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Everything posted by MilevMefir

  1. You know we've all felt like this at times. Holy slap batman! (Wish I could post the pic here )
  2. It all depends on the server. On my server Pub side is horrible at PvP unless it's a premade form one of the very few PvP guilds on Pub side. Most of the PvP players on my server play on Imp side. Not to say there aren't times when the Imp PUGs can't buy a win, but more often than not, Imp side does better. And we have a lot, I mean a LOT, of Imp vs. Imp PvP.
  3. They aren't all timed based. Objective points are given for a lot of things. In Huttball, when you carry the ball you get points. You get points when you pass, when you score, when you kill the ball carrier. In Civil War you get them for defending a node, capping a node, and interrupting someone who is capping. In Voidstar you get them for defending, for hitting a capper, and for capping. Same with Denova, etc. The only one that's time based is the defending points.
  4. Well, I'm no where near the diminishing returns cap. I'm at 26% outside of a WZ, and go down to 21% inside. Bolster should be bringing it up, not down I would think.
  5. So I hadn't noticed this before, but if it's been around a while, I'd like to know. I PvP a lot. Almost exclusively. Just yesterday on my sniper, level 40, I noticed that when entering warzones my Crit rating was dropping by 5%, not going up as one would expect from Bolster. I have no expertise gear, no relics, etc. Anyoen else seen this? Anyone know what may be causing it?
  6. MilevMefir

    voidstar - tie

    And actually, if I remember correctly, if the second team had extended the bridge faster than the first team, it would have stopped there, correct? If you tie the first team in a shorter period of time?
  7. LOL... umm... you do realize they don't get the defensive buff benefit of cover when you hit them from behind... right?
  8. Easiest boss fight ever. Anyone else have this issue happen to them?
  9. I agree. It would have been nice to be able to get the BM gear pre-50 (like you can with just about every other piece of gear int he game) and then just store it until I could use it. Waiting until 50 then being able to get one major piece (chest, head, weapon... calling it major based on comm price) or two lesser pieces. It would have been nice to be able to get pieces as I earning comms from 1-49.
  10. I played in a few PvP matches recently and got chain stunned with a full resolve bar. i.e. got stunned, ate it, got stunned again, now have full resolve bar, break CC, get stunned again, wears off, stunned again. Full Resolve bar the whole time. EDIT: and by stunned, I mean stunned. Not snared.
  11. I haven't found anythign on this on a casual search so I apologize if this has been answered before. But, is Resolve broken? It is my understanding that Resolve is meant to prevent you from being stun-locked ad naseum. Yet in PvP matches, I am constantly stunned successively with a full resolve bar. Am I misunderstanding Resolve or is there something wonky with it?
  12. I have a 46 sorc (31 Lightning tree, a little in Madness) and post-1.2 I have seen a big change. In PvP I used to be able to do ~130k+ damage in a match. Now I do ~80-90k and I'm not doing anything differently. The biggest change I have seen is that I am dying a lot easier. I went 1v1 against another sorc in a match that was a few levels lower than me and despite throwing everything at him, he managed to dps me at double the rate or more. By the time he killed me I had done maybe 1/4 damage to his life bar. Now I'm not one of those who gets heavy into the optimization of my build, but I'm starting to think maybe I might have to. I used to hold my own 1v1, even against Marauders and Juggs, just fine (I would lose, but I could tie them up for a time) and now I get ***** in no time flat. PvE is fine though, to use another poster's phrase, I can sit still and nuke until my eyes bleed. I usually use Khem Val to tank and just fling Force Storm and Chain Lightning when it pops from Lightning Storm. TL;DR: Overall still happy, but confused and dismayed at the nerfing in PvP.
  13. Wha I don't get is, I was in a Huttball match that was 8 v 3 (I was on the 3 side) and it NEVER gave the "Warzone will shutdown in 30 seconds if more players don't join" warning. If it ends up unbalanced like that, the match should just end.
  14. But don't various lightsabers have varying base damage ranges? Wouldn't one with a higher base damage range do more damage with the same hilt upgrade than one with a lower base range?
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