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Everything posted by ufasach

  1. I was wondering if anybody has any idea why companions base stats were downgraded for 1.2? In some cases i lost as much as 3k hit points and 200 from base primary stat ie strength cunning etc. I spent alot of time and credits building them up so some sort of explanation as to the stealth removal of my hard work would be nice. Love the game love 1.2 etc i accept we have bugs and all the rest . I would just like to know the reason. Thanking you in advance.
  2. Absolutely on the money with this reply . In general any player we kill easily is due to gear difference or skill difference. I have a hybrid tank spec and I wear a full set of augmented warhero orange with the BM inserts with genuine warhero bracers and belt and I use a hyper fortitude stim as i am a synthweaver. This all gives me good survivability but I dont hit very hard. Its a comparative advantage thing. Evrbody think anybody that kills them is overpowered but really its about playing to your strengths. i couldnt care less about my damage stats as my job isnt to do damage. In hutball i am the ball runner or i help hold central. in void star i plant or i defend. In Alderan i defend. My best game was the one where i gave over 140k protection to a healer. That was to my mindset my best performance. kills and damage are irrelevant. I dont get why or how players can call for our class to be nerfed because in each update we have been slowly mini-nerfed to the point that a damage spec assassin dies in a heartbeat in a pvp warzone so to be of any use a tank or hybrid spec is the only valid option. We dont do any great dps and unlike other stealth classes like ops or scoundrels we cant stun you and hurt u badly at the same time. If u take away our survivability u take away our only usefulness Id give up the stealth b4 my survivability
  3. It would be kind of funny to see that but i threw that example out there as more a frame of structure rather than a specific idea. If each class has a specific target and was also the target subject of another opposing class it would be balanced but would also require players to do so within the objective structure of the warzone. It would require restraint, teamwork and skill but would add a little spice.
  4. Ever since 1.2 its painfully slow to load both those warzones and often as I arrive into the zone the animations delay my getting out of the team area on time to the detriment of my team. Also, loading certain planets like Corelia for dailies is also cruel and unusual punishment (whoever thought of 2 loading delays to get to black hole is a sadist) Regardless its not as if people who have seen these many times are going to feel somehow denied if they no longer see them and it simply speeds it up for anybody who would select that preference if given the choice to do so.
  5. Hehe! As i wasn't complaining in this thread I guess it didnt attract much attention but some sort of acknowledgement as to the content being reviewed would be nice lol. The suggestions would benefit all equally.
  6. OK I have 2 suggestions that I believe would be helpful regarding pvp war-zone matches. My primary suggestion relates to load screens and animations. Would it be possible to include in your graphic preferences an option to bypass the intro animations on Void-star and Novare Coast, as for those of us whose machines are not warp-speed capable, they represent a late entry into war-zones. I get that it's nice having these things there but after your first 100 void stars everybody hits the space-bar anyway and it would speed things up dramatically. It isn't a huge fix and should be easy to implement and I suspect that it would be very well received. My secondary suggestion is more of a leap but I believe it has merit. How about giving daily commendations for class specific actions against enemy factions in war-zones. For example a daily commendation would be achieved by a Sith warrior who over the course of a day force chokes say 20 smugglers etc etc. Just food for thought.. It wouldn't be the worst idea either to provide a daily commendation for achieving a victory in all 4 war-zones over the course of a given day. Oh and whilst I think of it, a mailbox and GTN node are all very well on a players ship and I am sure many people will avail of the opportunity but a Quick-Travel/Bindpoint on board would be the holy grail. Daily quests on 3 planets for several toons and pvp daily targets to hit . Anything that spares pointless time spent would be a blessing. Thank you for your patience in reading this.
  7. There is very little that hasn't already been said but from a purely philosophical viewpoint, these changes will fracture existing groups of allies and friends and foster new alliances/pvp groups based on relative gear and skill levels. Gone will be the days of training alliance members and friends new to pvp or those that haven't 8 hrs a day to give to one aspect of the game. A new food chain has been created that will feed primarily full BM geared premades and increase barriers to prevent those outside that classification from getting into it. I say this as a player with full BM and a spot on a good premade available to me but also as a player who is saddened to realise that I will be leaving alot of in game friends to their fate to secure my own progression needs. I am not proud of that but I will still do it because that is what this new system requires me to do in order to progress and without progress, I may as well not be playing. As a last thought imagine just turning Level 50 about now. How would you fare in this new incarnation of pvp. I shudder to think. I am all for elitism but not to the extinction of common sense and fairness. Thank you for your patience in reading this
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