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Posts posted by Pinworms

  1. game is too easy= most likely lvl 30 player that obviously hasn't done any hm battle of illum or hard or nightmare mode operations.


    yes, some hard modes are easy but that's probably because the group is geared and experienced.


    Um no. We are 10/10 Nightmare operations. Full cleared at 2.5 weeks of raiding with many wearing pvp gear/columni and nobody with full rakata.


    The "challenge" in this game are the numerous bugs and poorly designed RNG, especially on Soa.


    Our guild has like 2-3 people on usually. Then on raiding evenings, we get 8 ppl on, we do our raid, and then its "bye, see you Tuesday on the reset!"

  2. I wish I had a lot of free time. I have a good mix of mostly Rakata and Columi gear. Too bad it all looks the same though. I just wish operations were more like old school WoW. Like you had to have the guild equipped with fire resist before you attempted MC. Then you had to gear everyone in MC gear before you attempted BWL. You couldn't just decide to do BWL on a whim, you had to prepare for it. It made clearing it feel special. My guild just cleared both operations 16 HC in two nights and it was our first try at the new one.


    Oh god, farming sets of resist gear was so horrible.

  3. I agree with most of your points.


    I'm not with you on Orbital Strike. I think it's quite useful as an area-denial tool. I always use it on doors in Voidstar or the turrets in Civil War. If I pop a trinket, it also gives me the 2.5k damage medal. In fact, I would submit that our most useful set bonus may be the extra tic on Orbital Strike.


    I am focused on PvP, of course. I have no idea how useful it is in Ops.


    Yea Orb Strike is pretty good. Its no Death from Above, but it still has its uses. Though I think the +15% crit to backstab is better than 1 tick of orb strike...

  4. I've done full clears of 8 man Nightmare EV and KP. I haven't run into problems besides the Soa fight, where sometimes bad ball spawns are annoying. The Council fight I really have no trouble at all, and I'm taking on the highest hp mob. Annihilation droid I've had zero issues with hitbox, and the volleys don't hit hard enough so that my slow running affects much (besides I can toss heals when I get around the pillar).
  5. The dps is fine. But if I pump out roughly equal dps to a ranged class, why bring me instead of a ranged (assuming you have an op healer for the buff). I take more damage as a melee, am more squishy than anyone else, my aoe sucks, and have no closer. I guess the good news is that nothing currently in the game pve is all that hard.
  6. I approve of this.


    Also - does anyone ever use infiltrate? I see no use whatsoever for it, at least in PVP currently. It would be cool if it could used while you are already in stealth or could be used in combat to "shield" allies close to you. I guess my point is, why does it take us so many points in the tree (escape plan) to invest in a 1min cooldown on a pretty much useless skill? Sure the CD reduce on shield probe is decent, but I feel this skill could use a boost, being so high up in the tree.


    I use infiltrate several times each wz. Not for the grp stealth, but to get a restealth when normal stealth is on cd. Sometimes you jump someone and kill then in a few secs (esp if they were low hp). Rather than run around out of stealth until its off cd, use infiltrate. Just be careful your huttball carrier is not out of combat and nearby.

  7. I have a Battlemaster/Rakata geared Op, cleared everything in 8man Nightmare EV and KP. We do 8 mans with 2 operatives (myself as dps, and an operative healer). I've been both concealment and lethality.


    I'm still curious why everyone says Ops pve is terrible. Without dps meters or even a combat log, what are you basing this on? I've been watching pve videos of other classes and have been paying particular attention to the damage they dish out, and I think I'm able to keep up. Can't tell for sure until dps meters, but it just seems like everyones saying "Op dps is terrible" without providing any solid numbers or information. I have a 50 Arsenal Merc too, and I can tell it probably does do more damage, but not to the order of magnitude many people seem to claim.


    The thing about running operations that has me concerned is our survivability and utility, not our damage. We lack many defensive cooldowns that other classes have, that make the healers have to put in a bit of extra effort. There are fights that all melee classes have extra problems.

  8. You might as well post in the merc forums.


    As of post nerf there's no reason what so ever to bring a operative for anything other then support healing to a raid. No reason. Waste of space. Operative is subpar to other classes in pve in every single aspect=p


    What you are facing is our lack of sustained dps. At gcd8 + our dps nosedives and you are forced to use lowdps / inefficient attacks that will drain your energy and not provide you with ta. Rendering you totally useless if you go all out on the fillers. lulz


    Raiding in this game is not difficult enough so that certain classes need to be excluded (this includes Nightmare mode). In fact, the burst we provide is very useful in certain boss encounters such as Soa phase 3 where its all about burst. Energy management as a conceal op really isn't a problem (you most have to worry about it if you're lethality).


    Its hard to tell without dps meters, but I don't think op damage is really lagging that far behind. I've watched other class raiding videos and think I do comparable damage. Also in the Infernal Council fight where everyone fights 1v1, I can't use backstab or acid blade besides in the opener, but I finish the fight against the highest hp mob well before the enrage timer.


    To answer the original question, your rotation looks fine...the concealment op's rotation is pretty darn easy. If you're doing acid blade for every backstab, I doubt you will have enough energy for Overload shots. I hardly ever use Overload shot because of the energy drain. I find that Incisive Action to be a great skill to have when raiding because it lets you have stim boost, and 2 TA's up at the start of the fight, and there are some bosses where your offheals can make a big difference.

  9. why are u putting 2 point into incisive action (-0.5s on kolto injection)

    if u are doing pve? :confused:


    Incisive action can actually be pretty useful in pve. Lets you start pulls with two TA's and stim boost already up. There are also several fights in operations where your offheals can be extremely useful (Soa, Foreman Crusher, etc), at least in Nightmare

  10. 8 or 16 man?


    8 man Nightmare mode. 1 op dps (myself) and 1 op healer.


    And TBH I watch videos of other dps classes in PVE raids and it doesn't really seem like our dps is super low in comparison or anything like that. Its hard to judge since most of the fight I can't see the numbers appear over the bosses head since I'm looking at his lower half.

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