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Posts posted by Partyrockk

  1. I've found this problem with Khen, Qyzen, and Bowdaar (though it seems to a slightly lesser extent). Basically, non-force of jetpack using melee tanks have this problem. I've reported the issue since I started beta in July.


    Argh, must be way back on the backburner then.


    When I key my companion attack bind, and he CHARGES IN, the end result of the charge should be a hit, not a staring contest.


    Kind of sucks...

  2. Glad I got some feedback on this issue. It's not game breaking or anything, just a hassle. Just kind of takes me out of the game momentum that I love having. It's like, boom, done.. next mob group; static barrier on khem, send him in as a loot. Get up to force lightning, and he's chillin in front of the mob I want engaged first. *foot tap* ok there we go.


    I didn't realize how important that flow was to me. It's like a small loading screen between fights. Takes me out of the rush.


    Ah well, maybe BioWare will fix it.


    I hope.

  3. Is there anything in the works to make these attack initiations more fluid? I mean, I static barrier Khem, send him in, then, literally, can go grab a drink out of the fridge and come back in to before he actually hits something. Granted, my red bull fridge supply is like 5 feet away, but still.


    It just kills momentum. As soon as Khem dashes to an NPC, shouldn't they attack each other? I mean, if there's a delay with Khem's cooldowns fine, but shouldn't at least the mob attack?


    This fix would make the game pretty much perfect for me.

  4. I'm actually with the OP on this one.


    Probably won't stay sever vs. same server, but I hope it does. Community is important to me, and xserver just makes it, well.. pvp without knowing who you're facing. No nemesis'. No strategies for that player you keep seeing that melted your face 3 matches in a row -- you will never see them 3 times in a row. No adrenaline when you figure out a way past a a player synergy you've seen before and figured a way to defeat it. I love that stuff...


    Granted, that all goes out the window if queue times become ridiculous. But, ideally, same server pvp is such an amazing experience.


    I hope it can be maintained.

  5. I was one of the complainers. Nearly a deal breaker, but OMG -- BW just turned that near deal breaker into at least +100 internet points. If this is the kind of response to feedback I can expect in the future, I am going to be a long term player.




    I can't even believe it. I thought we were being ignored at first, like other game companies. I was clearly out of line.




    You've gained a faithful fan, BW. And, probably more, because of this quick reaction, in the future.

  6. Some elaboration is required.




    The problem is the shadowed with scrolling down bluish tint where the actual cooldown of the skill is 2 millimeters above that line. You can't see that line. It slows the rotation if you "wait and see" where you're at after the GCD effect.


    For example, I can't know when to Static Barrier my companion without waiting for the GCD effect to get done with it's prettiness. Static Barrier shares a GCD with Force Lightning. The UI effect covers up the static information I had BEFORE the patch. Bottom line is I have less information after this patch. This slows the rotation, and makes the game less enjoyable for me.


    I can understand how it might help a newer MMO player, and I don't mean it as a knock on anyone. However, this stalls the fluency of a player that wants to play in an environment that allows the most efficient use of abilities.


    It makes me worry about the direction of this game. I don't want to have to press a key 10 times to see if/when it queues. And I don't want to extend my queue time higher now just to try and "wing it" because the UI stopped giving the specific information.

  7. CD on Force Armor ends, target still invalid.


    How did you know the CD on Force Armor ended?


    GCD ends.


    Exactly, that's how you knew.


    Hence my point. The GCD had to end for you to then know if the CD on Force Armor had also ended. If the GCD animation was still in progress, it would cover up the information that Force Armor was ready to queue .25 seconds before GCD.


    You had to wait for GCD animation to finish before queuing Force Armor -- unless you were button mashing it in hopeful anticipation.


    Therein lies the problem.

  8. After spending an entire evening playing with this new cooldown effect I must say I really like it. I have to get used to it a bit but it is a lot better then what it was.

    I understand why someone would take this opinion.


    Global cooldowns are much easier to see (not that they needed improvement, but that's besides the point). They are now utterly, utterly blatant.


    The problem is what that obviousness in GCD readiness sacrificed. If that sacrifice did not conflict with your play style, then more power to you. I mean, hell, for some people, turning SWTOR into turn-based fights would invite props from various players.


    However, it's important to understand the issue from both sides here. All I'll say about that...

  9. I'm not sure what you're talking about, GCD has absolutely no visible effect on the abilities already on cd. Test it for yourself if you don't believe me. And the flash pretty much guarantees you'll recognize when an ability is off cd, GCD or regular cd


    I'm not sure how to be more clear about it beyond the concrete example I gave.


    If Static Barrier BECOMES ready to be queued, I can't know it until the global cool down effect is done.


    I can expand on why this wasn't the case yesterday (as I did earlier but don't expect you to read crap that was pages ago; np), and why it is problematic, but I want to keep it short and too the point here.

  10. Being a Jedi Warrior, I have no trouble knowing exactly when to use my abilities, mostly because at level 50, I'm experienced enough to know about how long I have between my skills. I know which to use, at what time. What I dont like is in PVP they dont instantly refresh at death. which sometimes in Warzones cause more deaths. but the colors dont cause issues.


    Sorry bud, that's not skill -- it's just playing inefficiently. You're likely a very sloppy player, or a one trick pony that would "deer in headlights" at any tangent from the three buttons you exclusively use (all damage abilities, of course).


    The complainants in this thread use more than straight damage.


    Roll a healing/cc/damage hybrid, then post.

  11. Really considering cutting my losses...


    Calling it like I see it... All the UI patch did was make good players worse, and bad players better. I want a game to test my skill, not sht on it because a 14 year old might unsub after he's squarely beaten by efficient play. That's all this is about.


    Not only that, but solo PvE is just annoying to deal with now. I want to blow through groups of mobs like I was yesterday, not stare at my UI and guess if a CD is ready or not.


    I'm so friggin' pissed because just yesterday I was LOVING this game; have been since launch.


    And not even a response beyond a 14 hour ago, "We'll investigate it".




    I mean, a substantive response would have probably put my mind at ease -- but it's clear what the direction of this game is now.


    Veteran MMO players need not apply.

  12. Change your "Ability action queue window" setting in your preferences. You can't quite set it as high as the GCD, but at 1 second it's pretty close and allows you to queue up abilities well before they come off GCD. As far as I can tell the shadowed buttons accept being queued just as well as they did before.


    As for telling the difference, the following appear to be the different effects:


    Shadowed = invalid target (with the exception of no target inexplicably not causing).

    Shadowed with redish tint = out of range.

    Shadowed with scrolling down bluish tint = on cooldown, this one adds to any other effect.


    It should be fairly obvious when something is on a longer cd than the GCD, as it won't be animating at the same rate as all the on GCD buttons.


    Personally I think it's a big improvement, I find it much easier to tell when something is still on cd now.


    The problem is Shadowed with scrolling down bluish tint where the actual cooldown of the skill is a 2 millimeters above that line. You can't see that line. It slows the rotation if you "wait and see" where you're at after the GCD effect.


    Can't know when to Static Barrier my companion without waiting for the GCD effect to get done with it's prettiness. Static Barrier shares a GCD with Force Lightning. The UI effect covers up the static information I had BEFORE the patch. Bottom line is I have less information after this patch. This slows the rotation, and makes the game less enjoyable for me.


    I can understand how it might help a newer MMO player, and I don't mean it as a knock on you; I have no idea about your experience. But, this stalls the fluency of a player that wants to play in an environment that allows the most efficient use of abilities.


    It makes me worry about the direction of this game. I don't want to have to press a key 10 times to see if/when it queues. And I don't want to extend my queue time higher now just to try and "wing it" because the UI stopped giving the specific information.

  13. So far, I see the "likes" coming down to, "the bottom of the screen flashes, so I know GCD is done and I can pick my next ability w/o having to look down".


    Maybe this is OK for players that don't care about wasting a second during a fight where a skill is ready to queue, but was not activated after the previous ability was used because the specific cool down needed to be stared at after a pretty flash. That's fine, if that's your thing.


    I've been playing MMOs long enough to really only enjoy them when I can fluently play my rotation, and see exactly when an ability is ready. Sure, I can play without even having a visual UI -- but it's not efficient, and not good to try an accomplish in scenarios when you need to improvise.


    Chess isn't improved when you take away the board and just dictate the moves. Timing cool downs in your head is not an improvement. It cripples certain play styles. It can be gotten over, but why? Why do I, if I'd like to play with the most efficiency possible, need to essentially play dictated chess when the friggin' board was just fine...

  14. I know I'm in the minority, but I actually kinda like the new GCD. For me, it makes gaming a bit easier and feels crisper.


    I know lots of people are gonna say that I don't know what I'm talking about, but here's the thing, I really don't need the toolbar to tell me what is available. I pretty much always have a good idea what skills are going to be available when the GCD ends. So the new animation allows me to completely ignore the toolbar and the slight flash makes it easier and faster for me to spam my next skill while paying attention to the action on the screen.


    I would also like to point out that:


    1) How the UI displays skills that are out of range has not changed as far as I can tell. Last night, they had a reddish tinge, they still do today.


    2) As far as I can tell by hitting skills and watching the animation over and over, there is a difference between skills that will be available and those that will not. Available skills after GCD are slightly brighter. Long CDs also seem much darker (fast travel for instance).


    Now, before you flame me, I play a Sage and so I cannot say how this may have broken other classes. I'll try my knight later and see if things are more difficult. I can see if you are really dependent on the UI for knowing what is available the slight subtleties in the animation may make things difficult.


    None the less, for me, my playstyle, and my class, I actually really like the changes.


    The theory of the UI change is actually quite good. But the easy to see GCD flash should not be an animation that over-rides an actual cooldown. Hell, it just the UI flashed, without shading and then flashing each individual slot, it'd be fantastic. Probably wouldn't alleviate the physical problems some are getting post-patch, but game play would stay fluent.


    The problem is that, for example, I cast Static Barrier on my companion, start damaging mobs, cast it on myself, then continue to dmg mobs, then want to re-up the static barrier on my companion. I can't do that unless I just blindly press the hotkey. The button is darkened and 1 second from flashing. I have to wait for the flash to see if it's actually ready or not. Is that playable? Yes. But clunkier than it was yesterday.


    Yesterday, I didn't have to wait for some pretty looking flash to see where I'm at in cooldowns. Can this be gotten used to? Yes. But why handicap a player for a disco ball of a UI? The UI needs to be clean and efficient.


    Sacrificing efficiency for "prettiness" is not acceptable in a UI. It just isn't.


    Perhaps your play style/class doesn't run into these bottlenecks of darkened, yet ready to queue abilities. Many play styles and classes are experiencing it, head on.


    It's making the game feel, in the least, dumbed down, to me. I like to burn through mobs, not have to hit a key 10 times "just in case" it might queue.


    I want to know it's ready.


    With this UI I cannot. Read my above example for an instance of that.

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