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Everything posted by Ergonaut

  1. Might I add, I do think some of the complaints are valid. The rest is just random entitlement issue #351
  2. Yeah, I agree, but it's not only from the flamer's part I mean, some people just do NOT get that opinions differ and instead insult everybody just because somebody don't react exactly the same to situations like them. It could get better, BOTH SIDES. The only thing I hear from self proclaimed "Mature" kids is: ''**** YOU ARE SO DUMB BECAUSE YOU ARE DISAPPOINTED AND I'M NOT" And the only thing I hear from the flamers is: "OMG BIOWARE PLEASE HURRY UP" Both sides. EDIT: I also love people bragging about patience, only to lose said patience when trashing one of those guys that's disappointed about early access xD You have to love these forums, logic has taken a day off.
  3. The community ingame is what counts imo, and from what I've seen? SWTOR community > WoW. At least in game. Though, you have to admit BioWare could've prepared for this if they had just given a rough estimate of when we would be able to play. I mean, for how long has this been planned? Precisely. Oh well, you can't have everything, I guess. Back to skyrim for me.
  4. Rifts launch was one of the smoothest I've seen, tbh. BW should take notes from them. They even offered to help on twitter xD I think that was a joke, though.
  5. LOL If you add more and more people every day, servers are going to be full NO MATTER WHAT. Logic is hard.
  6. Again, only four waves today. So no. It's like BioWare doesn't ever listen xD Yesterday everyone: "MORE WAVES!" BW = lalalala cant hear you *plugs earphones in* durrrr
  7. I can, I've been playing general beta and I can do without. I had early access before you Still though, you dont buy games all the time? I preorder games all the time, standard business. I for one knew that it was going to be staggered, but I can imagine some people don't have the time/energy too put 2198361239 hours into looking up info about something you just preordered to relax and enjoy.
  8. Let me tell you why your logic is completely flawed. As with most games, promotion mainly comes from the fanbase saying how awesome this game is. No denying, it's true. *******s marketing campaign, but the best game ever? People will play because they HEARD it was great. Now, you have 2 camps. 1 says its *********** great and cozy in game, and the second camp (which is almost 90% rofl) is complaining. Dont you think that's bad marketing, in all honesty?
  9. Stephen Reid is still refusing to put out more info to soothe the raging. Stupid. Move. Seriously.
  10. Yeah, see you too It's nice having a somewhat normal conversation about this xD See you ingame!
  11. Oh, and I was ridiculously late with preordering too. I don't mind waiting. My problem is I'm waiting for god knows how long, while at the same time being kept in the dark by the very same guys that make me wait without an explanation. (I know that it's first come first serve, but damn... They could've ATLEAST given us a rough draft of which preorder dates get in on which day) Just saying, they ****ed up this situation by not communicating with their customers properly, 'nuff said.
  12. Since when is walking into a store and not getting what you wanted and NOT BEING ABLE TO ACCESS OR GET ANY INFORMATION FOR SOMETHING YOU ALREADY PAID FOR THE SAME?
  13. Oh, but that is NOT the problem. Their whole business idea is fine, in my opinion. It's the way they keep the customers in the dark, just waiting without knowing WHEN it comes. EDIT: So, it's not exactly that they MAKE profits, it's HOW they do it. Treating the average consumer like crap. EDIT: Need proper evidence? Just look at how Stephen Reid answers questions on twitter. The most asked questions (thus already known answers) he answers, and the rest is just "Oh, I don't know. I'll let you know when we know so you know that we know that you're out there." EDIT: Oh, and dont come back with something like "Well, things go wrong and they need fixed and that takes time." Why? Early access is something they planned. A long time. Yet they refuse to put out any info that helps us in this situation.
  14. Problem. I'm not complaining about the up to five days part, you should read the topic, there are some solid points here, man. The problem actually is (with alot of people) that BioWare isn't as clear on subjects as they should've been.
  15. There is a point to complain about the future, for without complaining there wouldn't be any pre-emptive solutions/fixes around. In my opinion, if we complain and they still decide to be silent about it, instead of adress it and at least tell us were getting looked after (since, after all, I'm still a PAYING CUSTOMER), I can go on complaining all I like. My money, my rules, my opinion. Just deal with it.
  16. So, it's wrong for me to voice my opinion about something I put my finances in? Solid reasoning bro. Also, I don't live at home.
  17. You are still missing the point of this topic. You are REALLY unobservant for someone as intelligent as you. You try to fix these... Totally (as of now) unrelated issues which is NOT what we are talking about here, or at least not anymore.
  18. Point is, they never said HOW or WHEN they were gonna stagger it, just that they WERE going to. Now, we have had the dates announced of WHEN the waves get out just a few days ago, but still no solid information about WHEN we get to play personally. Now, I get that it's a virtual queue and all, but at least in a queue you can visually gather information about how long you'll be waiting. This is like that, only blindfolded. Twice. EDIT: The being said, I hope my point is clear. It's not about the wait. It's not about my irrational need to play. I'm not mad. I just want some goddamn clarity from BioWare and EA once, instead of the cookie cutter answers we get from "master" public relations artist mr. Reid.
  19. Yes. It's virtually impossible to get 5 days when you preorder on this date. So yeah, that's pretty much a lie AND false advertising all at once.
  20. Well, when one buys something you'd ASSUME you get clear answers from community reps, get solid information about YOUR playtime (after all, you have paid them). You just expect clarity, and I will not EVER call this situation a clear one.
  21. In his defense, we all know what UP TO 5 DAYS means, the question is if it's morally acceptable to say that while infact they KNOW you get probably one day tops.
  22. Errr. Saying something like that while catering to the masses is bound to **** up. BioWare brought this on themselves, customers like CLARITY, not vague wording and non-existant customer service, as in; "Well let you know when we know"
  23. Oooh! Somebody disagrees with my opinion, must be a troll Seriously, ever lived in a democratic society? It IS nice, I must say.
  24. Isnt that what they are already building right now? BioWare should'nt have gone to EA. EVER. Quality and people in charge like EA don't mix and match, B-dubz.
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