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Everything posted by Lyandria

  1. are you sure? and or can post some screen with such a T2 recipe?
  2. well the problem with the BoP schemantics is - well if any recipe drops for an Item that you can't use its pretty much worthless - so yeah i cam craft the nice willpower head piece on my jugger great (-.- or similar) especially with the current crafting system - almost all crafting professions but Biochem obviously are useless from a progress standpoint - since you can get similar better stuff way easier by way of commendations or pvp.
  3. idd Armstech at least needs one usefull recipe.... (and off-hands are the only non modable things you can craft...)
  4. actually thats wrong - you get "Rank 22" max from the trainer - Rank 23 are Hard Mode/Raid Drops afaik - but well honestly why bother when everyone can just buy 23 Ones for 8 Daily Commendations....
  5. yeah basically - crafting is screwed for mods - since you can get better versions than any you can craft with doing some Dailys... (especially the important ones - aka Hilts, Barrels and Armor - as those just cost Commendations and don't need a Hero Quest Daily)
  6. these are drops i believe - got mine of the gtc - but yes those are rare (but mostly underpriced and not long on there)
  7. only 3 slots (pre Raid-Drop Epic Luck-Crits) that have any use for Augments atm (Ear and 2 x Implants).
  8. ja gibt es "Mobilmachung" - solltest du auf der Flotte bekommen - musst Enter + Fabrik machen...
  9. Well a simple fix for the current "i pay credits to mostly lose credits" dilemma would be to just reduce the mission costs by 20-30% and maybe add a Rich lv4 lockbock Mission and a Bountifull lv6 one - won't be op but at least it would be a profit. Alternatly just add back in the Beta Chance of Item Lockboxes similar to Treasure Hunting is right now. Couse atm Slicing just isn't worth ist anymore. Augments are cool in concept - but well you need 3 and ur set (1 x ear and 2 x implants) - not counting the off-chance of a augment proc on a raid reciepe Drop Craft that might happen in some weeks if your lucky. And augments before max well - they don't sell at all. Missions, some are nice but well if they aren't a Bonus but the main thing you Slice for its nothing to write home about either. And Cyber Recepies - well most aren't worth a thing (the space ones lock good but well starting 50 you most probably won't run space missions anyway and the BoP ones...)
  10. it should produce 2 mods instead of one
  11. you can't - only Itesm you can craft yourself can reward better versions on RE.
  12. you do realise that mods can't crit like normal items - if you get a Crit on a mod you get 2 mods instead of 1.
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