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Posts posted by Buckit

  1. In warzones you will need to do damage and healing together along with objective points.


    Defend/assault maps make sure to stay near the nodes to get your points. As a healer your priority targets are players who can take hits. Do not waste healing on softies. You also simply heal just enough to turn the tide of combat but even then you always slap out some dps and target enemies with low health to finish them off. This will contribute to kill count and finish off players. Killing an enemy STOPS there damage. Do not pad damage on full health players ... that is pure dps class roles.


    Basically you assist your tough players locally to you and help finish off their targets as if you are an extension of them. It is dps specialists who should pressure enemy healers or targets away from your healing targets ... not you. Assisting on a kill also pressures enemy healers into resource dumping on their own players. Dps is one of a healers greatest tools when used correctly which is why all healers in this game can still do respectable dps and why there is a trauma debuff ... bioware WANTS damage to be king and to preserve attrition (one of Wow's greatest pvp failures).


    Pure healing will never take you far in warzones and for every target not killed quickly it is just another enemy who will target you to take out the healer.


    Read over the contribution rules (I know they are adding more soon, especially for healing so that should help) and work toward addition medals. you will average 6-9 medals with ease as long as your gear is good.


    some really good advice in here.


    The number of medals in and of itself is meaningless. Be a team player and contribute to a win first. Worry about getting kills and earning medals last, if at all. If you burn someone down and he runs away from your node, let him go and keep your eyes on the prize. All too often I see people getting pulled like brainless mobs and cause a node to get capped by the other side.

  2. WRONG... people who leave are the problem


    By accepting that you are leaving and getting no XP, commendations, credits, or valor you have "penalized" yourself but what your failing to realize is that you just handicapped your team by leaving. Anyone who leaves after 1 point scored in huttball should be banned for an hour+ from WZ's. They are self centered and have no team concept (regardless of the skill of the team). When you enter you should also be required to leave when the WZ ends... take your lumps (maybe you'll learn how to play defensive since no-one seems to know where their defensive CD's are these days)


    There needs to be a GAME ISSUED penalty for leaving a WZ such as a deserter buff. I actually would prefer a stat debuff somewhat like a rez sickness that prevents them from doing anything combat related after leaving a team behind. I'll also get in before people who argue "What if I'm disconnected" and to that I say I don't care. You have still left your team handicapped. Do you think raid bosses pause if the tank gets disconnected? No.. you wipe and start over which normally takes time... so any argument about not getting debuffed upon WZ exit still does not apply.


    Flame on, but I guarantee some type of game penalty will be implemented and when it does I will smile. Until then I'll continue to flame everyone exiting WZ's in general chat to make sure they are never asked to premade


    EDIT: Yes this is QQ and rightfully so... only carebears and bad players will disagree that quitters should get off free.


    Lighten up, Francis.

  3. Everyone leaves. Why stay, no penalty.



    The penalty is you get zero xp, commendations, money, or valor and you've wasted x minutes of your game time.


    Fair enough penalty.


    I think it sucks that some players choose to bail at the first sign of trouble, but if they're quitters, they're probably not worth having around anyway.



    On the other hand, if you're in a pug who has no clue what they're doing and/or people are screaming at each other in chat instead of concentrating, it's certainly acceptable to get the hell out of there.

  4. The whole point of grav round and for that matter gunnery is grav powers up everything else. If you don't have the high level gunnery skills then all grav round is charge bolts with a debuff that allows hi impact bolt.


    Good to know. So Grav Round in and of itself isn't necessarily worth the skill point considering the damage it does?

  5. Title says it all, i'm having a lot of trouble getting more than 4 medals


    I didn't start getting more than 4 regularly until I hit the mid 30's in pugs. When playing witih guild mates, especially when someone slaps guard on you, it happened a lot sooner.


    Organized play always translates to better performance in warzones.


    Don't be Rambo and think you can get much done solo in PVP. Sadly, this happens WAY too often. At least on my server.

  6. If I could hijack slightly, is anyone familiar with a prototype/blue level cannon called the Elite Watchman Destroyer (or something like that)?


    I had one in Beta and the noise it made was so cool. Is anyone aware of an orange level cannon that makes the same sound?

  7. I'm on a fence and not leveled up enough yet to test either.


    I'd like some feedback from those who may have already tested this out.


    Because of the way the skill tree is set up, you can have Bacta Infusion or Grav Round but it's impossible to create a build with both.


    That leaves the question, do I want a really powerful heal or a really powerful damage ability?


    Has anyone gone back and forth, trying BI and GR? What were your impressions? Is one way more useful to have than the other? Obviously depends on play style, but does one seem like a must have relative to the other?

  8. If you're playing in pugs, your teammates probably aren't lending you the support you deserve. When matched up with a good squad of players, the combat medic can be quite effective. You may not rack up crazy heal numbers like some of the other classes (though you might) but keep in mind that you can also dish out crazy damage AND respectable heals at the same time.


    Might help to assess your gear and your skill tree build as well.

  9. I think the G in GTN should actually be implemented. Currently, the GTN terminals operate as planetary (or fleet) trade networks. I think all GTN terminals should give you access to all items loaded in, regardless of location.


    I think going cross-server would be a bit too complicated.

  10. I have the same problem with my LS points.


    Additionally, I have some very tiny amount of DS points (like 0.0003298547582344...) despite having never run a DS diplomacy mission and never having selected a DS choice in any dialogue. Strange. My DS points should be zero. Mark it zero!!!

  11. Early 20's Jedi Shadow.... I just picked up a full set of PvP reward gear. It far outstrips both the quest reward and commendations gear I had available, and the main pieces are modable. Also, it looks WAY cooler.


    Interesting, non of the stuff i got from PVP boxes is moddable. Guess I better stop buying boxes and start paying more attention to the straight vendor items.

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