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Everything posted by ThaLunatik

  1. Let's also get a petition going to make the NFL stop classifying players as such things as "quarterback" and "running back." I mean, the fact that a quarterback gets sacked like it's nothing while some fast runner can mash through the opposing team just makes no sense. Everyone should be the same and be able to pass repeatedly while not being able to run. I think that'd make football a lot better! Seriously though... Juggernauts and Powertech tanks have a leap that makes them better ball carriers. PTs, Mercs, and Assassin tanks can grip people into fire and hopefully score a kill for the ball. Mercs, Assassins, and Sorcerers can knockback into flames or acid and hopefully score a kill for the ball. It's true that some classes can run the ball more easily than others, but the teamwork element comes in when you got people getting into proper positioning to receive a pass or knowing when to throw the ball rather than take it to the grave. These abilities are used to give the classes their usefulness in Huttball. I've been playing my PT tank and I love being able to grapple people into flames and leap to poorly-positioned enemies on my way to a ball capture. But at the same time when the match is over with I have a fraction of the damage that anyone else does even if I were doing only dps the entire round. An Operative might feel like they can't help much in Huttball, but do you really think that 300k damage they did by end of round amounted to no help at all? That's way less opponents ganking ball carriers and many less opponents who are able to safely run a ball to the endzone. That Merc who can't easily get the ball to the endzone themselves? They could very well be healing for 300k while doing knockbacks and grapples, all of which are directly assisting the team in winning. At the same time I have to cringe any time I see a sniper get the ball and then slowly walk it toward the endzone while there's assassins, marauders, and other much less squishy classes nearby trying to help them (you know, by making themselves available to catch the ball). If they know their class they know they shouldn't be holding the ball for any period of time longer than enough time to pass to a more appropriate teammate. All of these things require teamwork of course. The sniper holding the ball needs people to pass to. The tank moving toward the finish line needs heals or peels to not be focused to death. And a dashing assassin or sorcerer should be rooted to slow their roll.
  2. My thoughts are that snares should be on their own resolve, so they aren't nerfed by all those knockbacks and stuns filling the resolve but would at least have some hope of reprieve for the victim.
  3. This reminds me of the ridiculously senseless argument the GOP makes when it comes to taxing the rich at a couple % more: "Why even bother spending my time making money when they'll just take it?" In reality the more money they make, the more they still make even when it's a higher tax rate. This is no different; if your goal is to progess in PvP gear or rank, then leaving and suffering some length of debuff by which you cannot progress that goal sets you back in the long run. If you have other things you would rather do in place of playing a losing match then that's great, but if so then don't make your argument have anything to do with how little you'll get for a loss when you'd be getting less by leaving the match and having a debuff anyway (which is what you've said you'll do). Pick your poison and argue that point, instead of sounding like a whiner who is only saying "the current situation sucks, gimme gimme gimme while I set myself back."
  4. Same issue, really makes for it needing more than four people to get it all within the proper time. Also don't make the mistake I did and spend an hour getting this with people, only to realize that you can't access it pre-50
  5. Huttball isn't designed to be a "one class wins all" place, and while some may argue that the classes that can run ball are exactly that in reality it still requires that the team be cooperating and collaborating in order to work. A juggernaut can't jump up to a friendly teammate if no teammate goes up there for this purpose, and he also can't jump to an enemy if an enemy doesn't position in view for him to do so. An assassin can knockback, shield themselves, and dash with the ball, but again they aren't going to be effective at this if they don't have the support of their teammates in the form of heals and peels. If the enemy is doing their job and slowing/CCing/dpsing that assassin, the assassin isn't going to simply rush to the end like it's a cakewalk. Huttball is more similar to football than to capture the flag. While some classes do have abilities to run flag more effectively and thus are better are running the ball, why not work with this and pass to teammates who are of that class? In football you don't see the quarterback running the ball very often; you see the big bulky dude that can smash the defense (Juggernaut) or the small fast guy who can outmaneuver them (Assassin) doing that. I'm an Operative medic, and while I'm slow as hell and a squishy ball carrier I can heal and harass just fine. If someone passes the ball to me in desperation then I simply toss up defensive CDs and look around for a more appropriate ball carrier to hand off to. If I see a Juggernaut or Assassin nearby and in good health, they're my prime target. I know my place and my limits within Huttball.
  6. I'm hoping someone can shed light on how the damage from flames and acid pits in Huttball work, specifically how they dish out damage and how they interact with CC. Primarily the issue is with flames since they're not a stationary thing that's always there, but I've noticed it to an extent with the acid too. My first question is about CC I use my stun or flashbang on someone who is on the flame emitter, the flames come up, and they take no damage. Now contrast this to what happens to me: I get CC'd on a flame emitter and when flames come up I die within 2-3 ticks (which is 1 second or less). What's up with this? Second question is about the damage they cause If the flame emitter is heating up already I can't even chance running across it. If the flames come up as I try running across, then even if I'm a foot or two over the emitter the flames will take me to 30% or so as soon as they first come shooting out. If flames are up already well then of course I can't run across. I can even use my Shield Probe (absorption) and will still take lethal or near lethal damage. But then I see plenty of other people run through full on flames and take maybe 20% damage. I see ball carriers who are slowed from carrying it just walk through it sometimes and take 50-70%, yet are still alive. Why do I die instantly within it and others seem fine? Thanks for any feedback!
  7. The main thing differentiating SWotR and WoW on this point is the movement slowing while jumping in the former. Say I'm playing a hunter in WoW and want to get a shot off while running away; since movement speed isn't slowed by jumping one can simply jump while running away, turn and fire at the enemy who is chasing, then turn back forward before landing the jump and never lose any momentum in the direction you're going. But with movement being slowed by a jump, doing the same in SWotR will cause you to lose ground. However if you were to strafe in the direction you want to go you're still running full speed but have opened up a new frontal field of vision that allows you to hit things to the left or right of where you're going instead of only in front (and you could even hit to some extent people that are behind you, if they're offset to a side somewhat). I'm still finding great difficulty putting strafes anywhere on my mouse or keyboard though so I'll see how I do without it for the time being (hard to just up and add it into the mix when I've never strafed in MMOs in the past lol).
  8. That's what I was thinking. I'm having a tough time figuring out how to fit it within my mouse/keyboard setup I'm left-handed so I make use of the keypad, and optionally the arrow keys and page up, page down, etc if more buttons are needed. I have rebound my keypad_0 to be "alt" so that I effectively have two buttons for each button, minus the use of that button on its own. On my mouse I've always had the side left button as auto-run (so, while holding mouse1+mouse2 to run, I can lazily push it with my ring finger to seamlessly transition from running to autorunning. The side right button is jump. It will be tough to change these mouse buttons to strafe, but I don't think the keyboard will work very well for strafing because doesn't the keyboard only recognize a few key presses at one time? For example if I'm running around strafing left with a key on the keyboard, I'm not sure the keyboard would like me trying to push alt+[some other button] to use another ability. I dunno, I guess I'll have to figure it out and work it in somehow.
  9. Since jumping slows our movement speed, is it important to have strafe keys? I'm playing as an IA Op medic and am thinking I do need it, but am still trying to work out where to fit it within my buttons. In an FPS game of course, I would use strafe always. However in MMOs (WoW in particular) there was just no need, so I've never had to do it. In WoW there was no movement slowing when you jump, so I could turn and jump in some direction and turn back to face the way I want without any downside. Basically moving full speed in one direction but still facing and shooting in the direction I wish. In SWotR I can't keep full movement speed while jumping. But there are times I want to turn and have more situation awareness or turn and see who might need healing, but also run in some other direction. Since SWotR has camera snap-back or it auto-turns me where I look with the camera if I'm auto-running, there is no easy way for me to run off in one direction and turn and moue over or target people in the distance as I do so. Has anyone else found that this necessitates using strafe? If so, what is your key setup?
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