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Everything posted by Aravail

  1. Thanks for the feedback. I've never been a part of any deals of this scale, but I imagine that no matter how they're done, they inevitably involve some degree of trust. I can vouch for Scya's integrity for whatever it's worth, and as she said, she's an extremely active member of the swtor community (check out her websites, they're awesome!) so if she went back on the deal she'd be losing a lot more than 40mil credits. Anyone who knows our guild from Jung Ma can vouch for us I'm sure (you can check out our recruitment thread here and website here); there's just no way we're going to begin our reputation on our new server home by screwing someone over. I highly doubt anyone selling a Gship would try to scam anyone either, but since they're leaving the server completely behind anyway, it's probably just a tad bit more possible than the opposite. Still, if the trust issue is all that's holding anyone back, I highly encourage you to get in contact with Scya (now Scy'a on Ebon Hawk) anyway and I'm sure we can work something out that will satisfy everyone.
  2. Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it, I guess every superhero needs her theme music. There's been a lot of great group ranked going on the server lately, and I can definitely say the level of competition has noticeably improved. Hopefully we can keep it up through the end of the season! Solos are alright, but group ranked is definitely my my favorite thing to do in-game, and I'm pretty much always up for it as long as I can find teammates. We've had some really intense games against teams from Arcanum, UMBRA, Ghost, Acoy, and others in the past week or two; and, of course, the videos are all up on my youtube channel if anyone wants to see what they looked/sounded like from the other side. There were quite a few rounds that were won or lost by a hair.
  3. Had a great time the other night; thanks to everyone who came and to Scya for putting it all together! And to Eliian for writing awesome trivia questions.
  4. You want the Force-Master's set bonus. When it comes to min/maxing, you want all power (no crit), more alacrity than surge, and no accuracy. Full power augments (willpower are fine too if they're easier for you to obtain). Force-Mystic gear is for sage healers, Stalker gear is for shadow DPS, and Survivor gear is for shadow tanks.
  5. Congrats UMBRA! The Commanders aren't bad compared to Underlicker (and aren't nearly as fierce as the dreaded roster boss, especially with his summer buff going), so I'm sure you'll have them down before long too.
  6. Hey all, I figured I would take a minute to make a shameless plug for my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/aravail I've had it going for about 8 months now and have a little over 800 videos uploaded, the vast majority of them from Swtor. I focus pretty heavily on PvP (uploading a dozen or so warzones and at least as many ranked matches each week), and I'm pretty sure I have the largest collection of solo and grouped ranked videos on YouTube at this point. I also upload hardmode boss kills and full storymode/classic ops runs sometimes. You can also find some video guides, ops dummy parses, hypercrate openings, stronghold tours, and other random odds and ends. Recently I've been branching out and making Let's Plays for some single player games (like KotOR) as well. Here are links to some of the larger playlists, and you can of course find more via the channel page: All of my unranked warzone uploads so far; just hit 100 today! I play a few different classes/specs: Balance Sage, Seer Sage (Healer), Serenity Shadow, Dirty Fighting Gunslinger, and less frequently TK Sage, Vanguard Tank, and some midbies. On the imperial side, I play a Sorc (Madness/Corruption) and an Assassin (Hatred). Dotspread OP. My playlists for Balance Sage in solo ranked PvP. The first is Aravail, my main, from Season 4. The second is my other sage, Arahze (yay for 12x XP), from the same season, though I've played him exclusively as a healer this season. The third is solos from Season 5, which is still of course ongoing. My playlists for Serenity and Hatred in solo ranked. First one is Shadow S4, second is Shadow S5, and third is Assassin S5. Healer playlists. I don't play heals as often as I do DPS in solos (just because it's a little rarer to see healers queue), but I'm hoping to change that soon. First is sage heals, second sorc. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR2FYtFWHTrVAutz6bC0OR35O2PEZQrRS https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR2FYtFWHTrU0IExMTB3SEE4_5FtwmuuK And some group ranked! The above links are for Serenity Shadow, Seer Sage, and Balance Sage respectively, all from this season. I have some older granked playlists from Season 4 up as well. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR2FYtFWHTrUH9jYJNtTYkDgkpijXiu5a Last but certainly not least, can't forget the PvE videos! Here's a playlist of all of the ops boss fights I've uploaded so far. Believe it or not, I actually love PvE just as much as I do PvP, it just doesn't lend itself to uploading videos quite as often. There are plenty more where those came from, so please check 'em out! I always love seeing/hearing that people are enjoying my uploads, and if anyone is eager to see more videos of a specific type of content, just give me a shout here or on youtube and I'll see what I can do!
  7. Finally got around to uploading mine: http://tor-decorating.com/aravails-temple-of-light-jung-ma/
  8. Thanks for sharing, that's really cool to see the actual figures! It's funny that going from 80 to 90 takes almost as long as going 0 to 80, and going 90 to 100 takes even longer. It certainly felt like it. Made a quick chart with the data: http://i.imgur.com/HDd6J4D.png On an aside, they really should increase the Valor cap already, or at least go back and add a few more prizes to the existing levels. Every flashpoint and operations boss grants a trophy decoration; it would be great if Valor at least did something similar.
  9. I'm very much in favor of the way things work now bindings-wise: armor, weapons, and crystals should be BoL, decorations are (obviously) for the entire legacy, but titles and mounts should remain exclusive to the character that earned them. For one thing, there will always be some classes that perform better than others in ranked -especially solo ranked- and seeing a gunslinger with a Nexu mount (as an example) is a lot more impressive than seeing a shadow with a Nexu mount. The same goes for the titles. It would seem really weird to see someone running around with a Tier 1 title on their Sentinel if they're a horrible sentinel player, but just so happen to be a really good sage. I would feel incredibly weird (and even perhaps a little ashamed) using a Tier 1 title or mount on a character that hadn't actually put in the legwork to earn it, regardless of what I had or hadn't done as a player. And that's really the second reason: part of the fun, for me at least, in bringing multiple characters into ranked is seeing how well I can perform on each of them, and how many characters I can manage to get those higher tier rewards on. I like the feeling of seeing each character 'earn' their rewards on their own, and watching each of them progress through highs and lows -in solos and in grouped- throughout the season. It's a nice little adventure, and having those rewards kept separate gives each character individual goals they can strive towards. Even if it were decided that the mounts are going to be BoL (which I hope they aren't), I would really prefer it if the titles at least still remained tied to the character that earned them. The interview and blog both mentioned "at least one" exclusive reward per tier, and I really, really hope that reward is a title, as it would provide something tangible that would easily demonstrate how well each character performed in ranked that season. But whatever that reward ends up being, it, if nothing else, should be bound to character, as the entire point of that specific reward is for it to remain as exclusive as possible.
  10. Agreed. We may be a small server, but that just means we have a tighter community, and I'm really pleased to see all the cool events that have been going on lately, not to mention the frequency with which both solo and group ranked have been popping. A few of us were talking just the other day about how even though we may not be the largest pvp community, we're probably one of the least toxic around simply because of our small size, where pretty much everybody knows everybody else. To paraphrase Mr. Twain, "Reports of Jung Ma's death have been greatly exaggerated." Keep up the great work everyone.
  11. It depends how many characters you have. I believe it's 1800 cartel coins per character, so if you have eight or more characters... yeah, that'll be about $100. If you only want to transfer the few you play most often, then that'll obviuosly cost less. I really wish there was some kind of package deal for situations like this, but unfortunately, I don't think they've brought up anything like that yet.
  12. I'd definitely be up for something like this. Available most evenings besides Tuesday and Thursdays.
  13. Aravail

    Yolo Nights?

    We've had a ton of solo matches going the past two days; let's keep it happening! The earlier we start, the better, and the later we keep them going, the better too. Like Telana, I raid 8pm-11pm est Tues/Thurs, but before/after that and on other nights I'm usually around and always happy to queue.
  14. The tournament was a rousing success! A huge thank you to all 16 participants, and to the many people who showed up to watch and cheer them on. Makes me proud to call Jung Ma home. First Place: Busy, Scoundrel (Uncharted Space) Second Place: Synergy, Vanguard (Shots Fired) Third Place: Lyken, Shadow (Shots Fired) Well done everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic time, and I hope to see more tournaments (and perhaps other formats too) down the road. Also, queue solos! The tournament in its entirety has been uploaded to YouTube; relive the memories !
  15. This is in two hours (as long as we get enough participants)! It's not too late to register; if you'd like to participate and try for some of those prizes, just make sure you show up a bit early so I have time to get everything organized.
  16. Thanks Luni and Busy! Yup, healers are welcome too. Although hopefully we won't get too many healer entrants; healer v healer matches would be incredibly boring.
  17. The are my republic characters: http://i.imgur.com/Nr0asRZ.png (Vanguard, Sentinel, Scoundrel, Shadow, Sage, Commando, Guardian, Gunslinger) And my imperial/extra characters: http://i.imgur.com/zL4qoYP.png (Sage, Mercenary, Shadow, Assassin, Sorcerer, Marauder, Operative, Powertech)
  18. Thanks for the feedback! There are definitely a range of openers you can start with and the one I recommend isn't the highest burst one, simply the one I've found to flow easiest into my rotation. It actually begins with a hardcasted MC, not Sever Force (the graphic might make this a little hard to see), with the idea being to get all your dots rolling and FiB on cooldown as soon as possible. I definitely agree about the 1mil dummy being preferable; I actually recommend using that in the video, and the links to the parses I include at the end are both with the 1mil module active. For the sake of the video guide itself though, I stuck with 500k because I wanted to keep it short and that's more than enough time to see the rotation in action. I don't seen any reason why the rotation would warp as the fight goes on (until the execute phase).
  19. Giving this a bump and adding the stipulation that if we end up with less than 8 entrants, I'll likely postpone this to some other time.
  20. There's a raccoon that practically lives in my trash can these days. I'd probably eat that.
  21. Totally missed this. But yeah, I think TK is (unfortunately) still the way to go on most fights, though Balance is a lot closer at this point. I actually tried it on the walkers once (our normal bomb runners weren't around that night, so I had to do it) and put up decent numbers. I haven't done any serious parsing in either spec since 3.1.2, but back in January I got 4170 with Balance in mostly 192s, so with improved gear 4.3-4.5 sounds about right. I'm interested in seeing what happens if/when they up Force Suppression to 15 stacks. I might try using Balance on a few of the earlier HM fights to see how it fares, and just for the sake of getting some videos up of Balance in PvE if nothing else.
  22. Congrats Uncharted and Axios! That can be an ugly fight.
  23. Jubilation! In celebration of a joyous Season 4 and the dawn of an exciting new Season 5, the Gree Enclave has bestowed upon me incentive to host a 1v1 dueling tournament, an opportunity to demonstrate the skills you’ve honed these past few months, and put them to the test against other combatants. When: 5pm EST, Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 Where: Aravail’s Temple of Light, Gree Combat Quadrilateral Who: All bipedal sentients of both Republic and Imperial predispositions Entry Fee: 100,000 credits Theme: Gree Exuberance! Make of this what you will. Prizes First Place – Yavin Combat Arena decoration and 25% of all entry fees Second Place – Solus Secant mount and 15% of all entry fees Third Place – 3x Master’s Shadow Packs and 10% of all entry fees The other 50% of entry fees will go to the RoH guild bank. The rules are simple: it will be a standard 1v1, best two out of three, double-elimination tournament. All disciplines and consumables (stims, medpacs, grenades, etc) are permitted. Players will be afforded the time necessary between rounds for cooldowns to reset. In the event that any round persists longer than 5 minutes (e.g. healer v healer), the duel will be called in favor of the combatant with the highest percentage of health at that time. Each player may only enter one character in the tournament. No companions. Characters will be seeded using their solo rating at the end of Season 4; identical ratings or those with no rating will be sorted randomly (as if their rating was 1200). Length of the tournament will depend on the number of participants; if the event has not concluded by 9pm EST and any standing combatant is unable to remain, the tournament will continue the following Saturday at 5pm EST. All combatants must register by sending an in-game mail to Aravail (pubside) or Aradox (impside) with the 100k entry fee and the name of the character being entered. Registrations will be accepted up to the 5pm start time; anyone registering or arriving beyond that time is unlikely to be allowed to participate. QQers will be vaporized, and your tears converted to adrenals for imbuement by the remaining combatants. I will be the sole and irrefutable judge should any issues occur before or during the tournament; QQers, see above. The proceedings will likely be recorded and livestreamed; if you have a problem with this, don't enter. Additionally, the tournament will be making use of a new TeamSpeak server provided by Orig, RoH’s crafting officer, called Jung Ma Ranked (ts123.teamspeak3.com:8947, no password). Participants and spectators are encouraged (though not required) to join us there. The server is already up and running for anyone interested, and everyone on Jung Ma should feel free to use it for coordinating with teammates in Ranked PvP at any time. It has been paid for through the next six months, so it will be available for use throughout the entirety of Season 5 and beyond. If there are any questions or concerns, please post below or poke me in-game. All rules are subject to change at any time. Valedictions, and may your black spheres ever evolve purple parallel!
  24. As it currently stands, you can sort your cargo bays or inventory by Quantity, Quality, Value, or simply Compact. None of these options, however, will sort it so that stacks of the same item (e.g. crafting materials) are next to each other, making it often difficult to find a specific item. The closest you can do is sort by "Value," but even then all crafting materials of the same tier get jumbled up. I'd really like to see a "Sort by Alphabetically" option which would simply sort everything in the bay by, well, alphabetically. That would automatically put all items with the same name next to each other and would make it super easy to find that one crafting material or item you've been looking for. Would be a huge help to those of us with lots of stuff in our cargo bays, and doesn't seem like it would be very difficult to add.
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