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Everything posted by SenaZane

  1. While we wait you should watch this awesome video of a bird imitating R2D2 https://www.facebook.com/disturbreality/videos/876033252440753/
  2. Probably because someone shot the Harbinger hamster or something. An entire server being down is kind of more important when people can still play the game technically... I hope that they are up tomorrow if not by the end of this evening.
  3. Is there any ETA yet? I know it was the weekend and nothing was happening then, but I really need to move another character to my vacation server.
  4. To be fair most RPers hide in the cantinas and their strongholds so it really wouldn't be a problem. People on RP servers who PvP dont bring RP into warzones and arenas. Any RP PvP generally happens in duels so I only see it being a problem when some of the choice individuals on our server start trouble. Even then it would only affect fleet chat which is pretty bad most of the time anyways so I say bring on Jung Ma too... They are hurting.
  5. I will ask a question in return friend... Does 1 commendation really matter that much to you? Good job you are playing the game like you are supposed to. You shouldn't NEED to be rewarded for doing what you are supposed to.
  6. SenaZane

    POT5 dead

    I think it is laughable to say there are "closed circles" on POT5 when all anyone wants is people to play with/against. Any TRUE hostility is imagined by the individuals who feel targeted minus a few very rare cases (and trust me on this because I am sometimes said target but I definitely get along with most of the server.) Every server has pretty much the same environment and the same problems as POT5. My guilds' GM had to have spent like 300 bucks trying to find a good server only to settle on the shiniest of the turd piles he was given. Imagine being on a PVE server where it is so dead that you never have enough people to do ANY end game content whatsoever. Then you hop servers over and over and spend a crapton of money trying to find greener pastures only to realize things are the same everywhere. It is foolish to sit there and just hope and pray day in and day out, hoping that one day the issue it fixes itself and not say a word on the forums where people in charge can see. Can't you see that PvPers WANT the game to succeed? They WANT to give Bioware their money, but not if they cant do what they came to the game to do which is PvP. Merges would help PvP drastically given the current state of things, and trying to argue it is as foolish as sitting there hoping the issue is going to fix itself magically.
  7. Nobody knows. You should know this by now dearheart.
  8. http://www.twitch.tv/purplesprinkles I am awful and rarely if ever stream. Oh and the things I stream are rarely swtor.
  9. I was referring to the derailment. I happen to know the individuals derailing the thread and YES these are attacks. OP should know better than to give these folks fodder. That is not the issue though. I am simply pointing out that ANY post with any kind of feedback is hard to look at when 99% of it is people with egos the size of the universe arguing over everything BUT the topic at hand.
  10. It is no wonder that the people at SWTOR can't take anyone in the PvP community seriously. I mean, you guys seem to turn even the most benign posts into flame wars because you "don't like the OP". I mean heck, you can even agree with the OP on all counts and still turn a thread into a pile of rubbish if you hate the person. It is very easy to miss the point of a thread when after the OP's post it becomes a bunch of "You suck." or "You win trade" or whatever South Park mob sounding ridiculousness you guys prattle on about. Yet you all wonder why NOTHING GETS DONE ABOUT IT... When a dev or whoever reads this, all they will see is "Oh god another post turned into a flame fest." and lose sight of any of the constructive feedback given because it gets lost in everyone whining about eachother. P.S. I am not getting any of these titles (I think) and even I feel sorry for whoever gets them. There is almost no creativity to it. I dunno if they thought the titles were "cute" or "funny" but they suck. It just further increases my apathy toward the competitive scene.
  11. P.S. I wouldn't dare go into NiM ops in full PvP gear cause I am not stupid. It is just an apt analogy.
  12. I feel like if you are trying to take advantage of end of season rewards for the PvPers who are clearly there to be competitive and you cant even take the couple hours it takes to grind out full obroan (not even min maxed all that matters is expertise here) then you don't deserve the end of season rewards. Those rewards are for the people who enjoy the competitive aspect of PvP and if you dont even have a basic set of gear, then you clearly aren't that competitive. That is like me doing NiM ops in full pvp gear and expecting the Wings of the Architect to be handed to me.
  13. Don't you mean MY stronghold Pistols? Last I checked you were using my stronghold to crash <3
  14. As an administrator of Copperfield's home server's Facebook page, thus being a person of power, I feel like I am entitled to post in this thread. Not only do I wish for a higher decor cap, I wish for the removal of the NPC limit on strongholds so that I might also have a menagerie in my stronghold. I am not joking about this either. I legitimately want it to happen.
  15. I cordially challenge the people on the SWTOR team at BW Austin to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
  16. SenaZane

    have had enough.

    As a person who rides solo and also sometimes runs in a group, I can honestly say being in a group has little to no effect unless you get that off chance of an arena. Some people just cant be carried no matter how good you or the people you play with are. If that sounds elitist I am sorry but that is the truth. I feel bad when I play toons I know I suck on because I know I am dragging the team down a bit. If half of a team is running around like chickens with their heads cut off, you won't win. Furthermore, there have been times the premades have been just awful and instead of trying to work with the PUGS, they do/say nothing because they are in comms and think they don't need the rest of the team when SHOCKER... THEY DO. And the best part is when their half of the team ragequits because the pugs are "bad" when you can't always tell what is going on out in Timbuktu where your premade is. Premades are not the problem and have never been the problem. Communication in /ops is the solution to any of the anti-premade arguments I have seen thus far. If PUGs refuse to communicate with a team that is on them and not the fault of the premade you are against. Is it easier with comms? Yes, but /ops is just as effective for calling "x south" or "x pylon" as saying it in comms.
  17. Hi friends. I see that these "get rid of premade" threads are still out in full force. Let us take a moment to consider that these threads have existed since launch. During that time, no dev posts have been made. (at least on the numerous posts I have viewed.... and they are indeed numerous) No changes have been made to adjust how quest work outside of adding ranked queues. Take these facts into consideration and I am sure that regardless of your side of the argument, one can deduce that no matter how many complaints or posts are made, the way the queue works will not change. Is it crappy when you lose? Yeah, no one likes losing. Premades still have 4 other people to worry about though and sometimes, no backpack is big enough to carry those four. One can even argue that having PUGs is a problem if you want to look at the other side of the coin. Not everyone wants to do ranked, so these premades queue for regs. The PUGs do not know when you are using a whirlwind or CCing someone and will break the CC making it harder to win. They don't know all the plans and communications going on in comms if you are the kind of folks to use comms. I never see premades arguing about how having PUGs causes them to lose though, at least not seriously on a forum trying to get PUGs removed from WZs. Smack talk happens on fleet so I can't say they don't complain at all. I am not saying "do away with PUGs". I am simply playing devils advocate here to show you two sides here. As I said I am fairly certain no amount of arguing or posting about the matter will change it.
  18. Aren't a lot of games rated T for Teen or higher and younger kids still play them?
  19. You're funny. Normally it is the chicks who are all about the eRP that are the men irl.
  20. That is the trouble with you boys, you think with one head and the other starts going along with it.
  21. Wouldn't you like to know? It is a shame you never will, 'cause NO eRP. Now run away like the rest of them
  22. In before Heckdaddy ends up with 2 black eyes, a missing limb, and amnesia.
  23. Are you willing to suffer a terrible fate if you try anything stupid?
  24. People who run away when you tell them "No eRP." People who think because they are always IC, everyone else should be and get mad at you when you aren't. I am cool if you are, but that is not my thing. RPers who cannot answer simple OOC queries put IN brackets without getting uppity, shooing you away or pointing the way to an OOC channel. I am talking IN BRACKETS like {{"Is this an open channel for anyone who would like to RP?}} or {{Hey do you mind if I join in, or is this closed?}} The first one legitimately happened to me. I had accidentally joined the RP channel imp side while trying to create one and have been watching for awhile and I decided to ask today if it was open just like I did here... Then once I was properly informed I said {{Thank you for that information.}} and got pointed to the OOC channel. That pretty much covers it for me.
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