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Everything posted by Tarbuch

  1. I am starting to see trend forming. Events seem to be bugged and cannot be repaired.
  2. Yes that really pissed me off too. Also this week Ilum was the Heroic quest Conquest focus, there is ONE heroic quest on Ilum for Imp and Rep and since that is now weekly quest instead of a daily, that really cuts down the conquest points you can get for them. Boohiss @ BW
  3. What is the point of doing the class quests now, you will level much faster if you skip the whole of that and just level with group finder doing FPs, once you start FE you will loose all your companions any way so why bother. Why even bother getting a space ship, you can just use group finder to port to your FP and park yourself at fleet. And then you are left with the mad grind of influence for you new 20+ companions and allience specialists. It is basically WoW where the game starts at max level, the low levels are just waste of time until you get to the end game grind. No more NiM ops as they don't drop anything, but mounts over the higlighted ops; which drop 224 rated gear.
  4. Crafting is pointless now. Leveling you get same rated gear from H2 quests. End game crafting is a non starter unless you do OPS to get the schematics and mats. Even the non moddable 208 gear needs HM FP drops for mats. Crafting was broken at launch, after rewamps, and 4.0 killed it to death. Only benefit from crafting now is for conquest points, rest is just crap.
  5. Well; fixing cartel items is the new priority, the rest of the game can go to hell as far as BW/EA are concerned. There are dozens of broken quests in the game world but cartle market gets the priority. NiM OPS do not have garanteed 224 loot drop, no wondere the raid lead designer left the company. Progression is no dead, no one will do NiM OPS just to get a crummy mount. But hey ho, it is soon time for the devs to go on their 2 month holiday. They'll be back to release Chapter 11 for FE which most likely be 1 hour of content + the obvious grind of the old recycled content. And of course a new companion to add into the increasing pool of worthless companion. Since the game design has changed from unique skill/ability companions to one companion covers all roles you need, what are the rest of the 20 companions for.
  6. Recommended crew skills for Artifice are Archeology to get Power Crystals, Artifact Frasgments and Colour Crystals, and Treasure Hunting to get Prototype and Artifact quality materials. Archeology is gathering skil and Treasure hunting is crew skill.
  7. Level 5 companion is too low for tanking. Heal would work much better, make sure that the mobs focus on you and not the companion. Getting Jaesa to level 10 is fairly easy with level 1 companion gifts, even then heal is better option than tanking. I have done all Belsavis H2 quests with all classes, on level, usually companion is level 10ish.
  8. Any chance of getting some bug fixes; like romanceable characters accepting courting gifts, Bounty Hunters able to complete Blizz and Skadge companion story. Some bio nodes giving scavenging mats, try crafting medpacs with metal. Crafting missions giving wrong rewards, I'm looking at you Archeology and scavencing. Crafting missions state insufficient skill level. Crafting missions recognised as crafting recipe.
  9. No, I never wanted to play as a droid, and I still don't.
  10. After zoning or when combat finishes my companion becomes my target. Does not matter if thye companion is in Tank, DPS or Heal mode. This is irritating especially witht the companions loosing the class buffs constantly, and class buff cannot be cast on friendly targets.
  11. Yes, that seems to happen constantly on all characters
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