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Everything posted by martinbaker

  1. yup pay to win. this explains everything. I think these guys are far too used to just getting money out of us through cartel market - i'm staying subbed till the promised dev livestream, but no more hypercrates or coins spends of any sort from me. its just lead the game to the point we are at now.
  2. yup! resub, enjoy the story and the 2.x/3.x content. I had much fun with it. 4.x/5.x story is really strong and enjoyable but thats where it all ends.
  3. yeah, for a game that actively prods you into creating alts its a bit, well, insane to then make a gearing system thats outrageously hard to get gear on even youre main. I wont have time to gear more than one character if this is the final release.
  4. agreed, 4.x and 5.x were excellent story single player... but single player games dont get to charge a recurring monthly subscription. If you charge MMO prices you have to deliver MMO content too
  5. oh damn! our guild hasnt and has said specifically we wont. it should be totally personal choice. i dont know of any guilds on The Progenitor doing it on purpose. But we honestly dont know why its happening. we never figured the LS/rep side was stronger here at all.
  6. alot of Dark side people on Progenitor are switching to light anignment rather than watch the rest of the server gain cxp 20% (or however much it is) faster. giving a CXP advantage to the winning side is awful and will just feed server population imbalances further.
  7. aah, thats not it. None of the big conquest guilds on The Progenitor have ever insisted that their guys play for lightside, its always been personal choice and has never ben a thing. no one is organising people to one side then the other - and thats a fact. I dont know the real cause of the total LS rampage, but one thing is for sure the stuff they said about this being impossible in the live dev streams was clearly rubbish. Bad idea, badly executed, not tested on an actual server? that sounds plausable.
  8. Hey youre lucky thats 3 more than The Progenitor and Red Eclipse. It goes so quick to LS victory over here we all figured it was a bug
  9. I agree that galactic command had at it's core some nice aims (de-clutter their previous comms proliferation, give equal rewards for all playstyles, let the dev's clean up the old messy loot code) but what we got doesnt benefit anyone except the devs. New players will never grind high enough to see those 234/238 drops. its that simple. New players play many games and all of them will have easier to understand/apreciate drops with less of a grind attached. remember that each crate contains 4 items and they wont know which is good and which (95%) is garbage. Sure, they get protected for being tank spec but equiping dps gear, but that wasnt even in the original design. Intermediate players are likely going to attempt the grind, get dispirited past rank 50 and do something with immediate rewards rather than deffered random payment. Most crates i got so far are all disintegration cases, fine and good when they drop 2/3 times an activity, but past the super early levels that we are at now its not going to happen like that and its a big investment of time to go from 179 to 180 to be rewarded with a pet, reputation item you never heard of and a vanity set that looks so-so and you got many times before. Experienced players know when they arent wanted. The dev's however got to sort out the old code, hopefully making it cleaner and less costly in wages to change and replace old gear with new gear each year. Yes folks dont forget that whatever you grind this year will have to be repeated next year when they introduce a new gear set and retire the current one. It's not a feature for us at all.
  10. Please do restore the achievment. i got 100% in that and i want that recorded with my other achievements. I understand you guys might want to re-run it so you cleared it for next time, but please understand i have no intention of ever grinding out the whole game again. not ever. Therefor i would like my 100% please.
  11. ...If they spawn & if someone doesnt trip over them while leveling and making it despawn after they die. Our server is in perma light side victory (has been since launch) and we only ever found one boss to farm and my guild is big and does alot of looking. According to Dulfy they spawn on 4 different planets each having 10 possible spawn locations, thats 40 possible spots to check. The only boss we have found so far was quite anticlimactic. I cant see this being a viable/interesting gameplay for guilds at all, just token grind and standing around in the wilderness. DvL is a farce in my opinion. I had high hopes as there wasnt any real content being delivered outside the (excellent) story chapters. But this combined with RNG loot super is just so far below my expectations it hurts to think about it.
  12. Great move Bioware, Conquests take alot of planning and that requires a schedule, and with no official one we just use data mined ones. Also liking the fact that 4.0 is going to remove the craft bombing tedium. Now guilds will have to play the game to get points Can we have an official score board too?
  13. I'd like to second some of the cool suggestions put down already, and throw in some of my own: Mannequins: I really, really, really want mannequins so I can display my old suits of armour - i'm such a hoarder that i kept all my old 'looks'. We spend alot of time honing our look in this game and it makes sense to be able to show 'em off in your house. Pools, trees, natury stuff in general: What a cool idea, have a room for chillin with Vette in the pool area. pools of various kinds could be lots of fun and pool furniture to go with it. Off duty Sith love catching a few rays by the pool as much as their no-girlfriend Jedi brothers. Thrones & throne room stuff: We Sith like to be worshipped like we deserve and what says 'I love you, oh Evil One' than having a real big ****** throne in the room that you can sit on while a bunch of peasants (or companions) bow down before you. Can we have bowing guards like the ones outside the Sith Academy on Korriban? the people bowing down is really important to us Sith you know Training dummies and a dojo: I do alot of raiding and need to practice my rotations and what could be better than a dojo with training dummies to train in. I got dummies on my ship but it feels too crampt in there. For giggles we could also have levitatable rocks and whatever for that jedi/sith training vibe. Operations Room and portals to ops/flashpoints: what evil overlords base would be complete without some sort of Operations Room with big galactic map in the center! You need somewhere to hatch those evil diabolical schemes of galactic domination you know If you could actually portal to various useful locations for ops (fleet operations ship, oricon, etc) from there it'd be highly functional as well.
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