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Everything posted by Radagastimus

  1. Best and furthermore most simplest solution. Keep the system as it is. Dual-spec is not needed. Its pointless as any class can do anything in decent time with right equipment plus companion and with most important of all, SKILL This is SWTOR, we do not need to ruin it by converting it to World of Starwarscraft.
  2. In my opinion both female and male options of customization... Too many options tied together like eyebrows and complexion and much more Many options also make char face look dirty in game while it still looked nice on creator. Have deleted quite many chars right after creation just to redo them as they look far more displeasing in gameworld than creator.. In other hand coming from AION my char creator standards are quite high and this just refrains creativity
  3. Yoda's race as playable to Republic to increase its appeal to players would be good idea, Also some skills on Jedi/sith side that are only for light/dark side or neutral alignment chars. To add to that ANOTHER GENERAL CHAT forum since humor is not allowed on our general as off topic >_>
  4. All the time i find my coffee being cold. Why is this issue not yet fixed? There should have been coffee temp meter from the launch as this is main issue for me as of now. If my coffee is not getting warm ASAPi will unsub WOW after the free SWTOR period!!!
  5. Its quite succesful actually and i for one am on good mood today and feel like feeding animals
  6. I just get the first ones that ask. Usually they do well and if not i tell them how it is supposed to be done or how to better themselves. If they dont want to listen/improve we boot em. Simple as that. Still even i require some sort of decent gear with right stats/spec and armor type but that can simply be seen by inspecting people. I also preferr folks that dont use dual spec since they are usually dedicated to their class/role and know very well how to play it well and even do things outside their role if required.
  7. Again false. Skill limits dps even more than gear. You can have all the greates gear but you still dont know what de-buffs to apply, what dot's to use, when it is time for aoe and when for direct 1 mob damage. You dont know when to move from enemys aoe or how to use crowd control to aid your team. You may not be able to heal or tank and save the group if emergency situation comes. Majority of things that make player a real good player cannot be measured by computer but only by observing how someone plays and that as well is not as simple as it sounds.
  8. True that. It still happens too often to many people i suspect.
  9. And you know what it in worst case can do in conjuction with dungeon fiinder type tool? There we have group formed... We progress to first boss, kill it then re-count. Tank asks why do healer does more damage than me? Me being shadow priest and healer was just a random which no-one knowed what spec he REALLy was.. Well even if i try to explain that healer did more damage since he or she did not do his job which i had to do instead and i did not like it... I got booted out since im no worthy dps.. No-one cared to check healing count. That group prolly had soon a revelation of why was healer doing damaga But in the end i got booted since i did not do my job but a healers job. And im pretty sure this happens quite a much too. But this is purely off-topic, sorry!
  10. Sad thing was that gear achieved by those methods were not enough for most of the GS demand people. They wanted Raid level gear from someone to let them to be part of raid. And even tho i did not have half a year to grind for absolute best HC gear available i still had almost best which was not enough. Nobody ever wanted to know anything of skill or stats or anything else like that. And when i sometimes had a group that did not have GS issues we did just fine and finished the raid well enough tho it did took some time but it was fun and challenging like they are meant to be.
  11. Was it you or your friend in the wow that dissed me from raid since i had a GS of 5000 instead of 5100? Mext i heard that group disbanded since people with GS just could not play and whole group wiped couple of times XD And dare i mention this ybergeared maintank in Onyxias lair that thought it was similar than wotlk heroics and just did the insta run on Onyxia like they do on heroics these days XD
  12. Good thing that it will end like rift/aion/eve/DDO/Lotro/sto/whatever. They still rock and are even better than they would be now if they had followed peoples like you suggestions. You are just that democracy of players who never will be satisfied to any game and hop from game to game while playing same wow raids year adter year thinking it really has some point to it.
  13. Have to say that it is also strange that some of us can easily heal without healbots and some such crap. Some of us can gather crafting materials without addon. Some addons could even considered cheating so why allow those needles software here. Only useful addon in wow i have used was tongues on RP purposes but noithing more.
  14. Oh WOW look at my gearscore!! Im a prot warrior wearing cloth, leather and having some mage trinkets plus nice rogue dagger in both hand but my GS is 10k so i am best player EVER!! No GS please. Besides those truly elite players dont need to call themsleves elite or show their supposedly trutjhful credentials, other players know them by name and thats that. They have skill and can see that player can contribute to group even if hybrid specced since they can heal a bit oin case healer dies or can tank a short amount of time so that tank can be battle ressed safely and buffed+healed. Good players know tactics and know when to apply CC abilites and to what target. So all you need to do is play and see how people play and give advice to those that are doing something wrong. Also in the end all that matters is that instance is done smoothly, not the speed how it was done. If you dont have time to do instance, dont do it.
  15. Form friendships with people you do flashpoints, add them to your friend list. Greet them when they come online and do things with them. Socialise... This is the way how you can form lasting friendships with other players and eventually form groups for ops amd flashpoints that do them on insticnt and with ease. It is MMORPG which means that it is community of people playing game with each other. LFG channel would help in many ways tho and better LFG tool but nothing in the way that automatically forms a group of random players. Nothing that warps group automatically to instance and away from there and most definitely nothing that has cross server group finding tools. And no dual spec please. Remember when wow had no dual spec? remember when it came and it cost 1000g to buy? Sadly now they are maaking talents just ridiculous in next expansion so spec can be changed on the fly and it even does not have real talents anymore. Just stupid. Talents are integral part of your character and being able to change them only makes character feel less character and more like programmable machine that has no characteristic or personality.
  16. AION has good system to balance servers by rewarding players of the faction that has less players with faster leveling and some other additional rewards as well. Balanced world is always best for everyone. Exeption is those people that do want unbalanced pvp teams to win since they cant compete 1vs1 or 10vs10 or such similar match.
  17. Instead using spams like LFG and LFM simple messages.. T ry adding a more personality to your message by just asking Is there any group or anyone willing to join for XXXX Usually i just have to do this once and group usually is formed within few minutes Also using /say on people standing in front of Entrance to Heroic mission or Flashpoint usually gives results. Proper communication is the way to success. As an end note dual spec has nothing real to do with finding groups or able to do missions. In this game you are able to do missions in any spec and you ccan also find groups while being DPS. Its those dungeon finders where dps have to wait for longer than 10 min and sometimes even hours.
  18. No pandas here no altho they still are part of lore in some other game i wont name,. It is nice tho that we have Endor and Ewoks here in Starwars so we can have cute teddybears to play with at some point XP And whats not to like in Pandas
  19. In AION i had quite a laugh playing templar with swimsuit cosmetic mod applied to chest XD But truly in this game try Consular shadow or Inquisitor assasin
  20. Does not really have much to do with this funny litle thing but i do feel your pain. Everyone should only need for their char and greed for companions and if they really want something for companion they should ask, usually people give permission to need
  21. Just in terms of "funny things" that relate to here from other games. When you have been consular tank, how many times have someone told you that "You cant tank in light armor!!" Usual comment since other games it usually heavy or at least medium. Altho once WOW had this opportunity with old TBC talent trees to build mage tank which was quite fun and challenging to play
  22. As of today i have played Sith inquisitor and this issue is worse ever there until now at least. Quite frankly for the case of this issue it happens since there is simply too many players on Coriban and world server just cant handle all the players doing all kind of stuff there. Tried to play a bit of my Smuggler on Nar Shadaa and he was just fine. no lags or delays on abilities And the issue is exactly how OP explained it when i play Sith at Coriban. Maybe it is the kind of Jita prob from eve online where that world is just full and there is no limit of players there and therefore it has issues.
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