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Posts posted by Nethershadow

  1. My Legacy perks, that I paid for with CC to increase gains from conversation, are not adding any bonus.


    And that console to "get your companions back" in KOTFE isn't available. I mean it's dead, non-clickable.


    I found the exact same thing in that war room, but found if i still right clicked on it, it would work just fine. So it's misleading that it doesn't even hightlight for you, you literally just have to run up and blind click it.

  2. The YV aren't in this movie, or in this trailer.


    Another terrible saber design is.


    A normal saber doesn't have extra bits that are more likely to the wielder than the opponent, the staff and this new one do.


    I agree that the LS looks not so good to me, but the guard would be practical, aka hence why swords have cross-guards. These ones could be dangerous to a normal person wielding it, but then again a LS already is as is. Jedi/Sith are enabled via force to better wield them without danger.

    But I really don't think it has to look awesome just because. If it fits the character then all the better.


    As for this game adding cross-guards, well I think it would fit and be welcome, though I won't be using any that look anything like that.

  3. Yay, they're adding another lightsaber design that's at least as dangerous to the wielder as it is to the opponent.


    Also... beware the lens flare...

    What is with you guys and all your "that saber is dumb" and "that is so dangerous it's dumb" spunk?


    LS's have always been incredibly dangerous to wield without some training to not cut off your own body parts. How is a saber guard not a practical thing? You don't think Jedi/Sith wouldn't be able to adjust to being aware of that part?


    Overall I really don't like the look of it, but the crossguard has been in expanded lore for a long time and fits well enough. LS are after all designed by personal preference as they aren't mass produced.

    And of all the things for peeps to get all uppity about in star wars is a lightsaber guard? What about the worst thing ever added and most un-star wars ever is the Yuuzhan Vong. Sure it is expanded U, but I would rather see people complain about that than some crossguard which is fine.


    /rant off

  4. Why do people want better force management for madness?

    It is our best dps tree, and all better force management will do is increase is damage.


    I actually like the changes so far, even the loss of self heals doesn't bother me anymore but let's stop calling that a buff for tanks as is only replacing a mechanic that in most cases worked fine.

  5. So if I'm reading this right, then what you are suggesting is to pad the health bar to keep the spikes from killing you and give the healers more time to heal you up. I'm not sure that would actually fix it though. You would still be spiky...you would just take an extra hit maybe two before you die. I would think this would also increase the burden on the healers as well.

    Hands down, I do believe we needed the buff to DR and armor. I agree it would have been nice to keep the self healing, but I understand it "might not have been feasible" from a programming or a balancing stand point, and try to keep some optimistic glimmer in the back of my mind that BW didn't just take the easy way out.

    Regardless, however, I think the *way* they chose to fix it is acceptable since the amount of mitigation you get is dependent upon the players actions and not just how you stack the stats. It's still "active mitigation" and therefor keeps the uniqueness of the class.


    Yes. Padding the health i think would be an acceptable way to do it, as well as follow the theme of the class already.


    One of the threads i was reading but have no link for atm, showed the differences in tanking between the specs with the math for pve. They showed i believe it was about 10% difference in health / mitigation. So the Sin gets hit hard enough that it kills him, but say a Jugg/PT would be left with approx 10% health because of better mitigation. (All tanks are considered balanced out in overall mitigation, and self heals is part of a Sin's mitigation) Now the Sin would make back that 10% thru self heals but the direct damage spike causing death doesn't allow it because your dead.


    So with a health cd / health buff it would allow the Sin to boost his health and survive at approx 10% but much of it will be lost after cd expires. Healz would still only need to use the same amount of heals they would on a Jugg/PT because you are still alive which allows you to also get your self heals as well. So there would be no added stress to healers at all other than making sure you get some heals before your cd runs out.


    This isn't the only way they could adjust it, but imo rewriting the class mechanics is a drastic change that reduces the classes uniqueness, theme and playstyle, not to mention we all signed up for Sin from day 1, and self heals was a major part to how Darkness worked. We keep seeing how they over nerf one class and buff everything else always throw balance way out of whack, well they need to start using a better test method and some common sense in making buff / nerfs, as we could have been better balanced prior if they wouldn't have over nerfed us and have used smaller increments to test with until they are satisfied to where things are at. And they shouldn't be buffing and nerfing at the same time (in regards to say tank balance), pick one and increment it until it fits. (Jugg/PT were fair viable tanks got buffed, and Sins were great tanks got heavily nerfed).


    I'm a programmer and i can't fathom why so many mmo games feel they have to always modify the numbers so much, not to mention nerfing the competition, which gives us huge imbalances and then they are no closer to balance than before. They even have PTR to show them results, but it's like they don't even check the ptr numbers to compare if it meets balance.


    Homogenization means we might as well just have 3 generic classes called Tank, Healer, DPS.

  6. I agree with many that getting rid of self heals is a really bad class move.


    Why are they drastically changing the class to when it is simple fixes?

    The whole tankassin issue is with Ops spike damage death spiking you from full health.


    Two talents in second tier that no one takes because they are useless is all they need to adjust.

    Swelling Shadows: just make it a temp hp buff cd. 10%? health boost for x seconds?

    There no bosses aren't death spiking you, problem solved. This would also lend the tankassin being a skill based tank.


    Shroud of Darkness: increase the stamina bonus from this talent to make it worth taking.


    These two talents tweaked is all that would be needed to prevent the death spikes from bosses which is the main reason people are complaining about Tankassins right?



  7. I love the Darkness tank with self heals. It has been this way forever, and now your getting rid of it?


    So one portion of the game, (Ops) gives us problems. This isn't hard to adjust instead of changing our class design.


    So change Shroud of Darkness. You know, that talent that no one has taken since the beginning of this game. Move it up the talent tree and make it increase health by 10% give or take. No more death to spikes and our self heals get to shine.




    Change Dark Ward, you know, that other useless talent no one takes. Make it a cd health boost, this goes well with us being skill tanks. Know when to use it on boss fights to not get death spiked.


    There is so much you guys could have done that is much easier to change (1 or 2 talents) instead of changing our mechanics/theme completely.


    Deception; there isn't much you need change here imo, we are suppose to be bursty and we are, i would just go with reducing stealth cd's so we can proc Dark Embrace a little more often.


    Madness, people are complaining about not enough burst, well don't listen to em, that tree is maintained damage.


    Keep to class themes, it is what made it popular in the beginning and this is just a slap in the face.

    Darkness = self healing tank

    Deception = burst

    Madness = maintained damage


    If people want more survival then guess what, play Darkness, if they want more burst then play Deception and if they want very consistent damage than Madness.


    Say NO to homogenization! It is bad design.

  8. Blah blah blah


    Seriously, how do you know damage is "higher than intended"?


    Post your proof or stop complaining.


    What you posted is not proof, just alot of whine.


    If you want to complain about tanks doing to much damage than start at the PT forums as they are king.


    All you are trying to do here is cry enough to get Sins Darkness nerfed which is fine, not OP and not UP, just fine. The other specs need a bit of love in some areas, and so you either want all 3 Sin specs to suck or you just got beat up in pvp by a Sin.


    You know how many threads there are about Sins/Shadows being OP in damage? None or very few, and that is because they arent, they are doing ok in BM gear compared to every other BM.


    /end thread for god sake.

  9. Pure Rage spec with all focus on Smash.


    You will have down time between multipliers and feel like a wet noodle, but when you have your buff up and charge in to dispense 5k? automatic crit to everyone in the rds, you will be jumping with glee.


    Good players know about these guys, and will kb you back as soon as you charge them, so learn to use oblit to trick them into wasting thier kb, then FC > Smash > Lots of dead people.

  10. Nethershadow -


    If you want to be able to do everything well, with one spec - Immortal is it. PvE, PvP, dailies, whatever, Immortal can do it, and do it well.


    The only thing Immortal doesn't do well is burst people down really quickly, but in the right gear, and played well...Immortal can do that pretty well, too.


    Your topic asks for hybrid advice - my advice is to stay away from the hybrid builds, with the exception of some specialty builds for PvP.


    theunwarshed -


    Immortal Juggernauts don't have threat problems - the people playing them incorrectly, however, do.


    There are people who will tell you that the hybrid builds tank just fine in Operations. Some of them will tell you that they tank Nightmare modes every week with no problems. They aren't healing, so of course they aren't having any problems, and if the bosses are dying, the healers aren't likely to say anything about it.


    Follow me, for a moment;


    Using appropriate gear + Soresu Form + Shield Generator = tank. These three things are the majority of what makes a Juggernaut a tank, and have little to do with spec. The difference is that Immortal is built around tanking, and the other specs are not. Right now, this doesn't matter so much because the content isn't hard, but once the content does become difficult, the gap will begin to widen.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for having more than one way to skin the cat - I have tried most of the hybrid builds that I could come up with that looked decent, and none of them really delivered in action what they appeared to on paper. Hence, I try to steer people away from them, but it's their $15, so I just talk.




    I appreciate the civil and positive response Lord.


    I am glad to also see some regard Immortal well on the boards.


    So the two specs i am considering is pure 31/10/0 or 27/14/0.


    What i would ask of you is Crushing Blow worth it over Unstoppable? I know Unstoppable loses some benefit in pve ops as you wont be doing alot of charging after the initial one, but on the pvp side i think it would definately shine. I havent heard great things about Crushing Blow on the forums. What is your view?

  11. Hey, I find i just really like the 5th teir of immortal to much to go full into any other spec.


    I want to be tank survivable with some utility, for pvp and pve.


    Base build looking something like this



    So the thing i am looking for is any advice on which would be the better way to go;


    Vengeance for Unstoppable, more str and some pvp movement talents




    Rage for Oblits to have more manueverability and charges are just damn fun, the unleash heal, better FC cd as well as better VS crit.



    I had debated going Veng 27 for Deafening Def as that would be more ideal for pvp and pve tanking, and then go Oblit.


    So what do you think of the combo´s?

    (I have yet to see anyone post a build that is Immort / Veng and secondary goes up to Oblit in Rage for tree.)


    Let me know what you guys think and if it would be ´successful´ enough in pvp / pve.

  12. Well part of the issue to keep in mind is that dps using the tanking stance will lose access to alot of their main abilities, which generally require a certain form (warriors), lightsaber charge (assassins), or weapon cell (bounty hunters). Ya, you can slap on your tanking stance and throw out guard, but you can say all you want about dps specs getting a few pvp things, but tank specs are just plain tankier when you get focused, period. A tank spec'ed assassin gets 10% and 12% of max health heals, 20% shield chance (ya ya, it only works on certain abilities, blah blah blah), 5% dmg reduction IN AOE, 5% accuracy reduction IN AOE, a stun in on a 20 sec cd outside stealth, more base dmg reduction, longer force shroud + root/slow removal, AND force pull to top it off. Yes, a madness sorc can pull out dark charge and try to do the same, but they will flat out die faster, AND lose access to vital talents like Raze, or discharge DoT spam.


    I am guessing you know nothing about assassin and just moused over the tooltips for EVERY single talent amongst all three talent trees and decided you would be clever and list them as ALL assassins get that.


    Also you said a madness sorc can use dark charge, which i am guessing you mean madness Sin as every Sorc knows they do not have such a ability.


    Juggernaut can use dps trees without losing talents points to stance req abilities. Sin, though a little less viable for some specs can still do this as well. I dont know much about PT but i am guessing that they have little limitation in this regard based off of hearing others talk about thier cylinders.

  13. As a Sage, if I notice someone standing in the fire a lot I'll yank them around. Not necessarily when they need to be yanked, but just about every time the cooldown ends. When they start freaking out (especially melee classes) that I'm ruining their DPS, I simply explain to them that I'll stop yanking them around when they learn to get out of **** them selves.


    Also, if I see a non-stealth melee running in ahead of the tank, I'll pull the back to the back of the line.


    I get a twisted sense of pleasure from that I guess.


    I have a Sorc and this will be my new strategy for now on. Stupid peeps get repeatedly pulled.


    /ready for incoming whine

  14. I'm curious. Mind to elaborate on why you feel the survivor set is flawed? Is this limited to pvp?


    If you know anything about why def gear stats have very little effect in pvp then that would be why.


    Alot of people think that getting tank gear makes them that much more super tough, well it doesnt.

  15. if u want to be tank with tank gear then its normal to have less dmg...

    tanks are best on huttball and warriors with their leaps are unstoppable there


    If you are saying tanks in tank gear are even more unstoppable then i think you are very wrong. In pvp if you are a tank in tank gear you just dont know how little that does for you. A dps tank is just as survivable in most cases to a pure tank. Those secondary tank stats that tank gear gives you are only affect by 2 classes (both of which have 1 spec that focuses on abilities that bypass secondary tank stats like most other classes) so in the end you are only vastly gimping yourself as a tank IF you use tank gear.


    I dont know what the devs were smoking when they designed the mitigation for pvp and tank gear being so useless, but if you havent spent the time to get tank gear yet in pvp, then dont and do yourself a favor and get dps gear for your tank. You will be much happier in the end.

  16. One of the ways is which a tank performs a group defensive role is by taking a good amount of damage to kill, right? I think most people that find a low fun level in pvp tanking are of that opinion.


    If i am understanding your stance right then;


    People that find tanks ´boring´ because they are high survivability and low damage should not be playing tanks ever.


    The people that want to play a tank that can tank and do high dps all have imba issues of wanting to play superman in any game.


    WAR imo had it right for tanks, you were tough and hard to kill but you didnt do amazing damage (cept maybe ironbreaker). But you were a tank, you were tough as hell and made life difficult for those that ignored your presence.


    This game unfortunately, lets you go tank stance while specing dps talents and gear making it so you get the best of damage and mitigation alike in pvp. Both damage and mitigation are too good on both fronts for one spec when other classes have to be dps or healer, but they add in the survivability of a tank into either of those roles like tanks can.


    I play a Veng Jugger and i make use of tank stance while speccing for dps via talents and gear. Tank stance needs to have more limitations to it like the Sin just got pretty much preventing them from getting the best of both worlds by adding a couple extra caveats to talents.

    Side note, i think it is very silly that a Veng Jugger is just as good or imo better tank than the tank tree immortal, pvp or pve.

  17. I love how everyone and thier dog has the `how to use weapons functionaly` the right way, which is only your way.


    Darth Maul played by a real person sure as hell made the saberstaff look pretty offensive in a martial arts way.


    We are also talking about a Lightsaber that can be ignited/un-ignited quickly and even a saberstaff can be used to backstab this way easily i am thinking.


    Also with all the example from our history mentioned so far is battlefield tactics, no one tries to backstab per say in these type of fights. This i am thinking is something a indiviual uses solo.

  18. Please, explain why. Vengeance gains more endurance, 4% flat damage mitigating, 20% mitigation after a force charge or intercept. These benefits far outshine anything the Immortal tree gets in regards to PVP (40% reduction on a 3 minute cool down, 5 seconds longer on endure pain, 6-12% defense chance, +4% shield chance, small bubble after force scream). (Also, please read the sticky at the top of this forum to see how tanking stats work in pvp if you haven't already, shield chance and defense are ignored by a lot of abilities.)


    Furthermore, you can still use guard as a DPS specced juggernaut. There isn't anything preventing you from doing it.



    Again, I think myself and several others have posted about this.


    There is nothing preventing a DPS specced juggernaut from using guard or taunts.




    I run my Jugger in Vengeance with tank stance and dps gear and it works out amazingly.

    There is also a thread about how vengeance actually is better overall for tanking in pve or pvp, and it is also more viable if you do both without having to change spec as a MT.


    If your healer gets a chance to heal a MT with this build then you will prolly hear that you just take damage better overall (less spiky).


    But back to the topic, as a dps tank in tank stance and dps gear, you get far more benefit in pvp then if you were full tank. Your shield and avoidance really dont do jack in pvp most of the time, but vengeance just reduces all damage by a flat % which affects all damage vs only those few attacks that proc shield / avoidance. Tank gear in Pvp gets very little mileage out of it as again most things bypass what it offers, whereas you can get dps gear which is 100% always giving you benefit. So what little you lose in full survival gear you get massive gains in dps. So sure you wont be top of dps in that tank stance, but you are doing pretty damn good dps as is, on top of being just as much of a tank vs 75% of all classes and you only loose the benefit of those secondary tank stats vs those 2 classes (assuming they are not the spec that focuses on defensive bypass abilities) that you will get full mitigation from.


    So bottom line is, you gain much much more benefit from dps gear and talents /w those tank talents while running in tank stance than you could ever get from just going pure tank. My Veng tank in dps gear tanks just as good as full immortal in normal aspects (pve, pvp) but where Veng accels over immortal is my damage reduction is vs all damage and not just a very limited shield / avoidance uselessness.


    I am with you OP, dps tank is the way to go by far compared to wasting alot of time and gear on def stats that have little effect in pvp.

  19. Well there is less than half the classes in the game that your shield will work against. Most classes use abilities that bypass shield, and as mentioned above crits are unshieldable from the fewer attacks that might proc it.


    Feel free to test it, go pvp and put darkward up, and watch how often a charge is used up, i will be you not very often as i have had it still at 8 charges when i died, which is a fairly common occurence.

  20. Huttball should be the first to score 2. Nobody ever comes back from 2-0 down unless they've been farming first.


    Thats because once the other team scores 1-2 points many jerks jump ship and then it is just a crap fest for your side.


    I have played games where i came into a losing Huttball and turned it around into a victory and man does that feel great. I suspect this could be more common if those jerks didnt jump ship because they are poor sports.


    Imagine professional sports when one team scores and then a bunch of the other team just decides to quit and not finish the game. Fail.

  21. Remove your AoE knockback from your bar, play 100 matches, tell me you're still having fun. If you aren't, welcome to half the other melee DPS classes in the game... and the most notable critics of Huttball.


    You do not know how to play if you are having issues with Sin AoE knockback, as it does not knock you back very far and for most AoE you can always position yourself when fighting on platforms so when they do do it it wont throw you off or in the fire. Exception is very strong aoe or pulls, but even when those happen while carrying the ball you should have enough smarts to know to pass up to teamates that were up on the plats with you right away.


    If you choose to cross the burners with a bunch of enemy on you and not much team with you then ya, expect to get stunned on it, so save your stun breaker for those moments. Valid tactic and your fault for thinking you should be able to walk thru stun free.


    As side note, noobs need to learn that you dont stand on your edges of your zone or let the enemy there. So if you are having probs as melee dps, one of the things you shouild be doing is killing the advanced scouts which are not part of the main party when on D.


    So many things about Huttball for tactics but seriously, anyone for even melee that feel they are useless just dont realize how to be effective. Everyone can.

  22. Huttball is amazing. We need more warzones like it, and especially more destructive environments!!!


    More things that hurt or stun players!



    Maybe something like the on-off shield generators in Star Wars Episode I! Or traps around a map or something!


    I would love that, some dangerous environment aspect simular to how many FP have them already would be awesome.

  23. Force ball is total crap. zero teamwork... all class based.


    Maybe that is why you hate it so much, because Huttball is by far the most team oriented pvp scenario i have ever played. Everyone has something they can/should be doing.


    Everyone i find is effective if they know how to play thier class strengths in the scenario. I play a Sin as main and a Jugger alt, and i love Huttball.


    This is how all pvp scenarios need to be designed as it really makes it a ´team´ effort.

    The people that hate Huttball are just interested in # of kills or big damage.

    You can have a team of inferior geared players that play togather well cake walk a team of BM that dont play togather at all. Strategy for a pvp scenario at its best.

  24. No one thinks of themselves as a bad guy or evil person. You always label it to the other and vice versa as it is a point of view and opinion and we all know how our opinion is right and everyone else is wrong.


    Samurai and knights. Both have honor but it is in different ways. Both feel they have done "right" by their superiors / empire, though the actions of either can be very different or even evil to the other.


    The Sith lead, but even amongst them they do have an ideal to how you should live, and they dont just kill eat other at the flip of a coin hence why they survive and exist.


    I have a LS Sorc and i play him like a true patriot of the Empire, his desires is to make the Empire strong and protect it at all costs while also preventing infighting and wasting of resources (people as well). Just like the Sith, the Empire must learn to be strong and not cry about things being tough, much like a Icelanders mentality.


    LS Empire i see being more like this, and the odd traitor as the person who accepts the morals of the republic instead of what they were raised in.


    Just my 2 cents.

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