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Everything posted by hoantran

  1. keep truckin.... everyone u c, has a story. that's how RnG is. i have quads n triple dups too... but i kept pluggin away and now am full champ n moving to BM stuff....... this is prolly around 90+ bags over 3 weeks.
  2. fighting ur mirror --- is a pain. it takes me forever to kill -- and i've had it when some BH fully healed himself as i was DPS'ing him crazy.... then turned around and kicked me off a ledge. i honestly don't kno how to play a healer -- cause that class is all about kiting... but i worship my healers and ur always MVP when i vote.^^
  3. yea... sorry if u guys feel your class isn't great. .... although, playing a MELEE class is not easy either. playing it well, at least.^^; i'm sure Gunslingers were designed to excel in somekind of role.... i hope so.
  4. for me.... it takes me FOREVER to take down a good healer if they KITE well. i HATE it when they are smart enough to run for help to their team-mates and i cannot 1v1 them. tho, if u were healing me - i d@mn well will do my best to protect you.... healers are the MVPs in my book.!
  5. i don't presume to know who's playing OPs.... but everything takes timing and skill to execute. it maybe that OPs have it easier... i dunno. but i do kill OPs 50% of the time, so i don't see a huge imbalance there either. it just sucks to lay there while u crit away tho.^^;
  6. i brought it up to give me credibility that i am a mature player who works hard at understanding how to PVP in this game. i try to QQ less.
  7. .... i want to keep this thread on track. it seems to be losing it's message. the message is that -- from my POV as a SENT who PVPs often enough.... is that i don't see a GROSS imbalance in classes. i think the reason is Empire has a bigger pool of skilled players to choose from -- and that is why Republic loses many of it's WZ matches.... LET's not mention ILUM cause it's a no brainer that the bigger faction wins there. the ONLY thing i think would help, is if we give our team-mates respect --- EVEN if we think they're idiots.... i "THINK" people are idiots -- but i win more often if i treat them with respect. like i said, putting people down gets u nowhere fast.
  8. i respect ARMY and MARINEs for what they do.... they do a lot more then Air Force, IMO. i'm a hard working enlisted guy.... i'm not here to say my branch is any better. please don't go there.^^ TY, Mieu for helping me on that.^^
  9. ya - i said that i fear OPs.^^; it's always fun fighting one.... and ur class is getting nerfed soon --- so sad.^^*
  10. ya.... stealth and CC.break are lifesavers.^^; PLEASE don't NERF meeeeeeeeeeee.!!
  11. LINK TO MY TOON: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151070179155603.775961.698965602&type=1#!/photo.php?fbid=10151195065655603&set=a.10151070179155603.775961.698965602&type=3&theater and please NITpick that i'm posting from my FB acct..... jesus lord if u do.... LOLz. AND - before i'm flamed for being geared out --- i was killing empire just fine when i was in full CENT gear...... i just PVP so much that i'm able to get my CHAMP gear in line --- and BM gear otw.^^;
  12. ya.... i suffer from the ability delay and scream about it also. all SENT's cry when they do "master strike" and get stuck in that animation --- then see no damage ticking. but this game is new... and so will have bugs to work out like other games. i HATE to say this, but i work around these delays as if they were purposely built into the skill.... ROFL.^^; since i kno my "master strike" is bugged, i ONLY use it when the target is CC'ed by someone else. .... and - when i see the ability STUTTER bug -- i catch it fast enough to know to click the button once and switch to another ability. i don't SPAM it and RAGE MOAR over this bug. NO PLAYER should deal with those issue, but it exists, and all we can do is work around it. ..... just remind urself it's just a game.^^; *cringes for flames*
  13. LOL..... i laugh everytime some dude runs the wrong way. i have torn hair seeing this happen... it just happens and i'm sure empire has it's share of dumb@sses.^^;
  14. yup.... range doesn't scare me.^^* no class should really scare anyone in this game (minus OPs *SORRY*)... but this is just from a SENT's POV.
  15. no.. i hear you on that.^^ the ones that specc' heals makes me cry - it takes FOREVER to kill one if you're lucky enough to fight him/her alone for the full duration.^^;
  16. the point is - there is much QQ'ing and fingerpointing as to classes being more OP on the empire side.... i just don't see that.
  17. i don't see SORCs as OP.... i really don't. i kill them just as easy 1v1. i respect the fact that they CC and RUN when they are losing to me.... that's just the way they're built to play and i can respect that strat.^^
  18. i hear u on that.... but many MMOs have the same issue. there is lag behind melee hits and Range does not suffer from that. i can only speak for the Sentinels and we have enough abilities to close that range. i use to think range would always win out, but not since i've grown into my class.
  19. lol.... i'm not trolling. 50 Sentinel - full champion BM accessories and MH Lightsaber and i work in the Air Force, so have my 9-10hr job... so i'm not some teen at home with time to kill.
  20. i Have WZ to 50 & 62.Valor thru PVP only and here's my take. i am FULLY capable of killing ALL empire classes 1v1... i honeslty laugh and LOOK for 1v1 VS. Sorcs/BHs/Sith. the only challenge i really respect is from an OP and that class is getting nerfed. the dysfunction is because empire has a bigger pool of skilled players - IMO and it makes winning a little harder. but, i win many of my WZs, because all it takes is to treat ur team mates with respect and to guide them with respect... no person wants to be called stupid. i do rage now n then, but i have been humbled to know that most of my wins come from guiding my team with respect and praise for their efforts. i hope my fellow Republic players will see this method used - as QQ n blame really gets u nowhere fast. again - there is no CLASS imbalance.... just population skill pool. and to win, guide people by using respect. thx
  21. but it may have better players since it has a bigger pool....
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