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Posts posted by Buckit

  1. I had 4 Alderaan WZ's in a row where we were on the **** end of the stick at 5 v 8. If you're up against a team of 8 that know's what they're doing, your chances of coming back and winning after starting out 3 men down is slim to none.


    It's a crappy situation to queue in to.

  2. The Trooper story line is repetitive, dull, unimaginative, and has an overall rushed second draft feel to it.


    I've been extremely disappointed with almost every aspect of the trooper story line and i'm just about at the end of it now.


    If the game play wasn't so fantastic, I would have ditched the trooper before I dinged level 25.

  3. Is it just me, or did tab targeting recently get even worse? It has never worked great, but recently (maybe last patch?) it seems to be exceedingly dumb.


    I tried a few tests in Huttball. I'd position so an enemy player was right in front of me with other enemy players a good distance away. Sometimes hitting tab once worked. In other cases, I had to hit the key as many as 6 or 7 times before getting the intended enemy. That's just plain useless.

  4. I chalk this debacle up to when rpg designers who never ever played an MMO, design their first MMO. Same reason for the bike ride on void star, same reason for the 4 loading screens between planets, and orbital stations, making your class quest bounce back and forth from dromund kaas/coruscant while ignoring the fact that you already have a HOLOCALL mechanic already in place, non customizable ui, reward systems based on random number generators, tool tips that list no quantifiable numbers for players to utilize, lack of transparency for rules; determining who wins in warzone ties, design a companion for ranged classes that pulls mobs into melee range to kick your ***, C2-N2, limiting player choice on companion use, impossible class quest bosses who you cant target due to LoS error, the huge *** friggin space port on coruscant, the required walk between disconnected taxi pads on dromund kaas (dont worry you only have to come back to dromund kaas 20 times during your class quest), et al I could go on and on, but I have have already wasted the last 2 minutes thinking all this up so, it is time to move on to other things in my head...


    pretty nice list of some of the small yet highly annoying aspects of TOR that need tweaking. BW take note!

  5. Either buy the gear or use your comms on buying random boxes.


    The green gear that comes out of those boxes is total crap. I don't understand why BW bothered putting that junk in at all.



    Get yourself some orange armor pieces and an orange weapon and:


    craft your own mods

    buy mods off the GTN

    commission crafters to make what you want



    Wouldn't hurt to do a little questing and flashpoints to get some gear as well.

  6. Hi folks,


    Unfortunately, it seems that our CS droids were in error when they responded to Ashania's original tickets and for that, we apologize.


    Currently, in the event of a tie on Voidstar, the winner is randomly chosen. We are going to be improving this with 1.2, but in the meantime, that is how winners are currently chosen for ties on Voidstar.


    Again, I apologize for any confusion and thank you for letting us know about this.


    Thank you for giving us some behind the scenes information on a warzone. That's much appreciated and I hope this trend continues in the future.

  7. This part of the Trooper story was the ONLY interesting twist i've seen so far. Shame it comes near the very end of the Trooper story.


    The writers for Trooper really did a shoddy job IMHO. There were so many interesting plot devices they could have used for a special forces squad. Instead it's all a bunch of vanilla, unimaginative "For the Republic!!!!" junk.

  8. Right now medals are awarded for individual efforts while a win requires a concerted team effort. This creates a schism between two disparate objectives: focus on individual achievements or focus on team achievements.


    I agree with this part of your post. Personally, I think BioWare should employ a little tough love: Only the winning team gets valor/XP/Comms/Credits, etc. At least for ranked matches.

  9. Tab targeting definitely leaves much to be desired in fast paced PVP situations. Raid frame helps somewhat for healing. I often find the easiest solution is just clicking on who I want to target (which is a terrible solution).
  10. Hi all ,just turned lvl 50 and im gunnery commando , had enough wz coms for 6 champ bags which gave me all tokens......so got a couple of centurion peices and a champion implant , the rest of my gear is lvl 40 pvp armour modded to lvl 50.


    I head of to a WZ and splat .........my performance was appalling and I die way too quick. Now this is my second lvl 50 , I have a sage healer that does more than ok for himself and well on his way to BM.


    My question is should i switch to combat medic until ive built my gear up a bit? I mean unless im doing something wrong Im struggling to cope in WZ . Any advice would be great.


    ***? I've opened 10 bags and got nothing so far. I have 3 pieces of gear and a hybrid spec, combat medic and gunnery. Surprisingly, I can hold my own pretty well up against the normal team of 4-6 inquisi*****s and other imps, mostly well-geared. I was expecting to get farmed but i'm actually able to stay on my feet and pump out useful heals and damage. The biggest trick for me has been to stay as mobile as possible. LOS and making a run for it when faced with certain death.


    Not sure what your build is. Are you running off solo or sticking with a group?

  11. Dear Bioware,


    I'm very excited about having just hit level 50 with my character. However, the level 50 trooper gear I've picked up with commendations is just plain silly and ugly. A giant set of rockets on my shoulder? I don't even have an ability that launches rockets.


    Lots of the gear below level 50 looks epic. Please consider adding different skins for level 50 gear. I plan on keeping this particular character for years. I hope I don't have to stare at this silly looking suit of armor for years.

  12. How about you actually list some imbalances instead of crying like a little girl on the forums. It really is amazing how much stupidty permeates this place, it almost makes you dumber reading the threads on this board.


    I, for one, feel dumber after reading this pointless, DB post.

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