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Everything posted by MrFrezzer

  1. MrFrezzer

    New WZ system

    Q's would never pop. You need to realize that regular pvp has issues with NORMAL Q times and you want to add this variable in. This will not work! No one will be pvping! There are not enough Q's of certain gear types or people on at certain times for this.
  2. You all know Gingers was in this guild. That is all that needs to be said
  3. They wont do this. They will allow people to RE anything in the game since that is fair. Yes you could always RE warhero, I did it when warhero was hard to get for mats. There is nothing you can besides start playing a new game. I am glad more PVE people are playing since will pad my numbers more. Stop crying and more PVPing! Also if you pvp 7 days a week and play 8 games a day. You win all 8 games AND GET 140 coms each game. You will get about 7800 coms a week. This will only give you on best 9 pieces of gear. So maybe 36 molecular stabilizers. Thats what 3.6 million after 18.2 hours of game play. That's if you win everything and you are telling me PVE people win?
  4. They need to delete your post. This is a waste of forum space and time. This must be your first MMO.
  5. Hostile takeover? Did you put your fingers on the keyboard the wrong way?
  6. okay most major hacks ban you sooo fast. Second you all have to realize server lag and few other things. I have yet to see any real teams that are good at ranked cheat. I am not worried about this community all cheating since guess what they will always exists. You need to just stop crying on the gosh darn forums making these people happy. You seem to drive these trolls to do more and more. I think some of these "hacks" are more or less your computer or internet. Speed hacks still do exists and I have seen others use them just as even yesterday. Guess what they still lost every gosh darn warzone to us. Hacks do not produce the necessary skills to hit the right button combo .
  7. I am paying 150million for crate just hit me up on po5
  8. I have been offering 150 million credits on sever Po5 and yet to have some one who is willing to sell it to me. Hit me up when you get it.
  9. They will ban Gingers some day but till then its still funny. Second then they said on live stream that they are giving their guys vaction this year since last year game came out this time. (confused since its a whole new dev team) They said 1.7 will have class balances and will be a little bit later than 1.5 to 1.6 was. Will be 8 to 10 week time line from 1.6 to 1.7. So Feb 5 or Feb 12 will be around the time 1.7 should hit give or take.
  10. Seems like some one isn't very good at this game and has to cry about it. Stop wasting our time with your stupid post. Stay with OP.
  11. Tor looks 100x better than Aion cartoon graphics. I can't even believe you just typed that nonsense. AIon also has ******* effects and combat that was guess what TRASH! You wonder why it failed just like TOR and went FTP. Best graphics in mmo history is a bold face lie!
  12. .................................
  13. Okay I am sick of people dissing this engine! "HeroEngine can hold more than 100,000 players on a cluster… but we would not recommend having 100,000 players in the same room. No graphics card on earth could handle that. Regarding SW:TOR, we have no way to know how they are handling graphics detail, shading, or other factors that impact frame rate. An engine is the first step, and then it’s up to the engineers and art directors to manage the technical steps necessary to implement their game design. So, we can’t really give you any insight on how their game is performing in that way, and I’m sure they are working hard at improving any specific issues they are seeing. BioWare is responsible for their own game, we gave them the tools." This gaming engine is amazing and works well in many new up coming mmos like TheRepopulation and Dominus. Maybe if some of you did your research you could narrow this down more to Bioware not the engine Bioware picked. They had on the site engineers from the Hero Engine team for 5 years and guess what EA make bioware rush things and excluded them out. Read these comments. ( http://www.heroengine.com/2011/11/heroengine-meets-starwars ) “It’s not productized yet,” we told Gordon. “There are whole sections of code that is only roughed in and not optimized for performance or security. And there are very few comments and very little documentation.” He didn’t care. “We are going to have tons of engineers. We can finish it ourselves. We’re going to want to modify your source code for our special project anyway.” Soon meaning after months of painful negotiations and many weeks of meetings with teams of engineers who examined every line of our source code and interrogated our engineers. We were concerned over their making major changes to our engine, but we loved the size of the check that came with the deal. As you can see it is not the Hero Engine but more or less EA and Bioware using their master coding skills with their "TONS" of engineers they must have met from ITT Austin, Texas or who know where. There is some hope yet since changes can be made to the hero engine and the development team is working on the newer engine style that is suppose to handle higher populations. One major thing about this engine is its ability to be upgraded and modified for future compatibility. As you can see with 1.4 with the new shadow algorithms and 1.5 with new rendering for out door textures. This engine can be changed and updated if done correctly but that has yet to be seen to all parts of this game.
  14. MrFrezzer

    scoundrel cover

    Have you ever thought this was always in the game for people to use? I have used it on my healing op for some time now and it counters leap monkeys. Its extremely unfair how you can get instantly full stacks and hit me for 7.4k damage? Seems like more of a game balance that has always been around to defend against you leap monkeys. Yes ops are the best pvp healers but guess what I still don't have bubble stun! Only class that can cry is mercs since they just suck.
  15. We need any one who has a 50 rebel for imp for pvp @ 2am. We want to test the new warzone a few more times but we need people on there! Thanks!
  16. found in new charter tab by other titles!
  17. BTW that was RANKED warzone not some reg nonsense.....
  18. Just for you schill against the "best pvp guild on server" Hostile Take Over! Ohhhh wait look who out healed them? I hear it was those RSU noobs. Also btw its not about over all healing its about healing per second. http://tinypic.com/r/16bkeiw/6
  19. Have this all off..................doesn't fix any of the lag. Where you at the event that is still going on to see this? Its down right sad. This is why world pvp fails.
  20. Was doing server event on po5 and guess what lag. They need to fix this lag before they reopen ilum in january. They need to either disable effects of moves and take away all the flying **** in the air. This new "high-tech-population" servers did nothing but give me more people to play with. They really need to fix this game engine asap since this game will never EVER have open world pvp. All this lag is when they are taking nodes and capping with rockets. There is no reason to have these effect in game and should be turned off for this planet. Game constantly keeps super freezing and lag from the server.
  21. I'm asking them not to take steps backwards. This game is not new anymore. They need to learn to be held accountable for their actions just like the real world. They just do what ever they want non stop and not testing anything. The live game tests everything since they are too lazy. This is some of the worst testing I have ever seen on an MMO. And it is Bioware, but no longer they seem to care about their customers. Since no one would release a update like this and not get fired. At my job if I gave a hospital bad software with tons of glitches and crashes constantly, I bet I wouldn't have a job much longer. They just keep breaking stuff non stop and ruining game play for every one. All because they choose not to test stuff. EC HM bugged again..................
  22. Bioware needs to address what has happened in 1.4. I am not saying the changes to the game but how the game runs and lags nonstop. How they are not rebooting or restarting servers to fix some issues with lag. Also they bugged half of the game instantly with one new operation?!?!?! I feel as if 1.4 has been a huge step backwards in how this game runs and how all game play is. How are we taking steps backwards now? You see this thread of this kid that can't even play the game now because of this!!! http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=537231 BIOWARE DID YOU TEST 1.4? Seems like you don't even care about your player base at all because this is down right sad and terrible. 9 months and this is what we get................
  23. At kephis our tank just dies out of no where from savage arcing slash that hits whole area not just in front of funnel..... Any one else having issues this this being bugged?
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