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Everything posted by gwoger

  1. I've noticed this lately as well - and also with Kaliyo.
  2. I'm not completely sure about the speed numbers. Some folks on torhead were debating it with math. I'm not totally sure which one is correct. http://www.torhead.com/ability/a7DVOmk/infiltrator
  3. Well first off, the Infiltrator skill is only 2 points not 3 (it's 7.5/15 and 1/2 now). Your stealth level is basically how good you are at stealth. So increasing your stealth level means you could potentially get closer to enemies without being detected. This stealth level buff would stack with the skill Shadow Operative Elite which also increases your stealth level. Stealth DETECTION level, like on the skill Scouting, is how good you are at seeing through an enemy's stealth. Scouting is basically a PVP skill. Hope that clears it up for you.
  4. Thank you for that excellent explanation. It's very clear now. I hadn't actually noticed the arrows before - I'll keep an eye on them now. This will be my first non-force character so it's all new.
  5. Hi all, I just started a Trooper and I plan on going Gunnery Commando. I'm not going to bore you with yet another question about what build should I use or what's my rotation... I'm wondering about ammo regen. I read something about managing it and how some abilities affect it but didn't really understand. Could someone please explain this? Thanks very much.
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