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Posts posted by Aximand

  1. from all the prices i listed above 35mill sounds like a good estimate


    where not talking about weather you like the film where talking about cost, lol funny guy nothing productive to say change the subject love it


    The length and difficulty of integrating live-action into CGI definitely effects how much its going to cost. My opinion on what the final product was is irrelevant, but I gave it anyway. And the Avatar numbers don't actually support your position, it was 2.85 hours long and didn't even reach 285 million. Your million per-minute numbers are wrong just from that.

  2. its estimated BW paid around 35 mill for the 16 min of animation blur has done for them

    toy story 3 cost 200mill Running time 91 minutes


    monsters inc 115 million Running time 92 minutes


    bee movie $115 million Running time 91 minutes


    shrek 4 $135–$165 million Running time 92 minutes


    do some reserch before you run your mouth mate


    EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe6m0CknwfA look at the processing power needed plus the talent need to make them then you understand why


    EDIT 2: how could i forget avatar $237 million $9 million+ (re-release) 162 minutes 171 minutes (re-release)


    Unless they come out and SAY that they spent that money on animation, any speculation on how much it cost is absolutely useless. And as for Avatar, that was a three hour special effects/Live Action blend disaster.

  3. Palpatine surpasses any Sith by so much its ridiculous.


    He made a Force Storm that consumed planets and ripped the vacuum of space.


    That alone should convince everyone that No One except Luke and Abeloth can come close to Sidious.


    And he has got a ton of other more astonishing abilites. Like Force Lightning that rips surfaces of planets or the fact that he was immortal and could put his spirit into empty bodies after he died.


    Don't leave out the fact that when he visited Korriban the spirits of the Ancient Sith Lords bowed down and acknowledged him as superior.

  4. care to elaborate


    they charge around a mill per min to make


    and it takes them the same amount of time for them to make one of those 5min films as it does for a feature film to be made


    the said it them selves it would cost to much and take to long so we wont be making feature length films


    TOR, the biggest multi-media project in Star Wars history didn't even cost $150 million (this includes the three trailers from Blur), there's absolutely no way a 1.5 hour CGI feature film would cost more than this game took to make.


    And a million dollars per minute? Are you ******** me? No one could get away with that business plan for animation.

  5. 1. Michael A. Stackpole

    2. Aaron Allston

    3. Tim Zahn


    X-Wing series FTW! Dark Horse comics AND novels.

    Zahn comes in a very close third. Also, we KNOW he wasn't happy about what The Witch With a Capital B did to Mara.


    Basically this except they're all tied for first.

  6. Revan in 6 moves. Vader doesn't have Revan's tactical and strategic experience.


    Now, for a match between Chess masters, go with Revan vs. Thrawn. :D


    Vader does have about three years of experience in leading clones into battle and later almost two decades leading Imperial Stormtroopers and Fleets. He was Jedi General Skywalker for a reason, after all.


    Revan's tactical experience can be summed up in "beating the Mandalorians with their own tactics but much larger numbers". And before anyone brings up his assault on the Republic, he pretty much had unlimited hardware (which was superior to the Republic's) because of the Star Forge and that was after he'd hijacked a third of their military, after the Republic had fought a brutal war repelling the Mandalorians. He was like a lion pouncing on a wounded, sickly gazelle. Not that impressive.


    But this is all moot anyway, Vader has a much deeper connection to the Force therefore he wins by default.

  7. I just imagined her writing about a super secretive IG unit comissioned by the Inquisition that is solely to take on Greater Daemons, with Grey Knights holding their spare ammo incase they need to dramatically reload... <shudders>


    Matt Ward and C.S. Goto already do enough damage, we don't need Karen "Talifan" Traviss running amok as well.

  8. *Snip*


    Yes, because anyone that has an opinion that says otherwise is obviously a liar that never played SWG.


    People like you are where pretty much all the bad press for this game comes from. Can't let go of the past and move on.

  9. Jedi is only a title. Sith is only a title. You can be one or the other or neither. I feel like Revan was a combo of the two. A Jedi cannot use the force in it's purest form because he/she will not use the darkside. Vice-versa for the Sith. Revan is not a Jedi or a Sith. He's the bridge between the two.


    The difference is way, way bigger than you seem to think. Where's Walsh when you need him?

  10. Like we need to guess.


    Oh and here is something for some SERIOUS lols:


    Me: When writing the novel 'Revan', exactly what process did you go through

    with the Exile? or rather Meetra Surik as we now know. I know a lot of

    disheartened Exile fans who felt rather cheated by the ending of the novel

    and the very small appearances made by her in SWTOR.

    We knew a few things about the Exile's past, her as a person and we even know, thanks to some source-books her powers: Force Whirlwind, Sever Force, Force Enlightenment, etc.... I am just wondering how come her truly canon powers never made any appearance in the novel and also why you seemed to make Revan out as the more powerful of the two, despite him being in a weakened state. Thanks.



    DK: One thing to keep in mind is that powers as depicted in a video game don't

    translate well to novels or film - an author has to take artisitic license

    with things to make them fit the medium.


    Beyond this, I don't really know what to tell you. I'm not even sure what

    powers you're referring to specifically. In any case, I don't like to get

    into arguments or defenses of my work via e-mail - the work stands on it's

    own. I did what I did because I felt it was right for the project I was

    working on. Some people accept that, others don't - not much I can do to

    change people's minds.


    I do talk about the fan reaction to Revan in a number of my older blog

    posts - go back to the stuff around the time the novel came out if you

    really want to see my opinions on it.




    So anyone who had doubts about whether he'd actually done any research on the Exile to a meaningful standard....


    In other words, he has no excuse and he didn't do any research at all as to the characters he was going to write about other than Revan. Gee... where have we seen that before...?

  11. The only reason I may read it, is because of Gnost Dural... I liked his voice in the timeline videos..



    But undoubtedly the Publisher Summary is only half the book and the other half will be Drew talking about how awesome he thinks Revan is..



    *cough* Path of Destruction *cough* *cough*


    Wouldn't shock me in the slightest.

  12. So your saying that just because other people have tried something and failed that makes it impossible? Lol nice logic regardless of what you think or what other sources have said you can use both sides of the force as Revan did. And so your saying someone who was a Jedi master and then the dark lord of the sith and then a Jedi master again hasn't mastered both sides of the force? And there's no use arguing about if he's dead or not it's obvious they made him disappear in a flash of light and not leave a body so they could bring him back later if they wanted to


    Revan was never a Jedi Master, for one, and for two, I'm not saying that because other people couldn't do it that Revan couldn't, I'm saying (since it seems you completely ignored my other post) that Drew directly contradicts other C-Canon sources, and multiple G-Canon sources (the movie novelizations most prominently), therefore Revan utilizing both sides of the Force simultaneously is in all actuality N-Canon. Its not possible with how The Force is currently described as working.


    To draw upon the Light Side you need to be at peace with yourself, and harness your emotions and not let them control you, to draw upon the Dark Side you need to use your emotions to drive the Force. Unless Revan is completely bat-**** insane during that fight (completely probable now that I think about it), he literally cannot be at peace and have roiling emotions at the same time, its a direct contradiction of the human psyche and how the opposite sides of the Force are utilized. It just does not work (hence the previous experimenter's brain melting).

  13. I always viewed Boba Fett as "The guy in cool armor who was not nearly as awesome as he made himself out to be." I think mandalorians are overused. They're the Wolverine of Star Wars--they're everywhere, and they're just not that awesome.


    I think the new game 1313 is going to be a cover shooter, though, but it's based around a bounty hunter and not a Mandalorian. A bounty hunter that's not a Mandalorian. I know, right? Who'da thunk it?


    Which is freaking awesome, if I do say so myself.

  14. You can hate and respect someone at the same time.


    You really seem obsesed with Traviss TBH.


    She comes up a lot in these conversations because she re-wrote so much of the Mandalorian culture to her personal perspective. At no point (that I can recall) prior to Karen Traviss did the Mandalorians have anything but respect for the Jedi and their combat prowess. Once Ms. Talifan started writing, all of a sudden all they were good for was getting jars open and they were regularly referred to as the "Bathrobe Brigade".


    The point being, she is an extremely biased source for anything regarding the Jedi and the Mandalorians, and her personal view is pretty obvious in all of her characterizations and character interactions.

  15. Spoiler for Knights of the Old Republic: War comic book series follows:


    A group of Jedi defect to the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars. They are not extremely liked, as the Mandalorians tend to hate the Jedi at worst and, at best, view them as a worthy opponent rather than an ally. Still, a Jedi who identifies with the Mandalorian ideals is not unheard of.


    I think it was in Revelation (a Traviss book) where Jaina was told that a force-sensitive Mandalorian would be useful only for getting something off the top shelf. I can't find the exact quote anymore, as I've lost the link to the review I read of it. Still, it was suitably derogatory and insulting to Jedi, in true Karen Traviss fashion.


    You really can't take Karen Traviss' take on these things seriously. Before she came along, Mandalorians respected the Jedi as worthy opponents, and didn't hate them at all. She pretty much re-wrote the entire Mandalorian culture into a Jedi Hategroup.

  16. i hate the cannon system, seriously its so awful. it really should be like this


    star wars logo - star wars product


    no star wars logo - not a star wars product


    that being said i found it silly revan using light and dark at the same time, but then again i found it silly luke using dark and light at the same time, one minute being trained in the light by yoda and having cosy little force chats with obi-wan, the next minute force choking ppl in jabbas palace


    silly, but still cannon


    I actually think he did that before the aspects of the Force were really set in stone, so it was less of an issue back then. That being said, he didn't use them at the same time, Drew tried to make it so that Revan channeled both sides of the Force simultaneously, which is impossible. There's actually Canon sources that have people trying that before, and their brains basically melted. Drew's problem, as I see it, is that all of his characters have to be the specialist snowflakes in the blizzard. Almost to the same degree as Karen Traviss.


    As for your comments on the Canon system, it actually keeps things extremely orderly and makes the timeline extremely easy to follow, which is its greatest strength. The best part about it is that, unlike other franchises (Star Trek), Star Wars only has ONE time line, instead of a multitude of alternate realities. Once you understand just HOW the Canon system works, it makes perfect and absolute sense.


    Also: look up the Star Wars Infinities label.

  17. Regardless if it contradicts everything in lore it is canon and you can't argue against it he was a master of both light and dark done nothing else to say about it complain to the writer. He could heal himself and he could use force lightning both of those are canon and he used both multiple times.


    Because it directly contradicts G-Canon sources it is in fact N-Canon. A lot of people don't seem to realize this, but excerpts from novels that are C-Canon can in fact be N-Canon. For example, the Clone Madness in the Heir to the Empire series is N-Canon, yet the events of the books are C-Canon. Revan drawing upon both sides of the Force at the same time is unquestionably N-Canon because of previously established C and G-Canon sources.

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