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Posts posted by UncelSam

  1. UncelSam, I play soloqueue nwzs at ToFN and can tell you for sure that the real problem is bads and guilds of bads, they are usually the most angry in ops chat, while their utility at wzs are close to 0 and maybe sometimes hackers / exploiters / flying sorcs ( you can "sense" their presence since the game start lagging badly )


    However if you can convince prem players to queue solo the distribution of good and bad players will be better.

    If you convince EA to allow players from different factions get in the same team, it will be also a huge plus to "equality".


    But you will act as a commie, since you put good players ( despite their desire to play together with equals ) with bad players to make everyone equal.




    P.S. I'm soloqueue and bad ofc!


    Well, if you put the bads among other bads, they will all regard eachother as pretty good and have more fun.


    I want the option to chose how you want to pvp. It will be free of will if im going ina Group of friends vs and other Group, or if I want to solo pvp. FREEDOM OF CHOISE. (That cannot be commie style, so you go home and study "Das Kapital" by Karl Marx / Fredich Engles, so you learn what Communism is. Jeez I have to educate every kid in here. Could belive you all from america, lol)

  2. To be honest, all these whinings about premades would quiet down if Bioware put some efforts into pvp matchmaking system to distribute number of tanks and healers evenly like solo ranked queue. 1 pub team having 3 healers while the other pub team having none is what makes reg pvp so painful. Pubs against Imps imbalance? understandable. Pubs don't roll many healers anyway. But having unequal number of tanks or healers when it is pubs vs pubs? Unacceptable.



  3. Ah there is the secret ! For a premade and you magically gain a full set of gear, lots of comms and mad skills. I encourage all badds to group with other badds and benefit from this wonderful discovery.


    Yet an other lil kid who cant read and understand....sigh


    Premades has HEALERS that most PUG teams hasnt. If you have HEALERS youll prolly WIN if the opponent lacks HEALERS. IF you WIN you get REWARDS as good GEAR. If you WIN multiple times your GEAR will be very GOOD. If you have a whole TEAM that does this theyll all be very GOOD. If this team forms a PREMADE team theyll be kicking *** vs PUGs who cant compete at all vs the PREMADE team.


    Understand now? Good. move on,.

  4. I think the core issue that should be adressed is that :

    Premade is a group, normally in PVE a group is better suited to tackle hard quests.

    However you may pull it of soloing the pve-encounter, but you know its due to skill.

    Do the pve encounter with a friend or several and you blow through the content (I'm talking about the Group content, not ops(aka raid))


    This is the core issue. We who solo que want to face contenders on our same level, or atleast not a group that have set up the match to be in they're favor just by composition.


    Also premades as ppl point aint always good, this is the case indeed.

    again -> the core we have against it isnt "directly" the premades as much as the TEAMS.

    Teams = people who que as a group on regular basis 4-8hrs pr day with dedicated roles (tank/heals/hybrids if need be)


    Casual groups I doubt anyone have an issue with. Sadly the casual groups will be if we soloquers get our goals -> shafted and face the teams. (thats another disscussion)


    Alot of the defenders of the "premades" who cant understand its team, I'm guessing they're not on our servers where this is a "critical" issue. (like my rp-server).


    Some months ago Ebon Hawk had a migration of players over to PO5 (some wandered to Bastion).

    They did this to get some real 8 man ranked wz's.

    What happend? there was still a few "teams" left on Ebon hawk, but they wasnt as dominant as in you'd face'em constant + they where good about switching to either sides alts to shake things up abit.

    * lots of new blood joined the ranks of pvp since they werent getting roflstomped.

    (Keep in mind the pvp population at lvl 55 is most likely 100-200 at peak's in all honesty when I do who and see how many active wz's there is + 4man arean I get a number on average at 60-70'sh)

    The migrated ppl then got shafted with removal of 8man ranked and got 4man + some of them didnt enjoy the po5 enviroment (bit toxic) + they didnt all get the results they wanted (but hey a few of the teams got some attention for they're skill doing ranked (GG)

    -> return of migrated ppl and boom the random casuals stopped pvp'ing again.

    So now each time you que there will be a premade on other side and due to the sad size of population + they're

    que-dodgeing to not fight other premades, soloqueing is a pain in the ***.


    There is a few solutions to this issue :

    1. give xserver (fork out the money and make it happend, program it while hero-engine dont support it, there is always a way if you want it. (character copy to a "pvp-realm" that is virtually instant, then cc back to origin server)

    2. make soloquer fight only soloquers and groups fight groups.

    3. let things be as they are and loose all the ppl who's actually vocal about the issue on the forums (given that this is the biggest thread on the forums and normally only a marginal % of a player population will go to a forum and qq/ask for change) you do the maths.

    New games on horizon 4.4.14 (ESO) Where this wont be an issue.


    I will def not play this game after new year if the current state of pvp of my server is like this.

    And no I wont re-roll on pvp server (I have toons on po5 and the ppl there is toxic so I know how it is, and I can play'em toons, but there is other stuff po5 dont offer that eh do.)


    No you cant have my stuff nor my monies.


    The end of rant.


    5 stars for this post.


    It has identification of the problem, identification of the troublemakers, and a constructive solution.


    Brilliant job!


    With the current situ this game won survive the competion of ESO. If I could chose we should have a pvp balance to face the competion of ESO so we can keep enjoying BOTH games (ESO and SWTOR) in the future.

  5. This issue is causing a fissure in our beloved community that may last for years. EA's ignotism regarding premades is both sad and contemptible. I ask my fellow gamers, how did it come to this? Empire versus Empire, Republic versus Republic, casual versus hardcore, couch potato versus overachiever, basement dwellers versus bads; the great divide facing us is pitting brother against brother and should never have come to pass. How many casualties are required to garner EA's attention? I think we need hope, change, and common sense to resolve this issue amicably. I believe we need to find common ground here that will finally eliminate the cancer that has pervaded the community. If I recall correctly, WoW had this identical problem and they handled it in a direct and professional manner. I'm not saying EA's handling of this issue is incompetent, lazy and disingenuous, all I am saying is we expect more than a look the other way response. In short, make a statement already and settle it once and for all. Hint: Try matchmaking.


    I agree, but as you see there's over 100.000 posts and threads on this very matter, and still NO comment from the devs.


    I Think the devs have left the sinking ship already. Ive never seen so Little interaction from the devs in any game as this one.

  6. You realize not every premade is good right? Also, when I do normals it's usually on a toon that wouldn't do good in ranked so it's not really giving an advantage. Using premades as a reason you lose just seems like a scapegoat.


    Most premades arent good at all, but its the very premade team that brings up the bad team member to a good level. The premade team is the very reason of succsess, since the premade team brings uberstrong healers, alot of comms to buy gear for, voice comm, and alot of other unbalacing stuff. Its NOT the skills of the player that Counts at all. True that.

  7. PvP players don't like to grind equip.

    They enjoy having even chances so it was their SKILL winning the game not the gear.

    Could use more weekly/dailies.


    Too bad your in a gearbased game then. There very very Little of skills needed in SWTOR. All stuff is gearbased with HUGE bonuses. So dont get any Illusions you have skills if u kill someone. Its the gear doing it, not your pvp skills.

  8. I don't know if this was said before, or being worked at, if that's the case, then I'm sorry.


    What I think might get world pvp going is to have key points scattered around the planets that Imps and Reps share, where capturing it would grant their faction some advantages. Such as bonus to critical while crafting, extra experience gained, extra credit drops...etc... Those key points can be buildings, towers, radars...etc... Depending on the planet. Additional suggestion: Capturing them would turn it into imperial/republicans camps that needs to be raided to be captured back.


    They can even make some planets to have several points/objectives that needs to be captured if they want the planet buff.


    In addition to that, killing enemies in the open world would grant you world commendations, which can be converted into warzone commendations in the same ratio that warzones commendations have with ranked commendations (3:1).


    Let me know what you think :D


    Hear Hear!


    This is a very good idea! Open World pvp is just what the game needs!


    Its could be diffrent bonuses for diffrent planets that are held. One single player could be appointed as governor for that planet held. It should be the player who gets best amount of medals in the planet raid.


    I also Think it would be a good idea if the raids had some elemebt or backup of PVE aswell. For instance there could be nodes that spawn faction lvl 55 PVE soliders each timeframe u held the node. The Soldiers would guard the planet fortress as backup to players. If thyer attacked it will sound an alarm to all faction player that the base is under attack, so they can scramble to defend the planet fortress. Would be cool if you also could craft turrets and denfense fortifications to boost the planet fortress.

  9. Oh I understand perfectly - you are trying to blackmail bioware with withdrawing your sub till you get what you want. Only it isn't working so you throw childish jibes around like this, since your actual argument has little merit.


    Its not just me who will quit if things the same when ESO and other new games comes out. Games who doesnt have preamdes. Its game who this game have to compete with. Obviously SWTOR will FAIL if nothing is done.


    You have to use the bigger picture than only your own personal fun. But it takes more brainpower to use the bigger picture. Thats why u cant do it?

  10. How people can pvp a bit more than casually and don't premade? (since it seems like the definition of premade in this thread is any kind of group composed by 2+ individuals) if you enjoy rolling the dice and play with bads, sorry but that's your choice. Isn't so hard to add good players to friend list and see if you can do some match together. This is NOT a single player game, this is an MMO (why i have to repeat this every single time?) and should behave as such.


    If you want to stay alone (why whyy) there's a queue solo (ranked) button for that.


    No one is saying your are not allowed to group.


    If your in a group you go face grouped ppl in pvp. Have fun!!


    Why do you premade ppl urge to face solo players with bad gear and no healers?

  11. Seems most servers are totally pvp-dead.


    Its intresting to see that many of those advocating that things shall stay as it is are (not do anything about the premades) the same ones complaining in here that pvp is dead. Ive noticed that many of the same ppl are thinking of quitting and going to ESO or any other game.

  12. It seems theres alot of players here who cant read or dont understand what the written messages means.


    I'll explain it all very slowly, agian...


    Im NOT advocating to take away any of your gear or your friends.


    What I advocate is that solo players Q in thier own Q




    Groups (with all your friends & gear & voice comm & powerhealers & tanks) go in your own Q to share your own fun.






    Since premade groups who runs vs random teams are too unbalanced to the premades (gear, team composition, well-rehersed tactics, and uberhealers) which brings down the random team Community. I have tried out premades runs and its dead boring to stomp all the PUG. And being a PUG trying to grind some comms to gear up is absolutly dead boring since all u do is die over and over. It really doesnt feel fun and the grind goes real SLOW both on comms and XP due to the lack of victories.


    Premades go into regular WZ since their own RWZ dosent pop any battles. This is an urgent matter for the devs to fix. Its like a schoolyard for bullies that is closed, and it needs to open asap so the rest of the player base can enjoy and have fun.

  13. Granted I was a bit rusty but we used a voicecomm and this was the result.

    Yup, so challenging, specially since we always got matched with full pugs. Now i see why some people defend the mixed queue.





    Actually I don't, I was only grinding comms so i could get the obroan relic and it was one of the most boring things ever. We queued for ranked ( even though I was in full pve gear ) but we got no pops for like 30 min so we went back to normal and we never got matched with a premade always pugs. Is this the usual case for people that run premades ? Or is it just bad RNG for us ? We were on a pve server.



    An other satisfied customer has spoken. Imagine there are some players who Think theres "just a few" of us who wants a change?


    Im pretty sure the devs will do nothing, since they dont know how to fix this pvp mess, and this game is shutdown for good Before summer due to too small playerbase. There will only be the loudmouth premade runner left in this game. It the same low-IQ player base that ruined Warhammer and SWG jedi wanna-bees.

  14. I don't know what server you are on. There are NO solo que warzones happening on my server. The premade teams ruined it, nobody will que up anymore. I sat in que over an hour yesterday begging people to que up solo. With over 150 people on fleet we could not get one match. You may ask yourself why? Population is so small on the pub side that the same premade almost always teams together. If they do not get a que together they quit. Leaving you a man short. So it is clear something needs to be done.


    Knowing that people are not getting any ranked matches even still, after they went from eight man to four man and solo you should see a problem. If you see no problem with this then I don't know what to tell you. Do you think the developers figured this would happen? Do you think the developers planned for weak pvpers to group premade regular warzones all day and ignore ranked que? If you are not seeing these problems on your server please say so.. I may try a character transfer.


    I agree with you. The game is dying and its since the devs gave it away to loudmouth premade runners. Ive seen it happen Before in SWG where the devs caved in for jedi wanna-bees, it killed the game within a year. This game can still be saved, but they have to move NOW since ESO launch is in a few months and that will´kill this game if its still in current pvp version.

  15. I want it to be free of will, I have NEVER said that Group Q should be removed. You have to learn how to read, lil kids. But ofc if you havent finished school i can take it one mroe time, slowly....


    1) Solo Q

    Where u play solo vs solo pvp






    2) Group Q

    Group vs Group pvp



    Freedom of choise its called. I bet you have nver ever Heard of such, but where i come from it really exist. ;)

  16. Haven't you read any of my posts? I think people that premade in the pug queues are about as carebear as you can get. You're just the biggest anti premade advocate around here, so i used your name in place of Dr. Strangelove.:cool:


    I know stranglove. Whats your Point? Theres nothign contructive in what u write. Nothing to see, move on, next plz.

  17. Read my above post. Reg warzones are toggle on, ranked is toggle off whether you're grouped or solo. What you want is already in place.


    No your suggestion is to mix grouped and solo players in regualr Q. Thats what the whole problem is about, the grouped player are called "preamdes" if you didnt know that by now.


    We all want to separate the grouped players from the solo players. Thats what it all about

  18. when did biowareever say that there pug wz's? ever? never!

    they allow groups of 4 to que because its a mmo if u dontl ike it leave mmo's arnt for you its working as intended and that's why you havnt gotten a response from the devs because your demands are stupid


    Agisnt u fail to arguemnt with good basis. Your yelling is in panic of losing your privilage to smash and stomp players with less gear than u. Your way is killing the whole game. Instead we can share and enjoy the game on equal basis?

  19. mate good post but your wasting your time as there arnt a lot of upset people its the same 10 or so people spamming the forums in as many different posts as they can to try and make this an issue when frankly its not


    I can fill the whole PVP forums thread page with posts and thread of ppl complaining of the current system. Its not 10 ppl its a huge amount of the player base Im talking about. But theres the same 5-6 premade pro-talkers that are trying to argument agianst us. We do know that your premade runners trying to save your lil privilage to stomp noob PUGs. And thats wrong, it kills the game.

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