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Posts posted by DervimNorth

  1. Once again, people are missing the double meaning of "up to". Following your own logic, BW might as well just advertise,"Get in up to one year earlier," one day before the launch. Well, it doesn't work that way, when you're asking money and you're providing "up to" service you're expected to be able to reach the limit. The whole "up to" exists there in cases of emergencies and unforeseen circumstances. BW's waves are quite foreseen and "well planned". So as it stands, there simply is no chance at all for any December preorder to get five days, unless BW actually includes any December pre-order into their waves at all.


    In essence, BW's "up to" is like a lottery with no main prize, despite having it advertised.

  2. Not to mention there was a $5 Pre-order Origin fee. Happens to align nicely with "up to" 5-day Early Access. If the December pre-orders get 4 days of Early Access does that mean they get a dollar back?


    Point is, no one knew about staggered Early Access prior to Pre-Ordering, otherwise I'm sure a lot more people would've pre-ordered EARLY. It's common sense.


    The "staggering access" is a great idea to prevent server overload. Completely understandable.


    Not letting customers know about first-come-first-serve access and Early Access according to Pre-Order date up front is a bit problematic as you are now aware because it will inevitably segments groups of people that were going to play together from the onset because they can't get on the same server as their buddies that were allowed access before them.


    As far as all the people trolling, that's just the internet for you.


    WOW! It's been that long and no troll bombardment in this thread! Wall of text FTW! :D


    1) To my knowledge 5$ fee comes out of your 60$ payment, not on top of it. So in all fairness, I see no problem here, unless I'm mistaken and it does comes on top of 60$, making it 65$.


    2)Actually, the whole staggering access is a big nonsense if you ask me. I mean what's the point in doing it, if they are forced to let everyone in on 20th anyway? Not to mention that there are going to be all of us+all of the regular orders. And if BW is worried for their servers now, than that pretty much spells server crash on December 20th. So all in all-what's the point BW? Isn't it better to crash those servers now and to have them back up by 20th?


    3)Not everyone have blind faith in BW or simply capable to pre-order right away, but it still is nice to know that BW tries to show it's appreciation, so nothing against some getting in earlier than the others. I just wish most of them weren't lvl50 already lol, or that people wouldn't be separated.


    4)Yes, true there. However I've monitored SWTOR forums long time ago to get a feel of the game and during stress test beta invited. And it is as if we're dealing with entirely different community. It's like I'm being redirected to WOW forums or Barrens chat! :confused:

  3. I'd rather sit quietly and wait for tomorrow, but the amount of "up to" troll posts really makes me sad. So let me point out few common sense facts, that seems to be overlooked or disregarded by the majority of this little happy community.


    1)"OMG L2READ UP TO 5 DAIZ not 5 days, lolz" comments. Yes, you do make a valid point, but let's not disregard the other meaning of "up to" deals. First and foremost, it actually implies that there's a chance to get those five days. And the way BW manages those waves and judging by the announcement, there simply is no chance in hell for December pre-orders to get those five days.


    Had it been advertised "up to 4 days" or hed you changed it to "you may get five days, or you may not", or "pre-order now and play before 12/20" on the very first day of December, it would be totally different matter. However BW kept advertising "up to 5 days" nearly half way through December without changing the advertising campaign. And that is, in fact, false advertising.


    Surely, the last wave is not gone out yet, but if no December pre-order gets in today BW, than it pretty much is a false advertising.


    2)"EGA is a bonus" - no, the bonus is that lame color stone nobody really cares for. EGA is a sellpoint and the main reason A LOT of people are pre-ordering SWTOR in the first place. EGA is what matters to the most of us here. Getting in early, grabbing names, leveling up(powerlvling up, in some cases) and playing with our friends/leaguemates. And if we can't have that, than what's the point in pre-ordering in the first place?


    3)"You get what you pay" - um, hello, we're all paying the same amount of money, some are even more than the others. Even though, CE and DDE don't warrant early access to anyone.


    4)"First come first served" - no arguing there. And guess what, you got in much earlier than the rest of us...And now most of you are near lvl 50s. We're all happy for you and your little exploits, now let us have some of that fun.


    5)"QQ MOAR! QWHINING! OMG IM WHINGING ABOUT WHINERS WHINING ABOUT ME WHINING ABOUT THEM WHINING ABOUT ME WHINING ABOUT THEM WHINING!" comments are very informative no doubt. Now how about providing some constructive criticism, even trolling needs some excuse. Naturally, we all have the right to speak our mind and nobody's forcing you to be constructive, just don't expect a reasonable reply or a decrease of "qq threads about qqer whining about you whining about them whining..."


    That is all and thank you for your time.

  4. I'm going to chime in some more here. DervimNorth don't ask for one wave, ask for them to let all EAG accessible members IN. No more WAVES all of us should be in game so they can actually do a test. When this goes live they are going to have double the numbers from sheer holiday alone. We need them to understand that its not a who did what 1st its their last chance to test their servers before people have a "right" to complain.


    Petition thread anyone?


    While I completely agree with you, I also realize that BW is hellbent on messing up their "launch day" on December 20th, as well as a hord of trolls/fanboys/WOW defected players are hellbent on shutting down every thread out there that goes directly against their beliefs. Yes, common sense scares them off sometimes, but not all of them, so I am really tired of arguing with them or reading their posts(mainly because of aftertaste).


    Which is why I'm going wait quietly for December 15th and see how things go with this nonsense. If December pre-orders are nowhere near entering the game by that time, I'll just cancel pre-order, while taking screenshots of false advertising, because "up to 5 days" also implies a slight chance of getting those days and if there's no chance in hell to get those, well, EA can advertise "up to one year earlier" with the same success.


    Either way, I'm going to wait quietly and patiently till 20th, just in case I'll get to stick "told'ya so" in their faces.

  5. Hi, sorry for intruding into this thread, but BWMOD locked mine and sent me this way. So here it goes:


    Would it kill BW to send another wave of invites, just to finish with October invites? Coz they've started sending out mail up to 2nd and got everyone's hopes up, but stopped right there.


    In all seriousness, one more wave, just finish things up with October invites, feels kinda right(of course, the whole staggered access gig feels pretty wrong to me, but that's besides the point right now).


    Oh, btw, I, myself pre-ordered in December. So there's really nothing in it for me, coz-well, let's face it-I'm gonna be one of the last ones in, anyway.

  6. Im an Octoberee, and I'm not all too angry, just anxious as hell to get in game :p


    Still you have to admit it, when you see a post like,"October 2nd-I'm in," it gets you're beginning to hope for best, but when the next post goes like,"October3rd-no dice," you feel like a bit down, don't ya? :D

  7. Yes I realize that you're done for today BW, but would it kill you to work your way through the rest of October pre-orders, instead of just stopping at October 2nd?! Personally, I don't really care, as my turn is nowhere near(December), but I'd imagine the majority of October guys are feeling pretty pissed, considering you raised their hopes up and than slammed into the ground with your,"Th-that's all, folks," tweet.
  8. i can understand wanting to play the game, by why hate on a company trying to do the best it can?


    Because there should be bunch of lvl40-50s by now? And it's only a second day...Also, it's because their only viable excuse for doing the whole staggering thing is "first come first served." Not to mention EA+BW's misleading advertisement campaign.

  9. Do you know the actual number that were invited yesterday? If so please show me where you found out, I'd like to find out myself.


    Their reason for this staggered early access is to be able to adjust to the situation as it develops instead of being overwhelmed by it. I'm giving BW enough credit to say that they have fair chance of pulling this off.


    You are raising a valid point, but let's not forget the fact that BW is still not done letting in July pre-orders. And while there was the biggest pre-order spike in july the period from than till december generated much more pre-orders altogether. And than there are regular and retail orders that aren't pre-orders which makes them all come in together at 20th, along with the rest of late pre-orders.


    Not to mention that the forums were buzzing earlier with the threads estimating the number of players in first day waves as 250000 people. Hard copies of pre-orders alone were around million, not to mention digital ones.


    So it is pretty safe to assume that they way things are being handled so far, there are going to be plenty of pre-orders left for 19-20th and their load will come in combined with the rest of the crowd and all those with regular orders. So yeah, I'd say BW is bound to run into troubles at 20th, anyway.



    Not to mention that BW does few waves a day, for few hours and stops for 24 hours. Pretty silly if you ask me, with servers being pretty empty.

  10. Warning. Extreme levels of Sarcasm detected. Danger. Danger.


    I don't see the point of cramming the servers full either, which is what would happen in the end if the people complaining about this situation got their way.


    Which is pretty much going to happen on December 20th...So what's the point delaying the inevitable?! Even worse, the way things are going down, there is going to be a greater number of people accessing on 19-20th, both late pre-orders and regular orders.

  11. What's the point about sending early access mails on a period between 18/19 december? As many others said, actually only a part of the users used their early access, even if they received the mail.

    So, if the game starts on 20, if you send other invites on 18/19, many other pre orders people will start on 20.

    And what's the convenience? Servers will be REALLY overcharged. Not like now that there are nearly 10 ppl for each EU server.

    And what will happen if servers on 20 will be overcharged because of the "standard users" + the preorders one invited on 18/19?

    In that case we'll read anymore posts of "bioware moderators wannabe" defending a really strange policy?


    Dude, hush! You're making too much sense for them to handle.

  12. I hear some yelling at people here to stop whining because they don't have to give Early Access to us. However, think about it for a minute. If we had no Early Access then these Staggering players in waves will happen during Dec 20 at the offical launch?! Can you imagine the bad PR BW/EA would get. Don't you think these Early Access is not a gift to us, but a tool to ease in the customers before Dec 20.


    Come on just think about it. Without Early Access which some think we don't need, would letting in 2+ million players on Dec 20 be in their best interest? Because we keep hear that stagger is to avoid server problems.


    If you think people are complaining now about not getting to play. Imagine if the actual starting date to play for all was Dec 20 and we had to be staggered in like cattle.


    I'm afraid you've lost the majority of readers when you asked them to think.

  13. Hello Stephen Reid!




    Thank you very much for this bit of information. It assures me that BioWare at least cares about customer relations. I personally do not blame BioWare for this fiasco, as it wreaks of EA tampering. So, let me being this post by saying that I respect BioWare and I love your product. No matter what happens, I will continue to wait and I will play this game for a long time to come. However, you must know how this feels for your customers; and that is the point of this thread.




    You are absolutely correct in saying that Launch is not about stress testing. Early Access is a launch event as the majority of people who will play this game on December 20th have pre-ordered. As such, I believe that it is important to understand that since this is a launch event, the servers should have been prepared appropriately for a larger number of concurrent users; enough to provide for the demand. The hesitation to open the servers up to more players is a clear indication of lack of confidence, and that makes me nervous as well.




    Again, you are correct Stephen; launch is not about stuffing your servers with as many people as possible. It is about making your product available to ALL of your customers. I have been through 7 different AAA MMORPG releases since 1995. I understand the pains and frustrations associated with launching an MMORPG. However, I can say with confidence that this is by far the most tortuous MMORPG launch I have ever been through.


    As of this moment, 40 of my guild mates are in the game. They are leveling up and accomplishing quests. They will take down the world boss in Coruscant tonight, or early tomorrow morning; and I will not be able to join them in this. More than likely, I never will have enough guild members to take down that boss from now until SW:TOR closes its doors to customers. This has cost me a significant amount of potential enjoyment with your product because I won't be able to do it with my friends.


    I understand that you may want to reward your players with early access; and I think that this is a great idea. However, the method in which you are doing this is creating the feeling of entitlement - and entitlement based treatment. You are more than welcome to reward us for making a commitment to your game; and all of us have made an equal commitment. However, you want to reward us, reward all of us, or none of us at all. Otherwise, you are going alienate your customer base.




    Stephen, I don't care about other MMORPG launches. I care about SW:TOR's launch, and creating an appropriate opportunity for the game's customers to gain access to the product. You had a metric to base demand off of since July. There is is no excuse for not being ready. As such - this entire paragraph is nothing more than a lame excuse, and your customers see right through that.




    Stephen, this doesn't reassure your customers in the slightest. Getting invited tomorrow, or Thursday doesn't fix this problem. In fact, that is exactly what the problem is. This entire process has been deplorable to say the least; and holding the carrot on the stick in front of us tortuous to people who have pre-ordered months in advance, including myself.




    But wait a second, you said that launch and early access is NOT a stress test. Why is it that you are intentionally stress testing during a Launch event? You have had over five months to prepare, and appropriately develop your servers to accommodate the obvious massive demand for this game. Once again, this reads like a very lame excuse, and you contradict yourself from the second paragraph.




    Two points on this paragraph. This event is not helping you balance your server populations. Over 90% of those who pre-ordered aren't able to access the game, and your server lists read as, "Full." I understand that the population limits on each server are limited to encourage load balancing, but this is doing nothing more than limiting population when all players are able to connect. You can achieve the same results by queuing players who are actively able to play.


    This system has created an artificial queue, one that is not based on log in attempt time, but based on pre-order date. Instead of going through the frustration of waiting through a 1 - 2 hour queue, we must go through the frustration of going through a 1 - 3 day freeze on any and all access to the server. We are still in a queue, the largest and most deplorable queuing system ever deployed by any game in history. This isn't an exaggeration, its the truth.




    Stephen, at what cost is coming from this expense? To be honest, you are hurting your customers more with this scheme than a traditional MMORPG launch could ever hurt them. I believe that more people will quit because of this, than what would have happened if you decided to take a more traditional approach. You have taught your customers to distrust you, and to be nervous about server stability.


    Your customers expect some hiccups during a massive launch. Your customers expect queues, and would prefer them to what we have now. With queues we have the hope of playing after waiting for 1 - 2 hours. Now, we have absolutely no hope whatsoever of getting into the game for at least another 16 hours.


    This success that you mention may be nice for the players who are in now. But, for the majority of your customers, this success came at too great of a cost. Please reconsider your invitation process and make this right.




    And I wish there would be fewer WoW defected players around...

  14. Your reading comprehension does not qualify.


    He basicly states that one of the reasons they stopped the waves was because they were reaching the limit on how many people they could add (the metric they got from the real stress test) before the servers would reach the point of possible stability issues (ie stopped before stress test numbers).


    He didn't say they were stress testing, no he didn't contradict himself.


    Please reread the last sentence before ranting about someone's comprehension.


    And either way, disregarding whatever he said, BW will be forced to let us all in+all the new guys who didn't preordered at 20th anyway. So basically, if they are worried over their servers NOW, than they are guaranteed to fail at 20th.


    Which begs the question, if it's not a stress-test, than what's the point in holding people down?

  15. *Le Sigh*





    Throwing troll posts right back into trolls faces makes me a troll? If OP didn't ask such ridiculous questions and get so mad when people referred her to the Terms and Conditions of her purchase then she wouldnt have been flamed so hard.



    So who really is trolling here buddy?


    You're still missing the whole point?! Please come back and reread your statement and than reread my post. I mean come on, even clueless trolls need to know what are they trying to troll about.

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