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Everything posted by Drengir

  1. I would really not be so sure about it mate. As a decent geared 50 with semi-good PvP skills you can pretty much beat them, even if they get their opener on you. It's all hands down to knowing what to do and when to do it, for instance: You do not want to let them run their full opener combo at you, then you are so damaged that you're behind the rest of the fight. I'd wager that Scoundrel/Operative works just as they want it. Might it need tweaking? Perhaps, but all classes do (like the guardian/juggernaut tree's that can aoe for 5-8k..). Basically a OP/SC that doesn't get his opener is dead. Taking away the opener for stealth would be like taking away mobility for the knight/warrior classes etc. All classes have their core mechanism they need/work around. If you are a lower level, or just a horrible player, then you will get owned by a SC/OP yes, but that goes for any other class too. P.S. No I am not a SC/OP myself, but a combat medic trooper, and I survive just fine against most of them. D.S.
  2. The quality on both streams is horrible, and the players sound like a bunch of high kids.. No thanks!
  3. So love that you have missed the fact that mirror means just that! The BH's heat works Exactly the same! We know the forums have been flooded with all the frakking small "advantages" that you imperials have, but dont try to counter it with making up fake ones against us
  4. Gonna vote this dude is a Operative/scoundrel
  5. So, you dont think that sorcs/sages need nerfing? Oh gosh. Wonder why the vast majority play them then..
  6. This! Isn't the whole idea of PvP (Player versus Player) that you get to own other people? And the owning gets so much sweeter if you know the people you owned, or know that they know You because you own them. If knowing your players, then how come all competitors IRL becomes idols for thousands and thousands of people? Common damn sense! We are humans and all that means.
  7. Bye bye, fun not knowing you! And oh btw, as a commando healer myself, I can say we aren't OP at all. Even when healing the **** out of my guildies in PvP (40 Commando only but hey..) I get about 300-400k healing, which is waay below most sages healing.. Wanna aoe heal or even group heal, then Commando really isn't your class! But, for single target healing and long duration healing it is! Yes, I can outheal 1-2 players, even with nice gear. But that and rather nice survivablity is it, that is our strenghts. About the "5k dmg" I'd guess is our stockstrike or alike, with quite a CD etc, and it costs ammo which we aint got much off (in a pressed state) so no, it is not OP in damage either. Conclusion; Commando is The single target healer, and will for obvious reasons be a very strong (yes..) single target healer
  8. Any dedicated healer wont be able to dish out 75k/300k damage, and they dont award any medals for CC/objectives so..pointless point
  9. The flaw with this about MVP's is that most don't bother with voting or vote for their friends. And I see alot of players that vote for protection done. Sure tanks deserve MVP's aswell, but that+200% medals just gives them 30+ commendations more than us, fact!
  10. I will second this! I am as of now just level 39, but I usually get 300-400k healing and Still I'm damn frakking happy if I get 4-5 medals! And out of those it's almost always 2-3 from defending a node or getting a killing blow or 10 kills etc! 2 medals for healing while tanks get up to 7 for tanking.. Kinda lame! Give us healers the rewards we deserve! Would like to see those tanks get their 10+ medals without us healing them.. When I queue with friends it's standard that our tanks give me a "thanks for the medal mate" afterwards
  11. Ehm, not a single of his higher crits was on a 50 character. The highest was a 40 char. The problem with this dude is not the hight burst etc, it is the lack of a 50 bracket.
  12. And you know this for a fact how? 5 out of my 7 serious PvP friends aint even bothering with PvP atm just because it's so broken. The second they implement 50 brackets it will go to 7/7 that will play. Will the queues be shorter because players will actually bother with PvP? Perhaps. Will the queues be longer because there is fewer in each bracket? Perhaps. I would never ever wanna see cross-realm to fix these problems anyway! If a server is under-populated then merge it with another server with similiar problems. And if one faction is underpopulated then give that side some incentive (ie a XP boost or similiar).
  13. This made me laugh, so hard I almost pee'd a bit Yea, our argument is that the competition will be gone when no one will ever remember you and your actions, so it makes sense that we are afraid of it
  14. Pretty much what I'm afraid of yes. How unbalanced PvP ever was in WoW, before cross-realm you atleast knew your enemis, and had a reputation yourself. Atleast those of us that played PvP daily. When there is no risk/chance of getting a bad/good reputation people will stop caring. People will enter a WZ and just afk/leech it for their valor and baam, PvP is dead.
  15. This ^^ It is not all about kill-count etc. Play smart and just get/keep two nodes and you win! As the OP said, even as a low level you can mess around Alot with disrupts/stuns etc.
  16. Damn close tho, my poor lvl 23 scoundrel get's 2 shot rather often (by the heavier burst classes). 5-7k crits is nothing rare.
  17. I was hanging around the developer tracker when I found a thread from a player that complained about him having too few opponents at 50 on his server. At page 7 of said thread he gets a reply from a BW representative basically addressing his "huge" problem (like there isn't better stuff for them to reply to?) and announcing that even tho BW have said that they Dont want to use cross-realm tools (which Do completely ruin a servers community) it now will be implemented...Just not "in the near future". What this does to me? It makes me feel sick, and I seriously consider Not playing the game anymore. Now I expect that just when they fix PvP for us, they will ruin it by making it matter **** (yes, having cross-realm basically does that). Good work BW, you just lost alot of PvP:ers. For reference see: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1422167#edit1422167 - page 7.
  18. What the frakk?! AmirFett just went and made an identical thread as this one. I haven't bothered even checking if his input is the same or not, but what is he up to? Think they will give him more attention if he creates more threads? O.o
  19. Funy how there always seem to be plenty of spoiled brats out there wanting it all easy and fixed from start-ish They would not have survived the initial week of WoW (or any other MMO for that part). Cheers for making a very long list that I couldn't bother reading if so my life depended on it!
  20. More than half of what you ask for is already on it's way (according to the latest PvP update information) and the rest, well the rest just seemed like bad ideas IMO, like the cross server match up. It ruined wow's PvP and I bet it will ruin SW:tOR's aswell..
  21. Sorry to say it, but a well geared "healer-dps" class get's like 15k hp, the tank classes with the right gear get just under 20k. I'd say it's quite a difference!
  22. Seconded! WoW did this and it killed PvP. Battleground is nothing else than Honor farms now, for the few who level up alts for Arena. And the Imbalance finished it all No cross realm Anything!!
  23. I doubt it, I would even guess that ALOT more people will actually queue if they dont have to be ***** by 50's (or spend their time ****** low levels) all game long.. If you ask me, the 50 bracket is 2 weeks late, and it will Not decrease queue times etc.
  24. Agree with the 50 bracket, it is always hard to be sure when so many out there is low levels whining etc. But how the Frakk can you say that it's skill that makes this possible? The rotation must be the easiest rotation in all of MMORPG history! My retarded dog could stealth up to a target and press those 3 buttons in the right order! Skill my ***, stop defending an obvious case, even alot of the OP/scoundrels agree that they are OP.
  25. Oh wait, you must be a OPerative or Scoundrel right? But something is flawed with that video. It cuts off right when the battle starts and begins again when the battle ends. And according to damage done it's right over 11k. Either you cut it to make it seem shorter or your computer cuts away some of the dmg taken messages. Either way, not even I (39 commando) dies that fast. I'll vote that that video's fishy. That being said, OPeratives/Scoundrels need to get a nerf. You can't very well take away their stun/stealth since it's what makes the class, but nerf the damn burst! What says they must have sick burst? Usually you have to pick.. CC or Burst. Having both ends up being OP, obviously!
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