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Everything posted by Rekar

  1. So, what is this new star wars game I hear that is in the works? Only thing I have heard that it will be a open world game and probably in the new timeline. Anyone else heard of anything?
  2. My biggest complaint is that I don't want this garbage galactic alliance. I want to be a part of either the pub side or imp side like vanilla.
  3. Im still trying to rap this around my head. Our characters are no longer imperial or republic correct? We are the Eternal Alliance now? Is it ever going to go back to the better days in vanilla.
  4. Don't bring your political views into the forums.
  5. I thought something big was going to be told to us today. Only a picture of the still boring KOTFE story. No new ops or even a damn flashpoint. Thanks Bro
  6. Or is the armor not going to be a collection item?
  7. Yo, What about the armor pieces you get from the boxes?? For example, I get the chest and head, then I buy the rest on the GTN but when I equip the armor the head and chest doesn't show in the colections? SO whats the deal on the armor?
  8. I noticed this about the armor. And when you get, for example, chest and boots. You buy the rest, it doesn't unlock in collections. Is this something that is going to be fixed or is it just how its going to be.
  9. Put in the Lightside Star Forge Robe you get on the Star Forge.
  10. What severs are the most populated to play on?
  11. One item I thought that would be cool is the Star forge Robe you get as Revan. The white robe that you get for being light side. Has anyone ever thought of this armor set?
  12. I have also been here since beta. This expansion has let a bitter taste in my mouth, that's for sure. Wish they would stop making all the storylines just one. Hell RotHC had at least 2 different ones. They should at least do it that way so its a bit more entertaining. For me to stay still interested in the game I started over. Started on a new sever and left my 16 lvl 65's to collect dust. Been fun doing it honestly, I'm not skipping any missions and watching all the cut scenes except in FP. Hope after they finish this, they will go back to the republic and Empire going at one another. I wish they would have made this game when the war first started. Would love to be in some pretty big battles.
  13. I get what ya mean , just really disappointed in the movie. I mean it was like a remake of " A New Hope"
  14. This guy is supposed to be the new bad guy right? Why the hell is so such a whinny ***? He gets mad and starts throwing a temper tantrum. What a baby, but then again hes just like how the younger generation is now a days. They don't get it there way they cry about it.
  15. Yup I agree with you. Hell I was hoping it would be like SWG and get exclusive Decos or something only found for being a sub
  16. didn't want spoil it for folks that didn't know
  17. Are you kiddin me, I sub for 7 to 8 months and all I get is a mission being someone else. wow just wow.
  18. There bringing SWG back and this game is getting shut down lol
  19. Like the titles says have they done that? Started a new toon and im on Tat. Done the class and main planet missions and went to the guy to start the tat one. And the guy wont say anything to me.
  20. nah nah nahhhh naahhhhh, hey hey heeeeeyyyyy, goodbye!!!
  21. Im with the change to a bit. I never thought people should be able to do the Heroic 2 star fortress. I do not agree with what they did. I got on and did a couple regular heroics on lower planets and did ok. Then went to voss and tried and was a complete fail. This patch is a fail. side not to all the trolls on here, yes ive been here since beta. So I believe I know what the hell im talking about and not a nub who just started playing a couple weeks ago.
  22. Since it looks like if we complain enough about certain things, lets complain about need more money. We could also complain and get a free Stronghold. What about credits, everyone needs them. Please Devs, give me money and a free house!!!!
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