program that can be used to measure the latency to a server.


    The game has a latency measure - there is a symbol besides your minimap that looks like a cellular phone's signal bars, hover your cursor over it and it will tell you the latency. Higher values mean that the game will have worse response time, since anything that you do must be validated by the server, and anything that the mobs or other players do must be sent from the server to you. If your latency is below 300 ms you should be OK.


    If the problem is not the latency, then it may be lack of graphic card power, CPU power, or memory,. Try lowering the graphics settings - particularly the shadow quality may be a great improvement on some machines.

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