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Everything posted by Jigss

  1. We are sorry we picked a crappy engine and do not know how to code. We still call ourselves a game studio though. Even though much smaller studios with limited budgets run circles around us we really do try. We understand the game is not only riddled with bugs many of these directly effect game play and progression. Bear with us while we try to get our act together. You have to understand our standards are much lower and we feel ok pushing out broken products that we try to then to fix over a extensive period while happily taking more of you money. Instead we get this PR nonsense on the front page.
  2. Yep its just odd. I do think it might just be though that the engine is so poorly optimized that certain aspects of the game become unplayable regardless of hardware because of that engine. Then my next question is how on earth did you release this game in the current condition ? There are studios out there that simply will not put out their product to market till they feel 100% comfortable it is extensively polished and offers a near error free experience to the customer. They care little of release dates and some don't even give them out till they get the product to standard. Bioware doesn't seem to be one of them.
  3. Will let mine run out. As the game is not finished and the engine is poorly optimized.
  4. That is not fair Tera was released last year SWTOR was released... oh wait.
  5. I always pictured EA as a bunch of executives in suits slapping each other with handfuls of hundred dollar bills during their board room meetings.
  6. Just to add when WoW released back in 04 it actually looked quite good for that time.
  7. And whose fault would that be ? Many games come to market with high end settings the vast majority of pc gamers have trouble with. Many deal with them or upgrade their PCs. I have never once seen a company actually remove settings because they want their "high" to fit everyone. This isn't Soviet Russia one plan fits all.
  8. I will also be let my sub slide this month. The fact that bioware actually holds back higher textures just so they can get people with ****** computers to run the game on high settings makes it clear what their mindset is. That and the fact that the engine itself is horribly optimized. Don't advertise things you can't deliver on Bioware.
  9. Jigss

    PVP Lucky Dip Bags

    What they should have done is made tier 1-3 have the requirements of reaching a certain valor level and also have them cost more commendations (IE just warzone commendations) So the more you pvp the more gear you get.
  10. Pvp gear is broken atm. For some people it takes 30 bags to get a couple pieces of champion gear while others gear themselves out completely by that time. It rewards nothing just as the pvp war zones award nothing for objectives.
  11. If you feel comfortable clicking and keep it competitive then stick with it.
  12. BHs have heavy armor buddy. Also what every time i meet one i have to pop everything so i can survive the 2 stuns just to drop down to half health while they are at full and have them go stealth again or just dps the rest of my health away ? The class is nonsense and even the people who play it know it.
  13. Sorry but i like i said before if a partial champion geared BH is stunned then killed off before the stun is finished the class needs a Nerf. I thought sage/sorc was op but you guys bring it to a whole new level.
  14. I have a problem with being stunned then killed before that stun is off. How exactly do i combat this as a BH with partial champion gear. I mean i can use my pvp buff if the CD is up but then they just kick you and by the time that is off your dead.
  15. This really gave me a good laugh.
  16. They should finish the game first. You know like the graphic settings and oh idk the unresponsive, delay and sometimes downright unregistered gameplay. These patches they are rolling out are jokes. At this right it will take probably all of 2012 to get things sorted out.
  17. Greed is the only reason companies charge monthly fees for MMOs. This is a fact. Everquest and UO did it because in the 90s server/bandwidth costs were very high and since people excepted it everyone has done so since. Server costs and bandwidth are not even published in many companies statements and if they are it is part of a group of costs or as a side note. As it is not a large sum incurred.
  18. If it makes you feel better Having played many MMOs that were not Tedious i don't see what you mean and saying your happy to be a part of something doesn't really factor into anything. Hardware side of things ? You mean having to code in proper graphics or use control panels to AA because the developers did not optimize graphical features of the game and actually just left them out and launched ? That is a legitimate issue that is their fault. That is like selling someone a brand new car without paint and saying we will get to that later. There are developers that will work to death to get their game to near perfection. Kojima Productions is a great example of how gaming products should be made. Hardcore gamers are the last group of people interested in having anything catered to them. They are not in it for those reasons at all. The features implemented into wow was to bring in the casual crowd. Even the developers have said this multiple times. It had negative implications which became apparent after the launch of LK. Then keep at it. Well isn't that interesting we wanted the same thing. Except you either have no expectations or are still in denial. Like i said keep at it. If the game is up to your standards then good for you.
  19. Oh and please inform us on how SWTOR is meant to be played. Maybe after 44 levels i have been doing it all wrong. Many of the fanboy opinions hold very little substance and that isn't hard to see. Just because they are opinions doesn't mean they need to be taken into actual consideration. It is clear the OP wasn't a troll trying to discredit the game and really wanted to enjoy it but like many of us what he stated holds true to why we dropped subs.
  20. Many people here have mentally talked themselves into supporting this game even if many concerns about it is 100% warranted. I am sure many who are supporting it right now know of its shortcomings yet still will try to desperately stick to it. Thinking it will turn into the game they actually are trying to defend. Others like the OP are honest and try their best to like the game but in the end have to drop out and voice legitimate problems.
  21. Wait a month before that statement. That is when the free month is over.
  22. Very much agree with this as a level 44 BH i am already getting bored with the questing in this game and doing it only to further the story. Tried pvp and the amount of lag and unresponsive gameplay i got was surprising. Not to mention all the bugs which actually hurt my gameplay at times(All MMOs have bugs but many are able to put out a smooth gameplay experience at release). I wanted to try SWTOR as a filler for GW2(maybe even do both since one wont have a sub fee) since that just went into closed beta and looks to come out sometime next year. However i may just drop SWTOR now and move back to Eve or Rift. Besides the story which i do find interesting but nowhere near the quality and depth of some other games ( be it these games are not MMOs so i wont include them) I don't find any reason to keep playing.
  23. The only other game to match the responsive i have seen in WOW was Guild Wars 2. Where everything was fluid especially visible when doing your rotations. While i have seen worse then SWTOR (Warhammer and LOTR was horrible at this) when it comes to this. I think Bioware should look to improve here as it can certainly make or break the game.
  24. Companions to a large extent become pointless at 50. Unless your doing open world pvp or something. You get all the gear you need from quest rewards and can use the AH for others.
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