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  1. DEV: with all the changes that can be made to the UI it's self , on top of the fact skills have to be swapped out often for pvp etc. Could consideration be made into making this task less time consuming for everyone not just the visually impaired.
  2. there is an option to right click on the tab in question , unfortunately it will most likely not be large enough for your roommate. If you want you can make the fonts for windows and chat even larger the problem is that it will make other windows namely "Map" not fit correctly . The UI i made has it as large as it can get with out messing with the cut scenes . That being said if you want you can use the global scale option and increase to what he needs to read cuts and label the profile as such , then just swap back and forth as needed.
  3. I took OddBall's advice and made a UI layout. http://www.uicantina.com/browseUI.aspx?ui=63 DEV: a alpha hoverover feature for windows would be a great addition to what is turning out to a great UI, out and in combat alpha triggers would nice as well .
  4. lol nice catch man thank you very much
  5. wow thank you for that . I will
  6. DEV: I have been playing every class in pvp and the only that really seems to a pain with limited field of view is the dual wielding classes. Could a pronounce flash or audio clue be added please.
  7. thank you for the tip and no my vision is about 20/200 with limited field of view , dont take pitty thou i get tops now and then and ussuallly sit in the top 4 of pvp . II would like to even have a guild for those of us out there lol
  8. DEV: i just got done with some pvp. I find a bit taxing to have to rely on animation and target castbar to tell my enemy class when everone else with good eyes can simply look at the icon . I wouldn't not normally complain about this cause it's a easy mode feature but if everyone else has so should us with limited sight, addtionally I am greatful for the UI templates . Could be a feature that remembers skill placement as well. Finally nameplates really need color edit features ... please
  9. tip : UI adjustment when setting up the ui for low vision users or anyone for that matter . I would suggests starting with the global scale adjustment . Using this feature will allow an easier means of keeping unity will still tweaking what is needed. PVP tends to run emotions high for me at least having limit field of view it's a pain finding what is relevant and what is not , additionally i have notice low vision user change viewing distance often. I would suggest to train yourself not in pvp ex specially find a nice relaxed distance for eyes and keep it. BE jedi and center your calm
  10. DEV: I would like to thank bio for the hard work they have put in to ensure this game is accessible to everyone. I would like to see some more additional tweaks to the UI. 1. The class icon in the nameplate could perhaps have a scaling option ? 2. It still not possible to change colors of nameplates If I have missed something that is important to low vision play please post .
  11. The title says it all this could remady alot of issues for folks . A icon marker for only your use might be handy as well . That shared feature is glitchy at times but can help track down your friends
  12. I hope they do do something for color blindness . it would not be all that hard at all . it is a minor thing you say to them, I say the fix is really minor they could have a small group dedicated to "minor" issues like this .. I hope thank you all for the imput and positivity
  13. as a person with low vsion . I have noticed that having all the UI info up is not always the best way to enjoy the game. I would suggests prioritizing what's really important to your play style and removing what is not needed or to much of a pain to track . Chat box being the a huge pain to follow but you can not just get rid of it. have a loader ding for tells would be nice and even adding a sound for party chat would help . Really the best tool we have is voice chat . Apps like vent really help tons. hosting is cheap these days I have a 10 user server and pay only 3.00 bucks monthly. Now then gaming devices. There are tons of apps out there that let you set a controler to do anything you want. Finding a device that make you feel good is the most important part. Setting up these devices are a pain but once done with your personal logic in mind they allow you to do many things with out look down at all or even using the pointer for the most part (big speed boost) . I have mine setup so I can go thru 3 bars run 10 of the their slots, assist target and select any four party members at will, a few other things as well. Finding a device you like with the right software will free you up more to enjoy things.
  14. SeteshXLII has a great point . The fact there is no pause really makes it rough . I would bet that even fully sighted folks have issues at times. I would like to add to this with an additional feature . a video log of past encounters and conversations. No extra points add or changes but a living diary. Hmm maybe that crap camera you go for screenshots could serve as starter for this feature. your friend you mentioned is there anything we could help him with ?
  15. thanks for the support man. I hope there is not a need for this thread but there is more out there other then me I hope it helps them
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