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Everything posted by Sempronos

  1. When I first started playing, I was a commando and I couldn't find a single person to help. I was lost and confused and dead broke. I then switched to the Imperial side and there were high level guys helping people run the starter area heroics, another guy was taking people on trips to get the datacrons. I even had guys run by and lay down awesome buffs. Another time some dude was having RP events and handing out credits. I had no idea how nice the Sith were to their own kind, and I really felt welcomed. I have since levelled 2 chars to 50 and before I took a break a year ago I used to throw out buffs, or offer item drops to new players. It was a great way to spread the cheer and make the game more enjoyable.
  2. I grouped with a BH last night and that AOE missle barrage looked cool and killed an antire group of baddies. I think I am leaning towards the shoot missles at their face type of character. So that would be a Merc?
  3. I guess going darkside you are ignoring any possibility of romancing your companion. I usually just pick the most sarcastic reply in all my quests, sometimes LS sometimes DS. Nice video.
  4. Was just going to suggest the same thing. Used this on My Jugg and Sorc. I can solo PVE with a DPS spec then switch to tank as needed, just remember to keep a few items to switch up what you are boosting. I loved it on my Inquisitor as well, could level as madness and then pop into healing if needed. After doing it a few times you know what skills to put on your hotbar. I used mulitple hotbars, so I had one ready for healing and one for levelling. Worth every penny for sure.
  5. I like your idea of quest rewards being changed to either loot boxes for coins and comms, then you can save up for that one item you need to fill your current template without doing all the leg work for an item worse than you already have. I have no idea how many times after lots of running around and endless mobs I finally get to the end of a quest chain and I am pumped thinking after all this, I bet the reward is awesome. Only to find it would have been awesome 5 levels ago for another class. Rage!
  6. I was bored one night on my Jugg so I decided to help some new players blaze through Black Talon so they could get better gear and we both could get boosts to our social score. After a few quick runs, I am forming up a new group of level 10-12's and literally get chewed out by a level 10 who refuses to join our group because I will destroy his exp. I tried to explain it will be over so fast and he can maybe get better gear than on the starter planet plus up his social. To no avail. He accused me to showing off to new players and threatened to log his level 50 on and show me up. I was boggled. Needless to say when we finished the run he was still at the enterance looking for a group. Some people.
  7. While we are talking about hair, I would like to add the need to buy body augmentation sliders. How hard would it be to add bigger arms, or broader shoulders, or shorter height, or bustier busts? I would pay for this.
  8. I just find it frustrating to do a long chain quest and turn it in only to find the reward is an item that your class cannot use, or its lower than the level requirement to do the quest. I am not sure if its like a random generator, but how hard would it be to give class specific rewards or items you might actually want to use? I sometimes find better random drops off quest mobs than the actual quest reward. Thanks.
  9. I have gotten tired of reporting spammers or putting them on ignore. They always have names like FDJISSKDUOFD and its usually in fleet or the starting areas. My solution would be to only permit trading between accounts that have an active subscription. The level 1 guy with the name fdsjkhkldskuds can't trade or send credits in the mail. To avoid the work around of this, which is to have level 1 characters spamming but having legit characters log in to deliver the credits, is to have the system automatically flag any account that transfers credits. A simple filter would weed out people who send their own characters credits. If you send credits to any other account from your paid account a simple list is tabulated which a GM can then scroll through for further investigation. When you spot an account sending credits to multiple people you can investigate and take action. If its just one guy giving another guy some credits, you can easily see he only did it once, and with further investigating can see they probably are friends as you can determine if they spoke to each other with chat logs, or whatnot. It wouldn't be a hard system to impliment. I do believe EVE online is currently doing this. It is fast, automatic and quickly weeds out accounts that are doing this, so they are banned. The problem is it takes time and effort.
  10. I started playing a commando because the huge giant gun was awesome but after a while I found it boring and so I rolled a Sith Warrior. Absolutely loved it. Big brooding red Sith with a great voice. Originally started with all DS options, I wanted pure evil, but Vette slowly started working him over with guilt trips and her cute little voice. It got inside his head. After a while he wished she still had that zapper collar on. By the middle of the story my Jugg was a total softy. Oh to the outside world he was hard as nails entittled Imperial who would just as soon cut you in half as look at you, but with Vette he went soft. He began to make LS choices to gain her approval. Part of him wanted to take her and make her his own, but he wanted her to give herself to him willingly. He could have used his powers and had his way with her, but Vette revealed his soft heart under that Sith exterior and he slowly fell in love with her. The story line was perfect, loved heading back to the starting area and visiting that nasty worm who called me "slave" at every opporunity. To watch him grovel was great. Not giving any spoilers away but the ending of the story arc was awesome. I just wish I had more interaction with Vette.
  11. I am new to the bounty hunter class. I have a 50 Jugg and 50 Inq but I stopped playing just over a year ago because I was burnt out and needed a break. Well, now I am back, and I want to come in like a wrecking ball....sorry that song is stuck in my head. I am interested in PVE, and will probably not do any PVP at all, so before I pick my advanced class I was hoping to get some advice. I have been reading the posts on both advanced class boards but I am more confused than ever. You people use too many short forms! I do not understand these abbreviations. So in plain language please help me decide with advanced class to play for a solo pve experience, and if you can explain your reasoning without abbreviations, I would be most grateful. I do not want to grind and be frustrated, but was hoping for a class and abilities that will make solo pve enjoyable and fun...and fast. Thank you.
  12. I finished the Sith Inquisitor and Sith Warrior story arcs and I found the inquisitor one to be a little on the weird side. Definately recommend it if you enjoy recreational tobacco products. No, for me the Warrior story the a blast. I am tempted to re-roll just to do it again. I loved heading back to visit that pain in the a(s)s guy who keeps referring to you as "slave" on the starter planet. I hated my teacher and was glad to finally settle that score. Nope, the Warrior line for me was the best. Looking forward to playing fresh on the Jedi side and experiencing all that.
  13. I haven't played a guardian yet but I have played a Sith Jugg all the way to 50. It is a gear dependant class, specially if you solo 95% of the time like I did. I found the story line fabulous and loved every minute of it. Vette can be annoying if you are really trying to be evil, because she is so hot and you want to please her you end up becomming a slightly soft (light sided) Sith. At 50 before I took a break last year I had grouped with other Juggs while playing my Sorc who were in some pretty top gear and I literally had to run to keep up with them through the flashpoint. I would stop to cast and by the time it went off the mob was nearly dead. It was insane. I hope that helps you decide.
  14. I am in the same boat as the original poster. I played a Sith Juggy to level 50 and absolutely loved the class, the story line and all the fun things like force choke and so on. I quit playing about a year ago before the Hutt Cartel and level expansion. Now that I am back after a nice break, the game feels fresh again and I decided to start fresh as a Jedi. Previously I made it to level 17 or something with a commando, but this time I wanted either a sentinal or guardian. Now I am sitting in Tython debating. Love the Jugg and perhaps the Guardian will be just as fun, but then I see how much damage a sentinal puts out and I am thinking it would be an easy class to solo pve with. I am not into pvp and care little for it other than the odd huttball game. I always thought sentinals were sort of squishy, so you put out lots of damage but spend tons of time being close to death, while the guardian is more steadfast, sure his damage might not be as flashy but he never really has to stop. Am I right here?
  15. I just came back to the game after a year off. Previously I levelled a Sith Jugg and Sorc and they both went pure evil, so I always picked whatever options gave dark side points. I tell you it gets boring. I rolled a bounty hunter one time and I seriously struggled with killing the father who didn't want to let his kid go to the Sith academy. I mean I literally stopped, went outside, had a smoke. Thought about each option. Debated with myself. Had another smoke, pondered some more. Sat back down and stared at my screen for another 30 minutes and decided to let him live. It was really an amazing problem. In the end pick what seems right to you, the gains and losses are minimal really. You can grind dailies at 50 that will change your alignment anyway. Some gear might not be available but really there is no downside. I found my Sith Jugg started out as evil, but Vette slowly worked him over to the point he was making light side choices just because she was peering over his shoulder and he so wanted into her pants. In the end they married, so I guess it was worth it.
  16. SOrry to ask but I am curious why you would want your companion to hate you so much? Does it effect their abilities in combat? I mean if your companion really hated you would they sit back and let you die? Just wondering really what the up side of down is.
  17. I never tried the tennis. I usually do stunts or run over people. Ya I'm that evil. About the original topic, I was hoping they would permit same sex relationships. If you played a female character you could have a romantic relationship with your female companion. It would be incredibly progressive, but on a down note it would effectively kill off the male toons in the game. But still, I enjoyed my time with Vette while levelling my Jugg.
  18. Oh, well thats a nice trick to remember. I will make sure all my characters are in their ships or in cantinas. Thanks.
  19. Body shape 4 female is the best. She has impressive erm...assets nice curves and none of those stick legs I hate so much on toons. Bought the human hair cartel pack and now she looks almost too perfect. Just need to make a custom dancer outfit...anyway. I wish they had a slider for those things.
  20. wow thanks for such a quick reply. It is nice to be back, I was running around Tython last night thinking how much fun my Jugg was to level, I am excited about being a Jedi this time around. I hate it though when my 8 year old son is giving me advice on a proper style rotation to maximize damage. He is in grade 3 for crying out loud. Now that he can read the quest notes (he had trouble last year when he was almost 7) he is ripping through quests and doing all sorts of things. Pretty scary. ANyhow thanks, I need to grind those dailies and get some credits.
  21. Sorry what is this resting zone you refer to? I usually just log out someplace I won't get aggro in.
  22. My 8 year old son wanted to play Star Wars again, so I updated our old game client and downloaded all the updates and resubbed for 6 months. I had forgotten how much fun this game was and after a break it all seems so fresh again. I currently have 2 level 50 Imperial characters and was wondering now that the level cap is 55 if I can still do my old level 50 dailies or have they been removed and I have to get to 55 for dailies again? I am asking because I am starting fresh as a Jedi and wanted to email my new character funds for equipment etc but my two level 50's are pretty broke. So if anyone can drop me a line I would like to know if there are still those level 50 dailies or do I have to grind out 5 more levels to get them again. Thanks!
  23. I've noticed during Black Talon and even when doing Esseles flashpoints that if my companion is knocked back or down he/she will get back up to fight and after each swing fall back down then stand up for the next swing then fall down again. After the fight, after following me, the companion stops when I do and promptly falls back down. The only way to remove this is to zone (elevator ride) or send your companion on a mission to sell your junk items. Also you notice the door to the shuttle ships remains behind when you are shown the cinematic cut-scene? Anyone else notice these things?
  24. WOW thank you very much, I am not 50 yet so I don't need to panic about these yet. I just had a fear that everyone was doing something I knew nothing about. Appreciate the input folks
  25. I was reading a few posts and people keep saying they are soloing daily heroic+2 and such and such, and I keep thinking, what dailies are you all speaking of? Were do you find them and what level do you need to be? Is this a level 50 thing? Also where do I find the merchant to respec talent tree? Thanks
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