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Everything posted by UncelSam

  1. The only reason premade runners constantly object us PUGs from getting a PVP queue for ourselves is that they are afraid of losing thier fun of easy kills. We PUGs who are tired of being cannonfodder for overpowered Premade runners just want our part of fun with getting balanced fights. If you premade runners are fancying a tough fights, you should be glad if we PUGs were in our own queue, since you should have to fight other Premade team, but instead you are all whining in here, objecting that we should get our own queue. That fact speaks for itself. I rest my case.
  2. You should get comms for killing players in the Den. You could get PVP missions from mission terminals inside the Den houses.
  3. If you like it tough, then you should like the idea of runing against premade teams. Voila!! Premades vs premades and pug vs pug I rest my case
  4. This guy got serious problems with himself... You need to realize the fact all ppl are D I F F R E N T and therefore find diffrent things fun. And this is a fact you gotta accept since thats how lift is. Therefore we have diffrent options in society aswell. And we ask for more options in this game aswell, since we dont find it fun running in a preamde team. There are ppl who likes to be free and come and go as they like without getting any penalty for that. Everyone doent like or cant be at the computer several hours in a row without going afk now and then. In a premade team you loose your place in the team if you cant join hour after hour. We want more flexible teammodels where you can come and go as you like. On top of that it is not medically advicable to not move around and excercice every 40 min by the computer. Medically you should take breaks now and then from the computer gameing and with more flexible team rules this is possible.
  5. What is it to you if we soloers get a queue for our own? I dont understand your anxiety, except u worrie about that your easy kills will go elsewhere and you have to start working for your wins?
  6. This guide doenst help that much, since you still get CC so much due to that resolve drops off so fast.
  7. Majority of the server population would accept longer queue time, in exchange of better and more balanced fights. That means fights without premade teams. I dont find the queue time to be that long and id love the thought of better balanced teams in exchange of longer queue time. I can find other stuff to do while I wait. I can be roaming the Den, Ilum, Black Hole while I wait, its ok, and i think at least 80% of the player community likes the idea.
  8. Why do even the premade runner care if we casual/solo/pug players want a wz queue of our own? If premade runners are that hardcore they want to make us belive they should be happy to fight against more hardcore ppl - other premade teams. But they dont want that. Odd, isnt it? Or is it they they just want to keep us solo/random teams as easy kills? Maybe the premade runners arent that hardcore after all, since they seek easy kills? Maybe we should remove premade teams, so everyone goes random? I guess the premade runner would be screaming in panic if we removed preamde teams, since it would be obvious that they arent that hardcore if they dont have thier 24/7 heals running over them all time.
  9. Just wondering since they seem to have it all. They can force push and pull, they got about 20k health and awesome defences both ranged and melee, and the got both ranged and melee attacks, even if they are a melee class? And they got a shiatload of CCs to spur around them at same time they attack and defend? And they seem immune to CCs most time in pvp. On top of that they heal alpha much and superfast. Is there anything at all they cant do? Just glad to get some tips of what to do with these monsters.
  10. Make some "hold the area" bunkers and add some NPCs to fight on each side. Make some PVE missions in there, but you have to be PVP overt while you do them. That way you can make a buck while spending time shooting NPCs while waiting for players to show up. You can even add galactic messages when either side holds the Den, so players elsewhere gets to know theres players in the Den.
  11. To FourTwent: lil mommy boy is back , nice to see you agian.
  12. its a good point. But for a starter, just dont give the rambos any medals at the end of the battle. Keep track of the Rambos ingame and promote the players comitted on the objective instead.
  13. The only ones opposing that there is a solo / grouped queue are those hiding in premade teams. They want easy kills, theyr not seeking challange or heroic monents. They just seek to stomp the little guy while getting 1 mill heals.
  14. This is exactly what we need. PVP was fun before level 50. After that its just a premade team hell. No fun in running in premade teams, since it becomes too easy. Dosent feel like a struggle at all, and not fun being stomped by a premade team either. So let premade runs vs premade and let us Pugs/casual/solo players have our fun too!
  15. The only ones that oppose that Pugs get a pvp queue of thier own are the premades who wants easy kills. thats a fact.
  16. The current PvP problems are getting worse by the day. Today its almost impossbile to have any fun content in this game after you hit level 50. After you done all the cool quests and the cool flashpoints and all, theres just nothing to do. And you dont wanna grind a new toon since youve seen all the storylines of all the 8 diffrent characters. theres just no more suprises anymore. I gotta say you devs did all this amazingly well! The game is pretty dull, since pvp is totally broken. If your not hanging with a premade team. To have some fun you need to wait or coordinate that the whole premade team you hang on to comes online. (Most ppl from these premade team are rarly seen without thier posse, prolly since they dont dare pvp as pug). If you wnat to go pug in pvp your doomed as it is today. The premade teams rule the pvp areas with thier constant uberheals, looping stuns, roots, snares, stuns, roots, snares, heals, heals, heals. Theres just no way a randomly put team can ever win these fights. My suggestions are that : - We get a open world pvp arena ASAP. The system with 8 vs 8 players is not working since we got premades ruleing the whole game right now. It could be balanced for a short term with a openworld pvp arena where you can call in more reinforcements to counter the alpha players. - Option premades run against premades and pugs aginst pugs. Make an option how you want to pvp. - You do something about the heals. The heals are just crazy in this game. It needs longer CDs or channeling. Or that the healers are easier to kill. Today we got healers that are guarded by some tank and its almost impossible to locate who is the guardian in the pvp mess. And its even harder to kill the healer since they heal insane amounts and the whole process of finding the guardian and kill him and then kill the healer is just boring and not challenging. You want to focus on the fight and not keeping hammering one guy that never dies or trying to kill a tank who gets insane heals all the time. - Fix resolve too! Its just annoying to be interrupted/stunned 50% of all pvp time. Make all stuns to be broken of taking damage or increase resolve value of all CCs. Thats my suggestions.
  17. /agree 100% being PUG vs Premade is unbalanced and not fun since u get stomped. being Premade vs PUG is no fun since theres no challange.
  18. Bioware cant afford to dedicate the game for ppl who only can run i a pack of other players. If they want this game to ever be a good business they have to appeal solo players aswell. And I think a bunch of dedicated solo players is better business than some casual pack players, since the horde player dont play if he cant get a place in a pack. They just simply log off, while the solo player isnt obstructed by lack of companions.
  19. Thanks for all good posts, we should keep the thread running and post good, constructive ideas how we want to improve the pvp, since we all agree that pvp isnt 100% in swtor yet. And most of all agree that the only way to enjoy successful pvp is by being part of a premade team. Therefor we need to have an option to the premades, so that solo players also can have a part of pvp. Also for those players who dont like to play in" Easy Mode" in a premade team. Since I gott admit that pvp become redicilously easy when your part of one of these premade pvp teams. You got all heals, buffs and debuffs served. You dont even have to know how to pvp, as long the healers keeps instaheal you over and over. An other idea to cut these premade teams successfulness is by introducing "Kolto overdose", caused by too intensive healing in a short timepreiod. The overdose causes the Kolto to become without effect.
  20. Yes, I think that the same type of players should play the same type of game ie. premades vs. premades and solo vs. solo players. Looking forward to see an open world pvp ground on Ilum. I have visited that pvp ground to the west, but I have never seen a single soul out there or in the Outlaws Den. These grounds could be very nice if visited by other players.
  21. LOL, your too long back, you talking pre-CU even. it was in the latest version of the game. Before it shut down
  22. In SWG they had some kind of "angry mood" that you entered after too many CC stuck on you in a short time period. The angry mood made it harder and harder for CCs to stick on you, which was good. It prevented the neverending loop of CCs cast on you.
  23. I experiance both as participant in premade teams and solo teams. I mostly enjoy going solo, but some days theres just the same premade team over and over as oppoents and thats borings since you keep getting stomped. And when I go in a premade team its boring since its too EASY, theres no thrill whatsoever. And I have problems seeing the fun of plying in God-mode a full day, but it seems there is ppl enjoying that. We have an urget NEED to make it an option how you want to play, God-mode (premade) or with a Trill-mode (solo)?
  24. !! THIS IS THE CURRENT MAJOR PVP ISSUE IN SWTOR TODAY !! this is why ppl quit midgame or dont pvp at all. Please make it an option if you want to meet premade teams or not. Today we solo pvper's are suffering of this. Those ppl who voice that they wanna keep it are those premade pvp runners, who benefit of non-organized opponents. Some days you keep faceing the same premade team all day, and you keep losing the whole day. Thats whats make ppl stop pvping. Make the premades learn to fight solo pvp too, its not just us solo pvper who has to adopt to premade teams. If premade teams dont find premade oppoents, they will run for non-premade team pvping too, and that will incrase the pvping overall on all servers. Solo pvper's need a pvp ground too!
  25. Yes, I promote this suggestion. Would make PvP more intresting for us who dont have time to sit 24/7 at the computer. That is a thing Bioware should empathize, since its not healthy sitting too long hours at the computer. If your in a group you have to keep following it and your cut of from freedom to come and go from the computer as you like. Random group are far more intresting than the regular well balanced groups where everyone has a specific duty. My toon is a all-round character that can do more than only one duty in a group, and by jioning random teams i have to adopt and find out where my toon fits in best, which i find more challenging than doing same duty over and over. With diffrent ranks you can find your own spot even more than today. And those eho only are able to do same duty over and over can do that.
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