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Everything posted by Partyrockk

  1. Fair enough.. what class do you play that does not require queuing non damage skills ever 5-10 seconds. Curious. Cause you can't see if those are ready, without stopping the fluidity of damaging, when they share a GCD with a damage spell. I'm not being sarcastic. I will roll that class for the time being.
  2. OK glad to have laughed. TY for that. Was too busy being pissed.
  3. It's unbelievable. 12 hrs since "we'll investigate it". Meanwhile 10% of the player base is not only annoyed that they can't see certain cool downs, but having to stop or face a barf-bag.
  4. Eh I'll give it a day or two before I cancel. Just last night I was exclaiming on gen chat how the game is so wonderful. It is. I just can't play it anymore now. Over 12 hours since any response from BW was posted... and that just said they'd "investigate" it. This is the kind of thing that you not only call and wake up the lead developer, but you call and wake up your team of lawyers. Seriously. (no I don't plan on suing, but someone out there will have seizure and then do so) My issue isn't even the physical problems the UI causes; it's the inability to see the status of certain cooldowns. It's just annoying to play. I love everything about this game, but the actual play is the most important part. This disco ball of a UI is game breaking on at least a couple levels.
  5. BW, this person has posted 3 times before this. He/She is not the only one -- and the fact they made the time to post on the forums about it is very telling of what percentage of the player base has not. There is an example of this on every page of every thread about this issue. Revert back ASAP. And I do not mean next Tuesday.
  6. Please BioWare, please... Just revert the patch by tomorrow, and THEN investigate it. This issue is going to become an MMO community joke if it's not reverted by then. It's a fun game, and you've put a lot into it, but I can't even see if certain abilities are ready or not. INVESTIGATE THE PROBLEM AFTER YOU'VE REVERTED THE PATCH BACK TO THE PREVIOUS ONE. SYSTEM RESTORE! lol I can't play it. I'm just getting frustrated. I'm really not one of those complaining types, and if I hadn't favorited the forums, then I would have just left. The only reason I'm willing to temporarily deal with this is because I'm not the only one having a HUGE problem with this issue. Just logged on tonight and went "***?" Please just revert the UI change, and THEN investigate it. I was looking forward to playing tonight on Tatooine.... gah...
  7. Could not explain the issue better, myself. I enjoy the game, and I hate be to "that guy", but I'm not looking at maybe playing another one. Is there even an official response to this? I'd probably just not play tonight and tomorrow or whatever if I knew they were going to revert back very very soon.
  8. Please make it stop. Rather than try to explain it, I'll give you an example: Three mobs await. I cast Static Barrier on Kehm, then send him in. I start dmging a mob with Force Lightning and Shock. Cast a Static Barrier on myself just incase. His Static Barrier protection goes down due to dmg. That's cool cause I know the cooldown is almost up. So far, all is normal and well. I'm in the middle of force lighting, and I think it's time to cast another Static Barrier on Khem.. The cool down from the last cast on myself should be up. But I can't tell... the Force Lightning I'm casting is making the Static Barrier UI hotkey slot not show whether or not it's ready. Is it dark underneath all that flashiness or not? I have no idea. I have to stop casting FL, while only a fraction of a second, to see if SB is actually ready or not. If it isn't, I've slowed down my flow. Time to rev up FL again, and be slightly irked. Before the patch, I knew WHILE I was casting FS when Static Barrier was ready; saw the cooldown on it. Now I cannot. I wish there was a way to revert back to the UI yesterday when I was melting faces. Just seems more clunky and unnecessarily flashy.
  9. Not really. I rarely post on the forums. This is a really big problem though. It can be "gotten used to", but what is the point? It's gone from a fine UI to a clunky one. It limits fluency, and gives the player less data in playing their character. It really is a big problem, especially in the game's infancy. I'm literally not playing the game now because the UI is just so annoying. Gonna try again after posting a bit on the forums, but you have to understand that the problem is legitimate.
  10. This really was the wrong decision. I love the game. I'm a founder still playing.. but this UI should revert ASAP. Only going to drive people away. I mean like TONIGHT. Get rid of it.
  11. UI is really really bad. Rather than try to explain it, I'll give you an example: Three mobs await. I cast Static Barrier on Kehm, then send him in. I start dmging a mob with Force Lightning and Shock. Cast a Static Barrier on myself just incase. His Static Barrier protection goes down due to dmg. That's cool cause I know the cooldown is almost up. So far, all is normal and well. I'm in the middle of force lighting, and I think it's time to cast another Static Barrier on Khem.. The cool down from the last cast on myself should be up. But I can't tell... the Force Lightning I'm casting is making the Static Barrier UI hotkey slot not show whether or not it's ready. Is it dark underneath all that flashiness or not? I have no idea. I have to stop casting FL, while only a fraction of a second, to see if SB is actually ready or not. If it isn't, I've slowed down my flow. Time to rev up FL again, and be slightly irked. Before the patch, I knew WHILE I was casting FS when Static Barrier was ready; saw the cooldown on it. Now I cannot. I wish there was a way to revert back to the UI yesterday when I was melting faces. Just seems more clunky and unnecessarily flashy.
  12. Rather than try to explain it, I'll give you an example: Three mobs await. I cast Static Barrier on Kehm, then send him in. I start dmging a mob with Force Lightning and Shock. Cast a Static Barrier on myself just incase. His Static Barrier protection goes down due to dmg. That's cool cause I know the cooldown is almost up. So far, all is normal and well. I'm in the middle of force lighting, and I think it's time to cast another Static Barrier on Khem.. The cool down from the last cast on myself should be up. But I can't tell... the Force Lightning I'm casting is making the Static Barrier UI hotkey slot not show whether or not it's ready. Is it dark underneath all that flashiness or not? I have no idea. I have to stop casting FL, while only a fraction of a second, to see if SB is actually ready or not. If it isn't, I've slowed down my flow. Time to rev up FL again, and be slightly irked. Before the patch, I knew WHILE I was casting FS when Static Barrier was ready; saw the cooldown on it. Now I cannot. I wish there was a way to revert back to the UI yesterday when I was melting faces. Just seems more clunky and unnecessarily flashy.
  13. The arguments in this thread are actually helpful. Good thread. Four and a half stars.
  14. Acquire Target's Target. This does not work as it reads. It should. For example: Fight begins, and I know the tank's target right off the bat. Cool, using the key bind would be more efficient, but I graphically see it. Oh wait, someone broke a CC. It's ok, I can re-CC and heal them up. Meanwhile, the tank has finished the kill of the original target and now two mobs are attacking him. I'll toss a heal on the tank. Good. Now... I need to figure out which mob he is attacking; we need to keep a focus fire up. But wait, graphically it's difficult to see without wasting time just standing around watching health drop. Hell, maybe I'm selecting the wrong one, because another party member started range dpsing it. Which one is the tank's target? Why can't I just press "Acquire Target's Target" to see? Select the tank and press it, right? Nothing. It seems there are work-arounds using focus and swap focus if you preemptively know the situation will require your focus back to the tank's target. What if he dies? Why complicate it like that? What the hell does "Acquire Target's Target" even do? Does it just work if you target a mob, and see who they're currently beating up? If it's purity in RPG people are concerned about, this is the kind of game where a technology would be realistically acceptable in such a capability of finding what an ally is fighting via one action, or key. What am I missing here? What does "Acquire Target's Target" do? No I haven't read through the entire thread because it's cluttered with tangents to this simple question.
  15. THIS. WoW started at a 60 lvl cap, btw. But probably just a mind-typo. Since WoW brought MMOs to the mainstream, the development team of any MMO have an issue: There is now a HUGE population of vocal gamers that are hard core. The launch of any MMO will not be consisted of a majority population being new MMO players. YET, in order to maintain an MMO over the first few months, you need to let the younger, more inexperienced players flourish and come into their own. That is where your player base comes from -- not the guys that are already pro. That demographic will switch to the next hot MMO that comes out.
  16. 40 man raids were the hard mode. There were no heroic modes.. well, no modes for any instance. The first 40 man was Molten Core; and before that there was only the 10 man Black Rock Mountain instances. The 40 man was a great idea for the time, because it kept people busy farming for their guildies. If WoW started where the 40 man was a 10 man, then we'd have seen this issue more prevalently. I want to make sure you understand that I get this complaint here. It's legitimate. SWTOR doesn't have 40 mans. The devs wanted to jump in, like every other MMO these days, to what WoW is currently. It doesn't work for a launch though.
  17. You raise a good point here. MMOs would like to have the competitive value that FPS easily have. WoW was the first MMO to try and become an e-sport. It didn't really work out, at least in utility. I could be wrong, and eventually it will get there (MMOs in general), but as far as a business model goes, the PvP aspect of MMOs will always be secondary to the PvE content.
  18. Basically -- you beat the game. Roll credits. I don't mean that sarcastically. But this is a subscriber based game. The players that beat the game, and then start on the next version of it...new players get discouraged. I know it sucks, but if they game you want is implemented now, then the new player will have to play years to catch up. Some of them will be into that. Most won't. In the end, this is a business. This is just what MMOs are.
  19. That content is in the next patch. Ongoing. When the new players catch up. Intervals. Content is withheld so these new prospects won't be discouraged to start playing.. because the pinnacle is always going to be in reach.
  20. Every game launch... every game: "add content!" There is not one that didn't have that issue posted about many times over. Same old same old. Always astounds me how the people he race to cap and push content to the end asap end up annoyed because there's no more. I can understand the mindset of having a 100 man guild, probably already premade for the most part, then enter a new game. You own shlt up, and everything is going as planned. You're amazing; everyone's got there classes down cause you learned the basics in the last MMO. I can understand the frustration in then being deadended. I've been there. I've done it before. But, that taught me a basic rule of MMOs: allowing premade pro guilds/players to get to a point where new ones cannot ever match leads to a dead game of angry elitists. When it comes down to the core of the issue, I can say this...no MMO is made for the best players. It's made for the players that want to become the best. There will always be stagnation in content. If that wasn't the case, no one new would ever bother to begin.
  21. Can't farm for gear? If you can't farm for even the slightest gear upgrade, then I'd agree there is a problem. I suppose the old 40 man raids worked for vanilla WoW in this category. Always someone to upgrade and hone. IMO, we need to get back to that kind of thing.
  22. I'd like to add; most of the players that came from EQ to WoW in vanilla never lasted past the first expansion. Your time may be coming to end your MMO "career" if you're capped and bored. The people that played vanilla, and are still playing, were the new people. I still remember all the ************ on the early WoW forums for content. History just repeats.
  23. WoW didn't even have battlegrounds until after Black Wing Lair was released. Arena didn't even happen till after the first expansion. Here's the thing.... this is a new game. You sound like you want this to be like WoW currently is. The tweaking part is something one has to deal with in a launched MMO. We are in vanilla. Vanilla is the basic part of the game. We have yet to get to where the devs want to take the game. Feel free to express your viewpoint... it's needed. Just know where we all are in the life of this game.
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