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Everything posted by sordaz

  1. sry lads, you're below my leauge, RE'd 86 earpieces hoping for it to procc purple .
  2. are you guys srs? you behave like little children and go mad, because another child has gotten more ice cream than you? Early-Access was originally planned for the 15th. if you're not in by then, you can start to feel upset, because it was advertised and that's what you payed for. gosh, I just hope all you mad ragers won't be on the same server as me, because people like you already begin to spoil the fun of a promising game. does the internet reduce metal age by that much? look at what you're saying!
  3. I think it would be a nice idea to give some sort of information where everyone stands. like, how many players are in front of you in line? how many players are invited per wave? in which wave will someone be? it would help to ease the waiting time and give some comfort. cheers
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