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Everything posted by TheTortsovKid

  1. Anyone know who this person is? Someone invited his level 13 into my 3 day old guild and he sniped a few million credits in mats and logged off. Trying to see which guild this legacy is involved with so I can see if anyone reasonable is in it. I know I know, permissions in the GB and all of that. It has been changed, a little late, but unfortunate that they would feel entitled to the five finger discount in a brand new guild with less than 10 million in the GB and a GM all too eager to help players level/enjoy the game. The reality is SWTOR should be able to do something- i know, they wont/cant/fill in excuse to do nothing but seems like a ticket should easily result in action, since I am the guildmaster. Maybe not the mats back- egg in my face in enlightment / lesson learned- but action against the account makes it at least seem like there is some integrity behind the monthly fee i pay.
  2. Hi there, I am posting this thread as a link point for future guild and content recruitment. If you have been here since launch, like me, you have seen the revolutions of the game and the spontaneous meltdown a guild can be subject to. If you enjoy Ops, World Bosses or PVP, then you are just like me and maybe we can group. So, about me: I'm a founder who has been subbed mostly since launch with brief breaks to try other games. I did 50s open world PVP at black hole, i lagged through makeb, i remember 3.0 where you could defeat any content with any class because the game was in ... growing pains, so did NiM DF/DP. I never got to try rank 8v8s, but i think i've done everything else. I've been on Harbinger since the first major server merger. I've been through a series of guilds: Errant Venture, Purple Parallel, Pub Stars, The Fallen Order, I'm forgetting a few cool ones >< Forsaken. I first began regular raiding with Zainatopia's Errant Venture as a GS. I was DEFINITELY the weak link on the team. But they taught me very nicely and were a great group to run EC through, and we did well. Eventually Zain decided he had to quit swtor and the group sort of fell apart with the level cap increase. For Ops I have Under lurker and Bulo vet achievements back when it was "hard mode" in 4.0- those fights were rough, but I haven't been back since 5.0. But in 4.0 I was recruited by TFO and Xelena to do Sage Healing and I think this is my strongest role. I enjoyed dps racing Faithful on his sage to my GS. We were in a group I ran together. I recruited a friend to raid call after putting the roster together. We didn't clear all of the time but all improved play until the guild leader was deployed and a few others quit playing. So I have been on both ends of the skill spectrum. For Pvp I had rolled a shadow for funsies and ran regularly with KannibleLecture and WhiteWolf as a Shadow DPS in Pub Stars. We ran at least every other night and teams started to hate us. All of a sudden whitewolf announced he was heading to another server. Guild dries up. I roll a Sage healer on Bastian but transfer it eventually. I spent most of 3.0 in solo ranked as a healer. I still PvP regularly (and GSF) as a healer, tank but mostly Shadow or mara dps. 4.0 I spent a lot of time in Forsaken on imp side, I'm still in that guild on my Mara, but I am not involved in a group of any kind. I would run pvp a lot with Fruxx, Memz and a few others and believe I can help out an existing raid, pvp, CQ or crafting guild/group. Currently: Sage or Sorc healer available Sin or Guardian Tank available Mara or Shadow dps available But I can easily bring us my sent, mando, GS or Merc dps to max level and move legacy mods around. Would love to fit into a nice Ops or Pvp regular group. I craft regularly, have over 35 million credits and 600/600 in Synth, Cyber, Art & Bio Thanks for reading. MTFBWY
  3. Really nice post OP and I agree with your breakdown on the class- nicely put! I spec into the heal on attack with Saber ward and it works nicely. But I also have adapted to engage to kill and end the fight I am picking. Where on the Warrior I am playing to last as long as possible and don't have the excecute power of the two-handed compatriot. Sometimes to make your impact it can mean laying as much damage into the opponent as possible in the window of life you have, but I don't think a significant self heal is in a mara's future, or needs to be. Mho
  4. Posters seem to ignore the additional ability you were given, on my Mara it is called Gore, and in combo is far better than a casted root with predictable burst. Now you can disguise it and have more mobility. Gore prevents escapes and I use it to finish kills nicely. Someone mentioned Iconic ability and I don't think that's masterstrike or whatever, it's the leaping, smashing, saber throwing motions, and personally ravage always felt out of place in that.
  5. Command Rank 300 for all of your characters because you only play one class? That's a tall order and punishes the players like me who have max level sage, Shadow and Mara that I want to get to max command It's a tribute to the character you play and personalized to them, their rank. It shouldn't be account bound. Besides with legacy gear you really only need 1 set so I don't understand why you would need the command rank I couldn't stand Masterstrike- a rooting long winded cast with predictable big damage. Now I can completely disguise my mara's burst. The animation is pretty cool too for gore and barrage
  6. And I know this guy, he's in my guild. He hates fully clothed super stars.... QUICKLY, ANNOUNCE NEW OPS
  7. TheTortsovKid

    Stuns in pvp

    I'm healing in pvp without this problem. Sure I get stunned but I use the several abilities you have been given to get out alive. Also as a healer when others are stunned, or another healer is, you can now cleanse the stun- FYI
  8. Stop saying there shouldn't be different types of gear. This is an MMO- go play battlefront, posers, the real Force users are here to play.
  9. Stop saying you don't want PVP gear because you're too busy QQing to Que. As a PVE player in a dedicated raid group AND a dedicated PVPer in both solo Q and Ranked Q, I can definitively say that this idea is wrong and bad, not only because of (admittedly non-existent) open world PVP, but because these groups that roll over PVE gear, getting top gear, can then just laugh their way through the PVP Q while their top level gear trumps anyone who is a casual player in pvp. Majority of players do not have dedicated groups that can roll them through top gear in just an hour and this would basically ruin PVP concepts. Besides- the costs are already so simple to get- so go get the gear!
  10. I was speaking of this: Revitalizers now grants a 10/20 percent reduction in damage received while Stim Boost is active in addition to its healing effects. But seeing if it is in the middle tree, I stand corrected. I have an scoundrel healer but she hasn't made it past lvl 40 yet. Yes, LOS is technically a defensive option, I for one like to make myself as out of sight as possible while meanwhile Ops healers run right through the middle of the battlefield with no fear continuing to heal as they do it. If i move through the battlefield I am not healing, probably scared, and thought of as a tasty snack for a Jugg. Healing trance on cool down is obvious. In fact, it is so obvious it is pretty much the way sage healing works. Which is why it is broken. 1 heal every 8 secs that MIGHT proc if you remember to do rejuv? it's bad, man. I'll say the same with puddle. It's area specific, I put it down on the fight, the fight moves. Scoundrel top heal ability is placed on players, therefore it is not area dependent and yet again clowns the sage. The self heal every 30 secs is nice, but you use it once, how many fights last over 30 secs? Not very many. Usually more like 10 at best. Force mend should leave residual that reduces damage by 3% for 10 seconds. Force bubble is nice but it usually is 1 hit and it pops to no grand applause. The healing effects it grants a sage should continue after it pops at the normal rate that the bubble would have lasted if no damage was taken. Do Merc or op healers need to use an ability just to make their healing good? No. Why does sage need Rejuv for theirs?
  11. Talk about the whimps of the pvp arena. Benevolence= force killer (yet ONLY option for a quick heal) Deliverence= yes, my healing improved after using deliverance. But so so so many of these won't land before burst destroys my target puddle= push me out of it and stun me and it doesn't really matter because it doesn't keep me that healed anyways? Next Ops/Scoundrels and Troopers/BHs BOTH have instant below 30% heal abilities. ... Where is the Sages? What, the force bubble that doesn't allow me to move so they just wait for it to end? Mental Alacrity: What a huge joke! Stun me, knock me back and it's just as good as an interrupt and it's over too quickly anyways. Sage/Sorc dmg dealers are burning through targets and I, who prefer to heal or to not play at all, am left with arguably the worst class in game right now, yet the only one I wish to play (I want a lighsaber, is it so much to ask) BW: Can you please stop dicking over the sage healer and give them an instant cast on another player, even if it needs to be proc'd? Can you strengthen the Rejuv hot? It's basically used to improve the other heals, which are ALL awful if not rejuv'd, and yet rejuv itself helps with healing not at all which means to start healing I have to hit this useless ability every 5 secs. I consider myself a good healer, I get a lot of positive feedback from players who actually know what they're talking about and right now I feel stupid for even being in pvp arena as a sage- and ops just got their stim probe buffed to include dmg reduc?? It was too strong already. Let's count the op/scoundrel def abilities: Dodge. Roll. Stim prob. Hots that actually heal. Stealth. Flash bang. Let's count the sage def ability: Force bubble. Big bubble. ...... knockback?? ... force run? i'm really trying here. C'mon, you don't seriously expect me to take your game seriously with this sort of uneven discrepancy. Ops can keep several alive while sages have trouble even keeping themselves alive. Enough is enough.
  12. I'm enjoying running as it. It is no more challenging than Sage normally is to play but more enjoyable, imo. I feel much stronger 1v1 but because no puddle the healing can break down and the force can break down when you've been fighting a long time. I find I do not run out of force in the 4v4s I've done. The important ability is your TK wave which regens your force and builds stacks. Than healing trance when you want to upset your opponent. Tl;dr- I'll eventually return to my full healer build but I'm still hoping beyond hope this works as well realistically as it has been for me in matches. If anyone else gives it a try post a review.
  13. ^ Finding this to be true running the regs but it's too bad, this actually makes sage enjoyable. #Valor79.8 #timetorollscoundrel #pot6 #pot4 #OPsuckx
  14. Also on this point, maybe for ranked teams? Where you can have the luxury of a 2nd healer, and 2 strong dps, this spec would really anchor a no tank team (which I think someone mentioned). Thank you for all the feedback
  15. Rwz are broken as they are already anyways but like I said I haven't tried rwz and in addition I don't think rwz is the only thing that matters, although I do play it. I had more pvp enjoyment with this spec and since I've paid 2 play since launch I think your desire for a stance to easy classify sage shows how you're stuck on the rigid approaches to how the game could be played. I don't think a more effective sage build (since most ppl QQ over the current sage healing ability) is breaking ranked Qs. If anything it's a great way to win when your opponent is running straight for the 1st target sage healer as they always do in your "unbroken" (aka predictable) version and suddenly the sage is not only able to heal but is fighting back. Doesn't sound broken to me, especially as the sage in question.
  16. I've been sage healing and only recently got into ranked. I won my first 4 in a row before going on a skid. That was full heal spec. I haven't tried actual ranked because I wanted to hear what the forum dwellers said (being aware this may muck some things up) but in the 3 4v4 regs I pulled I rolled pretty heavy. The auto cast mind crush makes your damage actually worthy and meanwhile you're not dying. The healing IS (obviously) less than full heal spec. Good thought on the spamming of NS. This would only be extreme fights that take a long time. If you're a smart sage (highly questionable by my posting) you're throwing one in early to get away from the spam need. Tl;dr- try it out for yourself and if it breaks RWZ QQ sorry not sorry
  17. I was just playing around with spec like I always do when i started getting into something that was almost so crazy it works. I call it Trance Spec. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600hRrddRMkMhZZcMfRs0z.3 It came to me when I read someone's post about Sages not having a top off heal and how they are just a different type of healing class. Then it hit me. Sages have the ability to heal up instantly all the time and still dish out massive damage without even intending to damage. I just did 1 million damage and 700k healing in a wz. Dot everyone you can with Weaken mind. Literally everyone. Bubble yourself for it's tick. Drop FiB. use the Wave until you get 3 stacks. Mind crush. By now you're healing yourself at an incredible clip and you haven't even had to use healing trance yet. Things get dicey? Healing trance. I have found I use Healing Trance on allies and rarely do I need to use it on myself. No more waiting for those ridiculous resplend boxes. You have an insta puddle in the form of your dots. I'm watching Mara's tears drop as they are channeling Ravage I am already replacing the damage they've done with my dot heal ticking away for damage. Then I laugh and rolfstomp while force push, force run, fib, project, eat bacon, be awesome. Try this spec out. Edit: Before you cry to me about how there is no force there is no force there is no force. Spam your noble sacrifice to get the force you need to cast any ability. Watch as your health returns instantly. What do you need the force regen for when you can instantly replace lost force and lost health. Go ahead. Spam it. I dare you.
  18. A lot of little birdies are telling me sage healing wasn't what it was before the recent game update. I've been playing around with my spec a lot and trying so many different things to see what I've been missing. Yes, Sage isn't the top off spec. But it also isn't the oh s*** spec either. Both Ops/Sc and Merc/Cmm classes have 30% heal capabilities that can keep a raid away from that death window. Being a Sage healer isn't useless, though, and there are tons of style points involved in effective Sage healing. Here are a couple of tips I've picked up: Deliverance is actually our "top off" skill. We just top off more than the others. Keep your puddle on yourself. If you can include more raid members, that's ideal, but if someone is in big trouble they can stack on you. People know where the healer is, generally, this way you're not wasting any of this very important heal. Rejuv gives a decent instant heal when it's used, and it is up every 6 secs. I use this heal whenever I can. Spec is very important. Getting crits with trance means promised healing and promised force. Use force speed and spec into confound and you can run all over the map on people with .5 extra force run seconds. Put a toothpick in your mouth because commandos aren't the only ******es on the battlefield. Good Sage healers are game changers.
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