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Everything posted by Suzsi

  1. EA have offices and such in Australia - so it could be. Blizzard doesn't so they were not located in Australia as the expense of setting that up would have been too high.
  2. I wouldn't say no bugs, but nothing majorly game breaking really. Overall it has been pretty flawless - a few minor bugs here and there are to be expected. What has been handled very well is the lag of major lag in starter area's and such - usually thats a big problem for a game launch.
  3. It's different to SWG. It's missing a lot of key components that kept me playing SWG for 8 years. Not saying it's not fun but its hardly comparable either since the only real similarity is the star wars name. SWG changed a lot over the years, for the people who quit years ago but still say it wasn't a good game. A LOT was added that people never bothered to go back and try out when it had really improved the game a lot.
  4. If I jump on a group of mobs before someone else does and they come along and take the ones that I havent had a chance to hit yet simply because I havent hit them its still stealing - especially when they can clearly see I have engaged that group. There are no single kills in this game there are groups of connected creatures or NPC's. If im on a group leave it the hell alone its polite!
  5. And here I was thinking theres too much forced grouping ....
  6. A heal sure, always say thanks to that but I am tired of people coming along and tagging the couple of things I haven't hit yet ( even though they are clearly shooting at me ) and stealing them. Thats annoying, most of the time I do not need the 'help' - if I do then I say thank you. If I don't then leave it well enough alone kk thnx.
  7. Agreed. It is kind of sad that there seems to be no difference between an RP server and a normal server other then the fact that it has RP in the server name. A true RP server would be awesome. The set up of this game, not having much of a sandbox world is hard enough for RP as it is without it being made harder by other players.
  8. Still in a queue ... gah I started it just after 1pm its now 3:44pm. Insane times I hope its sorted soon.
  9. We did? Not according to our backyard after a rain storm we haven't... lol. I think they breed worse then rabbits
  10. I log out of games especially with queues like this to let other people in - used to run a macro in SWG not to get logged out though but it didn't have queues. Always leave my PC on 24/7 though as well. So far every PC I have had bar maybe one very early PC has been upgraded long before it burned out just like you said.
  11. You need thicker skin, really. Im happy to be a Locus!
  12. Yeah timezone plays a BIG part in why we all stick together. Our prime time play time for MMO's is totally different to the USA and GMT. For example US players are just getting up and having breakfast etc as we are going to bed - for most guilds prime raiding time is at night when all guildies who work or have kids etc can join in. For us you guys raid during our work hours / family care hours. We really just don't fit in to any other time zone.
  13. Why not just wait for a while and do the story over again for old times sake? Same story in all MMO's people want things handed to them on a silver platter instead of doing a bit of work for it. Is the story that bad you don't want a do-over? Frankly I've been enjoying the stories and will be more then happy to do any of them over again at a later date. Sure not tomorrow but down the track a little no worries at all.
  14. Ours should be here around the 20th, Amazon rocks
  15. They put a large number of SWG guilds on those servers AS well as a large number of WoW aussie guilds? That was just silly imo in that case. No wonder those servers are as overloaded as they are!
  16. Thats very optimistic. The Oceanic unofficial servers in WoW had a high population on them for far longer then that.
  17. Do we have an ETA on this happening? Harbinger is another with a really high queue. I'm a mum with a 2 year old - my play time is unpredictable and I am forever loosing the window of opportunity to log in because by the time I get in its been and gone. For example she naps for 2 hours through the day, but rarely at the same time (so I can't predict it and thus set it to log in 2 hours before she will be taking a nap) - it takes longer then that to log in. At night after she goes to bed, same deal then I have to go to bed early myself to be up for her at 5am.
  18. It makes no real difference when all the servers have pretty large que times anyhows. Moving to another server doesn't help much and even for those who do in a weeks time those few servers that are a bit lower pop are going to be just as bad. Most normal people just don't have 1hr - 3hrs spare time to wait in a que for a game :| It's not so much complaining as a fact of life for those who have jobs and kids.
  19. Or alternatively bioware could have done the smart thing and started with Oceanic servers from the beginning instead of placing those guilds on west coast servers as they have done.
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