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Posts posted by Seuria

  1. I'll add my voice to this. As I got comfortable with playing a Sentinel the problem began to become noticeable and has crept into the forefront and settled it's big, ugly butt on Cauterize. I've piddled with the ability queue, changed my keybinds, and then, finally, just started clicking my abilities. Clicking has helped, though I suspect that is largely because it slows me down to a large degree.


    Very, very frustrating, particularly on those story elites.

  2. I've actually surrendered my keybinds in this game and gone back to clicking, but that's largely because over the last few weeks the ability delay bug has spread across my hotbars like a virus and decided to take up residence primarily on Cauterize with my Jedi Sentinel. Clicking slows me down and at least I have a better then 1 in 2 chance of the ability firing properly in my opening rotation.


    I won't be doing anything competitive, but at least I can function now.


    That said, this game has a serious ability bloat issue that reeks of hunters in WoW. Blizzard has steadily removed or merged abilities for the class since day one, and that is, I suspect, where at least the Jedi Knight is headed. There simply are things I never touch, particularly since I don't PvP.

  3. Then by all means, take your money and go. Please. That is the strongest statement you can make to the developer.


    If any item in the game right now is Game Breaking to you... so be it. You've your opinion. State it, and go. Why waste time and breath beyond hitting the Cancel button? Time better spent elsewhere... go spend it there?


    I swear. If I acted like this when my first NES cartridge glitched, I would have missed out on a lot of fun. I would have cried about INJUSTICE and returned every other game and the entire system and swore off any future Nintendo products, and I'd feel so righteous in this decision. Maybe a few years later I'd realize I had egg on my face.

    I think you'd be hard pressed to find posts where I outright complained.


    Most of my posts are in the Jedi Knight forums concerning helping those struggling with bosses in the class story. I've found that I've had an easier time, and I actually like helping people when I can.


    If I decide to leave I can assure you it will be quietly.

  4. Which is fair enough, but mmos by there nature always need alot of patience until wow came out, even more so with new releases.

    Eventually everyone that lacks patience will leave and we will end up with a much better community than wow ever had.

    Unlikely. Some of the worst behavior on this forum is coming from the game's most ardent defenders. Like the WoW community they'll steadfastly resist any change to the game's principles (both core and secondary) and turn on anyone who disagrees.


    In the meantime, those of us who are, by nature, helpful and good-natured but happen not to like the current state of the game are a loss to your community.


    A friend of mine has a saying: "It is what it is."

  5. If I dislike a product for what I consider good reason I don't see the point in continuing to throw money at that particular service in the hope that the developer will make the changes I deem necessary to enjoy what they produce.


    It's not a matter of patience.


    It's a matter frugality with both my time and money.


    Truthfully, whether I continue my subscription or not is my business, and calls for patience really aren't that effective with me.

  6. I'm trying to figure out why where people got the idea DPS queues are so high in WoW right now. I chain queued for the new 5 man heroics today 5 times to cap off my VP for the week and I never saw a queue longer then ten minutes, and this as a hunter (DPS only class). They were high early on if you didn't queue with a tank or a healer, but that was more a reflection on the outright failure of Blizzard to listen to the right people during the Cataclysm beta.


    Stuff like a LFG and dual spec would actually keep me playing this game alongside WoW. It's inevitable that even with pure dps classes that certain specs will develop certain niches and prove to be better or more fun for certain activities, and as a Sentinel I'd appreciate the opportunity to change quickly and easily.

  7. From what I gather you can essentially bypass heroic mode flashpoints entirely by PvPing.


    Assuming this is correct, let's look at this for a moment.


    PvP has a built in queue system that places you in the warzone. This is in contrast to PvE where you are required to "interact" by spamming global channels. This makes PvP a quicker system.


    If PvP gear outpaces PvE gear in PvE content then ownership of that PvP gear is a gatekeeper for even doing that PvE content or, most likely, moving beyond into more difficult content. Regardless of whether you implement addons or not players will set gear standards, and will enforce them.


    Essentially, if what I have read is correct, PvP gear will be required for doing heroic flashpoints that drop lesser gear and will be easier and quicker to acquire then the gear that drops from those heroic flashpoint bosses.


    On top of that it's likely that as time goes on players will expect their groupmates to have acquired PvP gear because it is better then anything up to and including heroic flashpoint gear. This will force PvE players, some of whom may not like PvP, to.... PvP to stay competitive.


    So, what exactly is the point of the heroic flashpoint then?

  8. +1 Again..


    See that's the difference in WoW's early end-game and SWTOR's.



    Gearing in WoW took time and effort. You had to farm Scholo/LBRS to get gear fro UBRS then farm UBRS to get gear for Molten Core/Onyxia then you had to farm gear WITHIN MC/Ony to get passed Baron Geddon and do the rest of MC..


    This gearing process took months to accomplish for guilds and by having this process it gave you SOMETHING TO DO at lvl 50 that made you want to log in and try for...


    SWTOR...You get the best gear by running pvp that you can do by yourself and takes almost no time to do...


    No one runs flashpoints because they are too hard for the gear they drop (Hardmodes that are actually pretty tuff and make you want to bash your head in drop BLUE 126 Gear - where as winning 3 pvp matches a day can give you a PUPRLE 136 gear...I wonder why no one does Hard Modes??)


    There is no Gear progression - there is no end-game and End-game is what keeps people subbing - except for the weird people who have 18 alts and frankly, no one likes those anti-social people anyway...

    That's the whole thing, I suppose. I remember a lot of people bypassing the BC heroics and jumping into Kara because it was simply easier, you could get badge gear through the raid, and you only needed to PvP to get an arena set to throttle the place.


    The difference was this happened towards the middle and even end of BC's life. The lesson unlearned by Bioware is happening in the initial stages of endgame here, and as someone who detests PvP if I stick around for lvl 50 content I'm going to be waaaaay behind the curve.

  9. I see nothing to compare here. You bring an example of their second and third expansions. It's simply not a valid argument. Wow Vanilla was just about as lineair as this game is. But no of course, since it's very populair to bash SWTOR for incompetence let's just jump on the bandwagon and tag along, right?

    This is rather untrue. Even in vanilla there were mutiple zones crossing over in their level requirements (this persisted through BC and Wrath), and with Cataclysm there are two entirely separate paths from 1 to 60 and an additional path that doesn't merge with one of the others until level 35.


    On top of that Blizzard absorbed the frequent and early criticism that permeated the Cataclysm release and beta that the leveling path was overly linear and have stated it won't be so again.

  10. A couple of my friends actually went into one of these on alts and deliberately did plaing wrong rotations to make sure they got the two lowest DPS in the raid. one of them came out with 2 piece and a trinket and the other with 2 piece.

    And one wonders why we're supposed to take your position on anything seriously given the company you're keeping.

  11. LFR is a bit silly really. LFD is one thing, you can do a quick dungeon with some strangers, but raids should really be done with guilds and friends. i would be suspicious of some1 LDR, and ask myself why don't your guild or friends want to reaid with you? are you really that bad? are you a ninja looter?

    Because it's impossible to queue with friends for LFR. I regularly do so with between 10 to 15 people from across 5 or 6 guilds. I get to raid with people I don't normally do so because of differing schedules, raid lockouts, and skill levels.


    It's really quit fantastic and the notion that *gasp* you can queue with people on your friends list or in your guild enforces the basic premise that those who want to be social can easily do so with the tools provided in WoW.

  12. The OTHER game does this with Hunter pets too. It's not uncommon. I think all game programmers program the system to do this and laugh behind our backs at our frustration.

    Hunter pets aren't as bad as the blueberry for warlocks or the water elemental for mages. My blueberry was always standing on my warlock.

  13. Remember, easy mode means the following:


    1.) Having to bind tons of keys on your keyboard because modifiers make the game overly simple.

    2.) Any macro system at all will mean you can one button the entire game because, hey, macros are in WoW and that's totally what I do with my SV hunter. Yeah, totally. I 1 button macro a class spec built on a priority system combined with a resource system that is dependent on my gear and the amount of haste on said gear. I totally do this.

    3.) Addons make the game easy mode because I can post my cut gems in WoW without having to wade through a filter system to scan pages upon pages of unrelated items to see what others have them for sale for.

    4.) Also, addons are easy mode because I can accurately assess my threat, my fellow dpsers threat, and the tank's threat and either adjust my own dps accordingly or pop Misdirection and help the tank build some additional threat and breathing room.


    Totally easy mode, guys.

  14. The following is purely opinion on my part....


    I won't suggest what people should play, but I am a longtime (and ongoing) WoW player. Been playing a survival hunter since the first day Draenei came out even when it wasn't in vogue, and started just before the original Naxx release. I'm still stoked with the game, and the polish on the engine at this point is just amazing. It's a jolt going between SWTOR and WoW in a not insignificant way.


    Honestly, though, if you want to talk about lore I'm generally of the opinion that both settings are in a bad need of a reboot. Warcraft's universe was tortured and twisted primarily because WoW wasn't supposed to last this long, and they had to keep the game going. Star Wars badly suffers from a terrible to mediocre series of films and EU while being micromanaged by a guy who had a great and interesting concept, but can't write to save his butt.


    As for the upcoming WoW expansion, mechanically it's going in the right direction after Cataclysm. They almost lost me with an expansion that has very linear and treadmill while being very Horde heavy. I'm still of the opinion that the CDev team has trouble writing solid Alliance characters and storylines, but recent productive forum threads have hopefully reached them on that matter. They certainly seem to be moving us into the realm of "Alright, Garrosh, you crossed the line, and now we're gonna plant you six feet under." Kinda funny in that regard. People complain about Pandas when Mists of Pandarian is about the war between the Horde and the Alliance finally opening up fully. It's like the cold war in SWTOR ending in a spat of mayhem and rivers of blood.


    Mechanically, I just don't see anything like the LFD, LFR, and announced scenarios on the horizon in this game. I won't complain or ask for them, bu as a result, mechanically, this game has far less of my attention then WoW.

  15. Actually, this didn't take place until midway through BC. The original mantra was "Raid or Die" and end-game was VERY casual UN-friendly. The idea of pugging a raid was completely foreign.

    Compare it to the titles it followed, and that's quite untrue. What Blizzard has done well enough is evolve to meet the needs of an aging playerbase. The kid who was 15 or 16 in 2004 likely doesn't have the same time to raid now that he, or she, is a college grad.


    As someone who was 23 those seven years ago, I appreciated the casual aspect of vanilla WoW and appreciate things like LFR and LFD to a great degree now.

  16. there is nothing "jerk" about pointing out the obvious. i\If the person can't read what's in front of their face , they deserve what they get .. no excuses ..especially when they want to cry about something that is their own fault ( that in itself deserves ridicule)


    good thing the Empire isn't real or a lot of people would get electrocuted for being "weak" HAHAHAHAHA

    Ridiculing anyone over a video game does indeed make you a jerk. People like yourself are a plague on any gaming community, y'know.


    Seriously, stop equating real life to the game. It's just creepy.

  17. -insert standard canned response about how you fail at reading because there aren't dozens of ways to accidentally do something and I want to be a jerk on the forums-


    -further, insert silly claim relating the game to real life and how everyone wants instant gratification and are lazy because I lack perspective and the ability to tell the difference between issues of importance and fun-


    Am I doing it right guys?

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