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Everything posted by UncelSam

  1. This problem is for the devs to solve asap. They have to be able to create a good Q for both grouped and solo players for regular WZ.
  2. Premades have thier own WZ already - its called Ranked. Go there and face other premades, leave PUGs regular WZ alone plz.
  3. looking forward for this crap game to shutdown already. what a fail this was. Note to myself - Put BW on the NONO list of games along with the devs names
  4. This is the biggest thread ever created on any MMO forums. It will go to Guniess Book of record as the biggest post ever. At the same time BW and SWTOR will get the bad publicity for not listening to thier players. Very good job!
  5. Then u make a "regular" WZ for premades only. Solved . End of story. cant have the huuuuge unbalance that there is right now. the game will die since there will only be premades left ingame lol
  6. IM saying no pvp gear. Read the lines man! Or do I have to help you?
  7. Hear Hear! A founder has spoken. I agree and as a founder myself I have seen the same things occur. When i study the amount of players ingame right now i realize this game is about to hit rock bottom. I am also waiting for ESO to come out and then ill prolly quit this mess of a MMO
  8. LOL!! U compare this game with CS -big mistake. CS is a FPS and is purly skillbased game. This is an MMORPG and is purly gearbased. Your story about that mara is prolly pure bullcrap with you try to backup your story with LOL!! nice try. TOR gearsbased stuff gives 40-50% bouns BOTH Def AND Offensive. How u mean u can compete with "skills" to that? There is no way to do that, its just maths that your attacks AND def values are so much lower then the fullt geared guy, you simply cant win even with all skills in the World. (If you dont have any pvp gear and the other guys has full gear). You just full of bad arguments and bullcrap stories, LOL!
  9. the guy with no arguments at all. hehe ok. nice input.
  10. My comments on your post: 1) Yes premades are a HUGE advantage. Grouping in general (random players) has no advantage. 2) Voice comm has also a HUGE advantage sicne u can call for help while fighting, in PUG teams u have to stop fighting, to type a messgae that most ppl will miss anyway, and then continue fighting half dead. 3) Theres nothing tricky with that good composition gives HUGE advantages. PUG team has often none medic, while premades can have 2 or 3 good ones. They are alos guarded by a few tanks, while rest are DPS. In SWTOR the heals are just enormous and u can litterally heal a guy from 1% Health to 100% in 1-2 sec if your good healers or its a scorc himself. The heals are the very major key to success in SWTOR since they are so HUGE and haveing healers nor not is just a gamebreaker. PUG teams has toatlly random composition and no setup in roles prior to combat. Premades has setup roles and battlepositions Before combat u can see how they form up in 3 rows with DPS, and tanks guadring the healers. Theres no such in PUG. Its a HUGE differance aswell. 4) Yes, it is almost impossible since most PUGs are casual players who just want to pvp a lil for a while. They most often dont listen to the "leader". 5) Yes premades like to bully and this is a good way for them to give in to that flaw in thier personality. 6) Most premades dont have that much pvping skills, they are used to have HUGE backup form their healers and tanks, so u dont need that much skills. Theres almost no skills at all needed in SWTOR btw since the "skills" are gearbased, and not at all based on the skills of the RL player. Anyone can push buttons in the right order over and over, its not hard. Those with some kind of skills are those healers that has to be real good at thier stuff. 7) Yes theres is more. Premades already have thier own WZ, its called "Ranked" and is not used much at all. Reasons for this is that most premades dont like to face challange or competition, and rather like to just stomp PUGs around. But be reminded that there is alot of new players out there that grew tired real fast on this game and quitted due to your behavior. Many dont like being killed over and over and get slowed down and hampered in their character progress. They quit this game. Left int eh game are mostly premade bullies right now, which means u have to start bully eachother soon. And the game is serverly bleeding players that wont come back. In the ned it will result in this gmae being shutdown. Ive seen it Before in Warhammer and SWG. Devs dont listen to real probs like this and its up to us to save our game if we still like it?
  11. that wont solve the problem, since the premade teams has huuuge advantage with voice comm, powerhealers, hi ranking gear and prior experiance of co-op togeather. Grouping 3 random friends would still be same as PUG since most new player lack the ubergear, voice comm, and powerhealers backing them up. And some, me for instance, dont wanna be hooked to a Group of two reasons: 1) PUG stomping with my fully geared lvl 55 character is just plain boring and on top of that i hamper and slow down the progress of others grinding up thier toons in regular pvp WZs. 2) I dont have time to find a Group each time I want to pvp. And most times I have to leave the computer after one WZ since I have a big family that needs attendance, and therefor I cant be hooked to Group that would have to be awaiting for me all the time. I want pvp to be more easy to access, and whenI pvp with my other low lvl toons I dont want to be stomped by Premades 95% of the time.
  12. then the whole instanced pvp form is a huge FAIL for BW. They need open World pvp areas asap then!! Most other MMORPGs have open areas for pvp and thats maybe why those games still around, but TOR is failing?
  13. Why are the premades so afriad of getting some challange and go face other premades? Maybe since they arent that good pvpers after all? Or they like easy kills and PUG stomping? Either reason is equal BAD.
  14. Feel free to play vs others like minded like you, and not stomp around in PUG regular WZs, since your playing is hampering and slowing down new players progress at the cost of your "fun". Go to RWZ and play there, so all players gets part of this great game. Or else the game will die soon.
  15. UncelSam

    Kill premade teams

    PUG stomping is boring, read the whole thread Before you write something.
  16. A true PvPer that shares his (her?) side of the story! This is what im talking about! Pvp has become boring endless PUG stomping even for the premades.
  17. To "learn stuff" wont work since this game has gear-based skill system, rather than "real" pvp skills. All knows how to push buttons in what order but that wont help you if u lack the gear. Thats why your agrumnet is totally void. PUGs need thier own enviroment to grow and gear up in. What they dont need is bullies to hemper and ruin that progress with meaingless stomping.
  18. Then they can q as solo regulars until that is fixed, but we cant have it like it is right now. Its totally unplayable for all PUG and NO FUN. Its killing the game
  19. You can playt MMOs since you like to socialize with others, but still dont want to be part of a team. If your ina team your tiedup and cant leave the computer or RL matters as u plz. If you do that you have to leave the team and start over and find a new team when your back. I have alor of RL matter comming since I have a big family and a job where my phone is ringing with urgetnt matters. I cant be part of a team all the time, I still like to pvp casuallly
  20. UncelSam

    Kill premade teams

    I have enough friends thank you, dont need more. But I need balanced pvp! NOW!
  21. If u lose ALL WZs in regular as PUG due to getting stomped by premades (who dont need more medals or comms) your character progress is hampered and slowed down ALOT!
  22. GW never had the new stuff that ESO is bringing. Huge megaservers and huuuuuuge pvp battles!!! GW is njust an other compy of old generation MMORPGs, nothing new.
  23. I can be without huttball, stories and voiceacting as long I get balanced pvp without premades.
  24. theres new SW-games comming too. After the new SW Movies hit the screen 2015 there will be new SW games based on that time era, and thats an other reason why TOR will be shutdown.
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