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Everything posted by TheFox_ReDux

  1. Didn't you know this thread is the official resume and skills showcase site for all future BioWare employees?
  2. You got the magic 10,000th post. Pat yourself on the back when you get a chance.
  3. Does this silly thing lock automatically at 10,000 or are we shooting for 20,000. I don't know about this.
  4. Only a true almost maybe master of procrastination procrastinates sleep. I'll welcome you tomorrow.
  5. A couch on the wrong side of the room close to a door what a note to move it?
  6. HE'S WORKING ON IT! Man, this community is a bunch of slave drivers.
  7. Myabe Bio will let us design it and place it in the game. We might have it in place by the closing event.
  8. I'd like to put together a December Dawn guild (Republic PVP or RP PVP)
  9. Crap, i better stop posting then. I'll get around to that.
  10. PvP = Player vs. Player servers so you can get attacked randomly by other players PvE = Player vs. Computer so no players attack you just the computer generated mobs.
  11. I'll get around to deciding that next week sometime. Seriously, no clue. I want a PVP server but Im leaning toward an RP PVP, haven't decided yet.
  12. Hey, its my first post in 3 almost 4 years of being registered. How's that for procrastination.... oh, I dont have sig, maybe after the Catacolonic Zombie Acopolypse of 2012 I'll get around to that. Thinking of starting a guild called December Dawn, anyone interested?
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