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Everything posted by Lent_San

  1. Coruscant and Dromund Kaas have been mentioned. Also, another ship on the fleet. It's really the smallest problem in an MMO to actually 'create' space. Well, do explore this thread for ideas people have brought up that defy the idea housing is about what you described. Don't be lazy. Also, what's 'necessary' is always debatable. For me PvP isn't necessary, since I'm not playing it.
  2. It's not there's too many of them, it's just that fighting them is always the same. I basically use three keys to defeat them and do my taxes at the same time. There needs to be more variety, different fighting styles and different mobs in the same place, not just the same three guys over and over again, with one golden and one silver thrown in for good measure. Variety is the key word here.
  3. I realize there are female writers on the team, at least I know of one, but it feels like she was employed to "write for the ladies" and her Consular storyline is a little sappy and boring. No offense, please don't misunderstand, but a little more spunk for the girls in the game would be good. It isn't even about the writing itself, but the game content gravitates heavily towards "guy stuff". David Gaider himself has bemoaned that game companies treat 47% of gamers (the percentage of female gamers) as "added bonus" and it seems BW Austin could take a page out of his book and learn from the guy. Too bad he's not on the SWTOR team. I really do like Hal Hood though. His female companions kick ***. But back on topic. I do like SWTOR, but to be honest, in the quest, FP, WZ, OPs department, it has a lot in common with other MMOs. Some even feel nicer to play in this respect. Story content and romance content in SWTOR is what would make me stick around though, as this is something that no other MMO has. We just need some changes to make the existing content more worthwhile.
  4. I think in general we need a lot more ability to interact with our environment. Housing could be a step but cantinas, game halls, social places really all belong in that category. I mentioned elsewhere that because BW were criticized to have created a single-player game with some MMO elements with SWTOR, they seemingly overreacted and afterwards made most of the implemented content multi-player compatible. But multi-player isn't necessarily what makes an MMO. We need social spaces and housing really does belong in that category.
  5. I'd dig Pazaak but some other mini-games that are all over the place would be awesome as well. And really, more events with great questlines - maybe my biggest pet peeve. But I guess that's for another topic.
  6. He IS good-looking. He's the only of my companions I downright refuse to use a customization on. I know, right? I heard some people comment they didn't like the way he behaves around the ladies (too protective) but he's awesome with my smuggler guy. If there was only one I could choose, it would be him. I do like the DocStache. But you could still customize him, I suppose.
  7. He may be a douche but if my Jedi (male or female) is into douches, why not? Not pretending I understand all the fuss about female companions. Can't really tell the difference between most of them. Whatever (or whomever) rocks your boat though, go for it, I'd say.
  8. Did I mention Corso? (... I know I did).... -.- He's kind of like in a bromance with my Smuggler guy already, so it wouldn't be that far-fetched.
  9. Here' an interesting thread on player housing with many, many great suggestions: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5946006#post5946006 I really like a lot of the ideas that were posted there.
  10. Someone in another thread brought up social halls on a separate ship on the fleet for social activities to take place. I really like that idea. Maybe, if that could be taken to a planet instead to the fleet, this could also be connected with intanced player housing from there. It would make for some busy, burling center of activities outside the fleet.
  11. The Smuggler can use Stealth while engaged. This is Rep side though.
  12. Yeah, Tharan would work I guess, but he's such an oddball. My fem Consular grew to dislike him.
  13. Companions don't hit on you. You hit on them first. But that's off-topic, really.
  14. Well, he'd hardly be ruined. I wouldn't even think you'd notice a change since only m/m inclined players like myself would see a difference. I could totally see the man as bi. Just a suggestion though.
  15. On second thought, I'd like to add that eventually I'd like to see all romanceable companions become available for SGR. That way we can all have our favorites (differing from player to player, I'm sure) and no-one feels left out.
  16. Pretty much all of this and more, really. People have criticized BW for basically creating a single-player game with some MMO features when it first came out. They pretty much overreacted in the aftermath by making virtually most of new content multi-player compatible, still forgetting implementation of social stuff which is also needed in this game. This game really lacks in this respect, which is a shame.
  17. I have to agree with both of you. I do like the fact that they've put in romances in the first place, though I would have appreciated, had they implemented SGR from the start. They could have done a lot more with the romances in general though, other than cramming in a few convos inbetween quests. Sometimes, with all the stuff we're seeing in game, it almost seems to me that our devs are most probably 99% male and do forget that there's also a female fanbase for this game, and a Bioware fanbase that likes the story content to be expanded upon. Not saying that males don't enjoy romances, but it seems that romance is still largely viewed as "stuff for girls" and hence largely neglected in this game, development-wise. Which is a shame. I'd like questlines that are romance-based. I think markcymru really has a point here. Sometimes playing this game simply feels a little stale. There's war, more war, some fights, a few flirts and war again. I kind of miss the vibe of other Bioware games where romance kind of used to be a recurring theme, something that was encompassing and complementing the main story line with cutscenes before or after main, important story focal points. I wished they'd do more in this direction, with new or old companions and of course those NPCs we talked about earlier.
  18. Corso. Hardly a surprise, considering my sig. Doc would be awesome too.
  19. If you don't get the 'need for social things', as you say, even after reading the OPs lenghty and eloquent explanation, I guess this is not a topic for you. As for OP, 10/10. Couldn't have said it any better. This game lacks aeons in this respect.
  20. Ok, stop doing this, or I'll eventually get disappointed with the options we will be getting in game.
  21. My english is decent and while I have no problem with it, why should people be forced to communicate in a different language to the one they play their game in? Heck, why have dubs in the first place? I played ME in german and english, and to be honest, the german dub seemed way more professional than the english original. I guess they like the revenue from european players, but don't wanna pay for their support. That's irritating.
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