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Everything posted by BossJawa

  1. its is but don't forget to factor in the SWTOR delay features "working as intended"
  2. I do not mind maintainence, although contary to the posts above no fixes were dropped from what I can see in the patch notes. What does grind is that Tuesday is maintainence day, 8 hours all day, laughable yes but due to lack of communications from Bioware all we can do is plan around it. Sticking one in during some peoples prime time with zero notice on a completely random day is frankly taking the p^ss. Oh well another mmo not learning from others past mistakes
  3. Thank you for less than 24 hours before taking the server down again for a whole morning grats on managing to keep it to 4 hours (although I should wait until tomorrow to say that) I can see you are taking Mythics advise on how to run a successful mmo
  4. So to go on the theory that 'most people work during the day' so its ok to close the product down - Guess we should close all shops as well as most people work they should just open at night?
  5. And if your day off happens to be Tuesday you would be pi**ed too. Its amazing how bad companies that run MMO's really are , seriously all the business drop outs must end up in this employment market, its the only market you can f*ck up time after time and have people defend you
  6. what a nob If you need DPS meters and combat logs in modern mmo's you suck badly. MMo's have been on easy mode for more years than I care to remember. Would be nice to have a challenging mmo one day
  7. Once you have finished subscribing you will get a mail confirming the subscription setup. After that mail the 'your saga begins' mail arrives this should activate the play button Log in roll on a server that hasnt got a Q
  8. Best post regarding EGA on the forums - nailed Sticky please!
  9. same here, apparantly theres yet another email we have to wait for - "your saga begins" As everyting related to this game has Q's it could take a while for the mail servers to catch up - or something else that may be broken, who knows there is no customer support in this game
  10. QFT - most of the BW white knights are too dumb to see the longer impact this start will have
  11. This is far from a successful launch I can cope with an EGA approach if it was handled in a profession manner with a solid structure and well communicated but what we have is a fiasco. We have people still unable to play who preordered months ago but have slipped through the net (yes codes activated) - no way to get to talk to someone who can do something about it, suck it and see response All communications should be posted on the homepage first. Some people choose not to sign up to social media site because they understand the true purpose and how self damaging they can be, therefore I don't wish to visit to get an update for a product I bought from those sites, I expect to get it from the site that sold me the product. Everywhere you look there are Q's - Q's to the left of me, Q's to the right of me here I am stuck in a Q with you! Forum Q's Customer Service Q's Even ones who obtained access are Qing Mail Server Q's - 10 hour delay on responses (including auto responses) Basically BW have completely messed up with their capacity planning, dont start with the launch day rubbish - a licence of this size with the budget they have had to not ensure the fundamentals were in place from the off is criminal. Spend more money on servers and staff and less on story writers, actors and voice overs that they have told us about how much they spent on it at every opportunity. I was really looking forward to the game, but I have to say it has been tarnished somewhat due to this debacle.
  12. even the forums have Q's, just saying, not a failure Biowares first mmo and it shows Mythic already destroyed one major licence in 6 months it does not bode well
  13. Dont get me wrong, no issue with people that do it, it is their choice. The game shouldn't allow it, there are always loopholes that enable this fast track route and BW have not addressed them correctly - anyhow lets not worry about that and them and check/enjoy the other stuff out mmorpg should not have an end game, thats the point (you missed my edit on other post )
  14. if there are people at 50 already than that is a major design flaw. Character progression should be a long term goal with a sense of achievement and satisfaction at the end of a few months game play. Hate the new get to max level & 'end game' crowd that devs pander to, unless of course the game really starts at that point but from all the recent releases over the past few years it usually does mean end game, log off cancel. Mainly due to lack of interactive world enviroment that allows players to create their own unique world on each server, not a mirror image of everyone doing the same linear thing on 100 servers that gets old fast mmorpg should not have an end game thats the point
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