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Posts posted by Proppa

  1. I bet the OP and his 2 friends all stood directly in front of the Marauder, letting him do his Sweep on them and rince / repeat. Leap - > Choke -> Sweep, Leap -> Choke - > Sweep (there's something else I'm missing in there but you get the idea). That would certainly chisel down there health if he got good 5k+ hits on each sweep.
  2. I cancelled my Sub in April (but I have the free month).


    The reasons for that, I came from DAOC where PvP was an even playing field in terms of armour sets/abilities and the only thing which set players apart was their "skill". By which I mean how well you react to situations and follow orders / give orders to your group to survive.


    There are players who consider themselves "Hardcore PvP'ers" who think that playing 24/7 should reward them with the best possible stats etc. This means that PvP is not skill-based, but item based more a big percentage. To me that isn't "Hardcore", grinding isn't "Hardcore".


    I am extremely competative, when I played Call of Duty I was in the top 0.5% on the Leaderboards (Top 40k / 8M+). I also played DAOC for around 10 years, because it felt competative. Whereas this game, maybe I just use it as an excuse, but it doesn't feel competative. It just feels like those who play the most the "Grinders" (not Hardcore) players always come out on top.

  3. they ran out of time. My server is completely dead as a result...


    This, I cancelled my sub about a week ago and haven't missed playing it at all. Sure, I'll try not to let the door hit me on the way out but to me, they are too slow to react to the low pop servers to the point it was no longer fun to play.

  4. When I first hit 50 (after leveling Crew + Sub Skills to 400), I was often left with around 80/120k credits. Especially if you try to RE the gear and get blue/purple pieces to use. So if I wasn't able to borrow 600k credits from a friend I'd have been buggered :p. Especially with Speeder Piloting etc on top.
  5. Nothing in this game is a "grindfest", it already was about the easiest MMO ever to max out everything, including gear. Anyone who thinks there's grinding in this game is extremely casual and apparently has little previous MMO experience.


    OP, I don't think it's ruined PVP, but you're definitely starting to see a lot more clueless casuals in war zone PUGs now, and gear progression in the game is dumbed down, making accomplishments less meaningful.


    I played DAOC previously. You could hit 1 -> 50, ML 10 and Full Template within about 2 days /played. So you was fully ready to go out and PvP where you gained Realm Ranks which didn't create such an imbalance as gear in this game does. But it made PvP fun, competative PvP where all things equal but skill and tactics.....

  6. Damage Increase cancels out Damage Reduction and vice versa, whilst Healing gains a bonus with expertise.


    There are abilities which reduce healing (Trauma) aswell as Marauder/Sentinel Debuff. But there are also abilities which reduce DPS, CC/Taunts and to a degree Guard.


    So I really don't think it's as problematic as you're making out.

  7. I was leveling alts in hopes 1.2 would have been here already but now my Scoundrel is also 50 and I'm not logging in at the mo, because it isn't worthwhile until 1.2 is released. If other thing's take my interest in that time, I may cancel my sub.


    I'm glad they are adding recruit gear, but doing such a drastic change and holding it off, only discourages newer players to not PvP.


    I have no interest in PvP, when the "PvP" is gear based, meaning fights aren't won or lost because of skill, but because player X has more expertise etc than player Y.

  8. No lifers are the geared ones? I work a 44 hour week, Dj, play in a band, and Iam rank 76 war hero. It doesn't take long to get gear at all.


    The "pvp should be about skill crowd" are fresh 50s. Basically what they mean is they should not have to make an effort to acquire gear like I did, because they don't have time. Ironically they have lots if time to whine on the forums.


    Mmos are a time sink. Dedicated papers are exactly that, they dedicate their swtor game to that. Skill is a factor in pvP even with gear, because duh your opponents are wearing the same gear at top tier pvp. Rated will be no different.


    It's laughable that people that cannot be bothered to acquire the gear through the actual game they profess to enjoy. It's even more amusing if you actually think when you get some decent gear spoon fed to you that you will be able to compete with people that are dedicated to playing that aspect of the game.


    You are in for a mighty shock, did you ever stop to use common sense? There are lots of people with gear and skill. Whiney, self-entitled kids will get roflstomped by organised pvpers with gear, skill and experience. This is the reality, time to wake up.


    They can give you all the gear in the world I don't care, this does not concern me. I earned mine through participation and teamwork, not crying for help or calling for nerfs on the forums. Me and many of my pvp comrades look forward to destroying you, and make no mistake we will.


    Sure, a toon of mine is a fresh 50. My sorc was Valor 58 (missing 2 champ pieces) before the majority of the changes, like Ilum Valor was added. I also have a Vanguard missing 4 pieces of champ, a sentinel with a good mix of both with 577 expertise and a scoundrel.


    But Gear Progression does not interest me, what so ever. I would rather everyone have all the gear so PvP is balanced and fun.


    It doesn't take much effort, but all the while PvP has gear imbalances it isn't fun.


    I'm certainly not in for a shock, I play very competatively. I look forward to it.

  9. Gratz on believing in urban legends n00b. Typical excuse of a casual. When you get your welfare gear you are in for a rude awakening on how exp matters...


    And you are in for a rude awakening, when you realise that Real PvP'ers care less about gear and more about player skill. I don't consider myself casual by a long shot, nor do I consider myself a PvE'er. But I take no interest in beating people because I have better gear. There is no reward in that and it gets boring fast. Ever play DOOM with god-mode? No challenge = no fun. Who cares if I / you or whoever plays more. Competative PvP is a challenge and is fun. If you think that your a better PvP'er because you grinded 1 toon out, good for you. I'll take pleasure in owning players like yourself who like to think they are better than everyone.

  10. Yeah, everytime your queuing for a WZ, continue to make progress on your Quests. Also, join the queues within the last 15/20 seconds, so you don't waste a minute minutes idling inside the WZ. As that idle time soon adds up.
  11. You're forgetting something. Those people who worked their way to valor 60 and then worked for BM gear were weak at one time. They dealt with it and PvP-ed their way to something better. Now every newb that gets to 50 gets the good gear, correct?:eek:


    Really? I remember on my Sorc, being 50 in the 10/50 bracket having expertise/PvP gear and just winning constantly and just destroying everyone on Ilum (prior to any of the changes, like increased Valor and when you had to drop the Mech's instead of Armaments etc). I was Valor 58 (nearly BM) before any of those (yes I played "hardcore") but it wasn't "work", they wasn't noob 50 facing guys in full bm gear.


    The Casual player, who wasn't able to devote as much time as those like I did fall behind quicker and quicker, because the Gear gives people a crutch, making matches/ilum less competative making it more difficult for the under-geared to win, the less wins the longer it takes to gain gear. But if you already had that gear advantage, your just getting stronger and stronger.


    That doesn't make sense to me, how an MMO can really benefit those players far more than others.


    Needless to say I no longer play my Sorc, due to overwhelming Imperial numbers. I play to PvP, not face stomp everyone just because I have better gear.

  12. ok here we go i am the voice of reason


    all old players that really grinded to valor 60 yes that sucks and i understand that low blow


    My Sorc was Valor 58 before any of the Valor changes on Ilum. I also had almost full champ gear before the commendation changes. I stopped playing because Imperials outnumbered Republics 3:1. So I re-rolled rep because I wanted to A, play more than huttball, and B, because I wanted to have better PvP.


    If you played lots at the beginning, you got a huge advantage over other players. I remember being in Warzones in the 10/50 Bracket in PvP gear just winning warzone after warzone after warzone.


    How anyone who played 1 toon since release can claim it was difficult is beyond me.

  13. I don't consider the grinders "hardcore PvP" players, I see them more as hardcore PvE'rs, because that's where the grind belongs.


    Any "hardcore PvP" player wants balanced, close fights where it's skill based, not having an overwhelming advantage because you played 12 hours a day since release.


    Grinding != Skill or anything, I could probably be Valor 100 on my Sorc if I played that toon, but instead I have 4 50's so that when 1.2 comes, I can have 4 toons to play for premades etc.


    If SWTOR continues this path, I will continue playing. If SWTOR = skill based, I think it will get many more subs than it will lose if it stays a grindfest. As grinding isn't fun and it certainly isn't competative PvP.

  14. You are also missing the "Sneaky" ability possibly, which acn increase speed and effective stealth level by 3 etc, at lower level atleast. You can have that by your 20's at worst.
  15. Huttball = who has the most sorc/juggernaut? Oh, other team does *leaves warzone*. I'll requeue in 5.


    Then I hate to say it, but you need to understand that other classes can play huge roles in these warzones.


    People need to pay attention, if your standing there letting someone leap to you, it's your fault. It isn't difficult to keep out of LOS of these people.


    I've been playing a Scoundrel and I'll float around the sorcs and destroy them. I'll also float around middle to re-cap the ball, to pass to my Vanguard friend who can Harpoon or Leap etc.


    I can also stealth in the end-zone and just wait for my vanguard friend to drop middle and pass the ball up.


    The tactics are endless.

  16. No, leave it in. Hopefully it will encourage more Imperial Players to re-roll the Republic side ;).


    As for rated warzones, how on earth is there "class imbalance". Most people who do rates, will be grouping with these "classes" anyway.

  17. You don't need a "guard breaker" you just need to learn to focus fire and interupt properly. There's a Sorc/Guardian (sub 50 bracket) who are always in Warzones, I can normally drop the Sorc whilst the team do other things (on my Operative).


    You aren't doing less damage, your just doing across 2 players. Taunt is what's reducing your DPS.

  18. It really depends, I've found that on the 2 server's I've played on, the Imperial have had overwhelming odds from the get go, thus giving them the advantage when it came to daily/weeklies on Ilum. Where Imperials would just outnumber Rep's and kill them relatively easy then all just port out making it difficult for Reps to get the quests completed.


    I know several people who struggle to get wins, because they are fresh 50's and can't compete against the full BM guys. So the strong players just get stronger and the weak just grind on.

  19. Ok. What makes this any different than warzones? I suppose you want everyone who enters a warzone to have the same exact stats/gear/abilities for "balance." Come on man.


    How often, on Civil War for example, do you see players focus more on killing than watching the nodes? I've lost track, of how many times players lose focus and I've stealth capped the node.


    My point was, that you can still compete. If everything isn't equal, then it makes a TDM Warzone completely 1 sided.


    As for Arena's, the same applies. If the goal is to kill your opponents and nothing more, then if Team A has the better gear, they will always win. Which to me, makes it pointless, unless people think its fun to dominate.

  20. Treat the forums as a point for constructive discussion, not a personal rant or blog. The only thing you have said that actually contributes a lot to the thread is your last sentence.


    You sound like you've never done arena or have played it at a level where you know what you're doing yet you are ranting about why you don't like it. I have never played DAOC before which is why I don't comment on it. Since I actually try to engage in world pvp a lot and WZ and did RBG and arena, I can actually form an opinion from personal experience on most aspects of PvP. Arena should be implemented because it is another avenue of play. I never liked RBG in WoW but I did it with friends and I would always contend it was a good addition to the game. If you give people more ways to play what they like such as PvP, the happier they will be.


    Stop derailing the topic with how you think rankings from XvX won't show skill. No, rankings don't tell the whole story about how good a player is, but if you are a better player you are more likely to beat another person consistently. Comps and counters obviously diminish this argument but the point still stands. Do you think that Roger Federer years ago wasn't undisputedly better than other tennis players because he didn't play in a wheelchair?


    Just because it wasn't necessarily constructive discussion, it was still very relevant to the discussion.


    Yes, I don't see any problem with Arena's (but a TDM Warzone is a terrible idea, due to such disparities in gear/level). But with Arena's will they work at Sub-50, when gear and levels are out of whack? Will everyone be bolstered to identical stats and be given all of their abilities to be able to compete fairly?


    The current objective based warzones, give people a goal and not mindless killing. Which makes gear and kills far less important, so even lower teams haev a chance of success.


    How would you implement Arena's, would their rating be a new seperate tier, or would it correspond to Ranked Warzones? Will it create yet another barrier, if players had to get Ranked Warzone, Arena and PvP gear?


    I appologies about my discussion on skill etc, as your right it isn't really relevant, but it was more my reasons why I dislike them.


    Provided the game could support divinding the population up more then its not a bad idea, but then Open World PvP will be almost non-existant I think. But it is anyway.

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