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Everything posted by DasWsup

  1. -give rewards/medals/valor w/e only to those who participate! go ahead and afk! you get nothing in the end. agreed as long as the quest changes too, and the medals are only given based upon a player's work toward the objective you see this can go either way! 1. you leave it as is giving incentive for the players to win 2. if you change it to "get 10 wins" daily can result on afk'ers joining the warzone to only get the WZ done and leave... much like you said they cant make players want to participate. maybe the answer is to leave it the way it is now... win 3 warzones but they must participate to get the update.
  2. everyone is worried that if the afk'ers and the leavers/quitters stop doing warzones the Qeue times will be long. this is making the warzone qeue times shorter for everyone.
  3. since you already quit and unsub i would like to say... good luck to you in the future and thanks for your input! take care!
  4. totally agree! so a few things need to happen here! -give rewards/medals/valor w/e only to those who participate! go ahead and afk! you get nothing in the end. -kick option need 4-5 votes to remove someone from a warzone! -deserter buff - u cant enter for leaving for another 20-30 minutes -add the option to select the warzone you enter. - open cross server warzones!
  5. I'm glad you posted this again so i can Quote it and say "WIN"
  6. hello and welcome... if you just joined us we're talking about warzone leavers and quitters that don't think the next patch should be added cause life isn't fair! here come their stories!
  7. couldn't agree with you more! apparently you CAN'T handle this discussion. or at least yo ucant handle people that disagree with you. so u throw little pot shots in all your posts. the fact still remains that they are putting this patch in cause of quitters like you.
  8. yeah they are putting the next patch because of what i do! riiiight!
  9. I'm afraid you are asking the impossible here.
  10. so whoever disagrees with you has no clue.. gotcha! then BW has no clue they didnt agree with you either and guess what next patch has the answer! good luck with your deserter buff
  11. indeed. I've disconnected maybe 4-5 times since launch and once in a WZ. if you excuse everyone that disconnects that will be the next thing people will abuse. alt+f4 to close the program! remove the cable from your pc, ctrl+alt Del close program. it happens very little. If you DC so much then you shouldn't Qeue up and you should fix your pc problem or contact your isp.
  12. This ^ don't believe him? go ahead and type anything u want on these boards see how far your freedom of speech gets you!
  13. 1. No (on the equal effort), however chances are that players that WILL TRY are going to join the warzones and those who dont care will have much less of chance to join due to deserter buffs. 2. Bioware will solve the afk problem with due time (warnings, 1 day bans, 3 day bans) this is how many mmo's have done it and i dont see it any different here. 3. if you crash ever 10 minutes why are you Qeue'in up for 15 instances? if you crash and get a 15 minute penalty for leaving how does this affect you anyways? you are disconnected and chances are u cant come right back! i do agree that bug fixes need to be addressed for those poor souls who occasionally crash. but personally if i crash (which is almost non existent) 15 minutes isn't game breaking or rage quitting worthy and it only happens 1% of my play time. 4. people will always look for other ways to disrupt others. look in this thread! if it goes live i will afk, if it goes live i will run into the opposing team and not help, if it goes live i will cancel my sub! how about this... if it goes live i get 4 friends Qeue up and play with ppl i like and stop leaving the warzone at the first sign of a loss!
  14. the AFK ban stick is next... don't u worry is this a lot of peoples first mmo? i mean this has happen in at least 3 mmos that i've played!
  15. and that's fine! with the deserter buff chances are i will no longer run into your mentality every match now! now it will be every 4th match! which is good enough for me! which also will make you bored of waiting and instead of 1 hour it will take you 4 hours to do the same damage you did before. all thanks to the deserter buff.
  16. so tell me this.. you don't think there is a problem now? how things are right now! and be honest!
  17. or c) create your own pre-made group! and your problem is solved.. now u dont have to deal with the "bad players" or the "quitters" my point of view may be damaging as u say it could be.. however my playstyle doesn't affect 7 other people in the group!
  18. i dont know if you've noticed but i'm cheering this patch on!... you however are here making excuse as to why this shouldn't be implemented. so who's QQ'ing? and yeah the button was put in. however people like you are abusing it and guess what! BW thinks so too! enjoy your penalty when u quit
  19. then how about you ask for what is needed instead of coming here crying like the rest of the quitters that are upset about the update! have you realized that maybe... just maybe you aren't the problem? i mean seriously if u quit in the very beginning of huttball the game its self has 1:40 to find another player to fill your shoes! THIS ISN'T THE PROBLEM!.. the problem are the idiots leaving their team high and dry after 2-3 minutes of the warzone start. so the deserter buff shouldn't affect you. and hopefully they will add the "choose warzone" feature in the future. take your blinders off.
  20. then quit huttball like you say you will and enjoy your penalty! ps. <this is where you threaten to cancel your sub>
  21. it is a funny read though! especially those who are looking for ways around to doing the simple warzone! but but but i'll go afk...but but but i'll go and do nothing instead of afk'ing. or the best one! I'M GOING TO CANCEL MY SUB!!!!
  22. yeah cause everyone in BW owes you something! how about play what you get or don't play at all and stop F****ing it for the rest of us? that me me me attitude is for single player games.
  23. See what i mean about people trying their hardest to do what they are not supposed to do? i mean seriously you are looking for ways to do what you are not supposed to! congrats you just proved all the "buts" and "ifs" to make you look like a total a**hat.
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