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Everything posted by Deadpoole

  1. I've unlocked all of the classes on both factions for that small legacy buff. If I were to delete one or two would I lose that specific class buff? Just want to make some room.
  2. Haven't watched any of the streams; what level is his operative at?
  3. I'm more concerned that we've allowed (albeit voiced our opinions in great depth via forums) them to give us rehashed gear/weapons/mounts (i.e. new paint, or inserted/deleted a scope, etc...) as being something new. Now they've changed the layout of "Huttball" and call it new warzone. Don't get me wrong, I've played the new warzone (pts) and seems cool but as PVP'rs (better insert that this is just my opinion here) are we to assume the same "CW" , "VS" only with different maps and call that new too in the future of SWTOR? Is their no creativity in the PVP dept.? I'm starting to think that all of your BW offices have two doors cause all these warzones are "go left (west) or right (east) [except NC, guess you can call south your desk].
  4. If you're going the "Pyro" route I'd dump the gear you have and go with the 4pc Eliminator set; if you already have the "Combat" chest I would keep that for an upgrade because the Obroan has the maxed power/surge enhancement. That way you don't have to throw away coms on that piece. Even with the "Conqueror" 4pc you can still be competitive, and you'll get better as you improve on your gear. On my VG/PT I have the maxed advanced adept 28x agile mods so start out with the "conqueror" version till you have enough commendations for an upgrade. Also, have every piece augmented with the aim/end & use expertise crystals. That should cover your gear problem. As for your rotation, I think it depends on the situation. For a broad p.o.v. I approach with either explosive dart or rapid shots (if my heat was up from another battle) then when in 10m thermal/inc. round/flame burst...back away with rail shot. If they're chasing me I'll kite them a bit with either rapid shot or flame burst then surprise him/or by coming in with rocket punch (if other melee are focusing, I'd come in with carbonize). Again It will depend on the situation and I'm sure someone will post a better opener than I proposed. Pretty much "rinse and repeat" from there. Plus taunt, taunt, and more taunt...it helps your team a lot... "Koozie's" post offers a bunch of info so like the post above me, I would check that out. Soon YOU WILL BE BETTER THAN YOUR BROTHER!!! Build: 4/6/36 "Standard" Pyro build. Hope this helps.....
  5. Republic - Snâke'plissken (VG) Empire - Judgê'dredd (PT)
  6. Thanks for the feedback; I will most likely choose the "main stat" relic.
  7. I already have the SA relic, just can't decide whether to go with the : stat or crit relic for a dps boost (if any) or maybe for survivability the absorbing one. Any suggestions would surely be appreciated.
  8. ....that 24% crits equates to around 27.5% tech...
  9. 1). 5 (steely resolve, brutal impact)-5 (demolition, focused impact)-36 (take the two points you placed in "paralacttic "combat stims and complete the shield tree; take the one point from both 'blaster augs" & "hyper assault cell" and place them into "nightvision scope". I'm sure other players will have there reasons to place points in other abilities or tree's but this hasn't done me wrong (Snâke'plissken (VG), Judgê'dredd (PT) [Jung Ma]. 2). Eliminator set > HIB boost. 3). I'm shy of 24% on both toons; still I'm sure other players would have more insight on this.
  10. (VG) Snâke'plissken (PT) Judgê'dredd.
  11. Republic: Ñicholas'fury (VG) Empire: Judgê'dredd (PT)
  12. I'll try that out and see if that was the problem. Thanks for the suggestion.
  13. Before I begin my frustrations with your CS team I would like to go back to early this month when I had the same problem on another alt [ticket# 9544736] which was submitted on 070413 and fixed on 070713 (ticket close date). Now presently I first sent an in-game ticket under the "Character/Companion" header on 070913 [#9601057] followed by an in-game "Bug Report" and received the normal "cookie cutter" robotic response. I won't go into your response to my tickets because I'm sure you (BW) can look them up; what I don't understand is why you guys can fix the problem I had before and can't do it now.
  14. With the countless number of datacrons and managing several characters it would be nice to specify wihich datacron was obtained via the codex achievement in order to stop second-guessing what datacron did I get...or didn't....
  15. Can you list/show your stats: crit, surge, accuracy, and power.
  16. Under the Legacy/rep. classes I've unlocked the companion stats for a particular class (guardian). Since these stats affect all the characters in your legacy, my question is what is the point of unlocking the companions on the other classes? Am I missing something?
  17. Looking for a group (guild, etc...) that is attemping to obtain the +10 datacron on our (Republic) fleet ship. Its the only one left that I need and I'd surely {Içhigo'Kurosaki} appreciate the help. I would also consider offering a reasonable amount of credits if need to.
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