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Everything posted by Vinsklortho

  1. If being called a carebear by internet tough guys is the price I pay for being able to go afk to make food and/or drop a deuce then so be it. I could probably count on two hands over the course of playing on pvp servers over the past 5 years how many actual real pvp fights I had in the world as opposed to one person just ganking the other.
  2. Early December pre-order here. While I get angry at times knowing there are people having fun while I sit here and watch my energy bars fill up on various facebook games, I know that I'll forget it once I actually get access. I'm optimistic. I'm hoping for sometime after my final on Thursday.
  3. Consumer faith is important, but all things considered with our crappy current economic situation most people will forgive Bioware in a matter of weeks. MMOs are the perfect cheap form of nerd entertainment. for less than the cost of a trip to the movies you get possibly tens or even hundreds of hours worth of playtime a month. They really only have to compete with other MMOs which afaik is pretty slim pickings atm.
  4. I played on PvP servers in WoW(5 years) and a PvE server in Rift(6 months). Once someone gets to a respectable level as far as reaction time, class knowledge, and thinking on your feet is concerned then whether you play on a server where you can enjoy a 10 minute bio without coming back to a dead character is pretty much irrelevant.
  5. I can tell you what I'm not doing. I'm not doing my homework. I'm not studying for my finals. I'm not maintaining a reasonable sleep schedule. Every game I try to play, besides easy to pickup/set down Facebook games, leaves me with this wierd lame duck feeling that prevents me from getting into them.
  6. I didn't know of the whole pre-order/early access thing until early December. Not to mention before then I was broke.
  7. I consider myself more of a Republic person, but my friends are going Empire. Its actually kind of a plus if you think about it. When Empire wins in PvP then my character wins in PvP. If Republic wins in PvP then the faction I like more wins in PvP. So in the end I never lose when it comes to PvP.
  8. I have a Macroecon final and an Intermediate Algebra final in the next 36 hours I need to get ready/get some sleep for along with a handful of assignments I have to do in between and I still can't manage to give a crap. I'm choosing to play facebook games, refresh facebook, and check my gmail for my invite every few minutes(even though I pre-ordered in December) over doing any of the crap I'm supposed to do.
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