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Posts posted by oaceen

  1. It takes a lot of time to prepare a statement of "Working as intended" without actually saying it.


    i think they're waiting until all the ranting over the dye packs dyes down a bit.


    like they have a quota. there's 4 threads already all about dyes going on. way too much. don't post the answers, you'll just explode the forums.

  2. "increases the chance of an augmented result by 1%..." does this apply only to augmenting a crafted item? or does it also increase the crit chance of resource/materials missions?


    it only affects crafting.


    it does, however, increase the chance to crit for a double yield as well. the devs said shortly after this was introduced that it was a misworded tooltip, but it does not affect mission or gathering crew skills

  3. cunning affects your tech attacks, while aim affects ranged and tech.


    so with that in mind, you want aim, and only aim, on your gear.


    however, you will want cunning datacrons, since they're free bonuses to tech skills and don't compete with aim in any way.

  4. I am prepared, but I will be a Scrapper Scoundrel regardless. It would be nice to see some rapid changes like they did with the BH's. How long to wait now.
    i do not believe we will get any immediate changes. i think all of the PT changes were already slated for 2.4, and then there were a few tweaks here and there based on the feedback (and backlash from the responses). of course there's still time i suppose, but i'm betting on 2.5 before we see any real changes, which is a shame since 2.0 has been out for quite some time.


    Just wanted to add that Oaceen did a great job with the questions, personal thanks from me for taking over the position after the marshmallow melted or got eaten.. :D


    thank you for saying, and i'm just glad i did a good enough job. i guess we won't really know how well i did until we see the answers though lol

  5. Anyone seen this yet? I mean, boo for not using our own ships, but huzzah for everything else!




    i agree that it's disappointing, BUT.... if you think about it though, it gives you the chance to play any of the types of ships you want (rather than be restricted by class) and additionally be able to tell what type of ship you're fighting. as opposed to seeing the jedi ship, not knowing if it's a consular or knight and additionally not knowing if it's a bomber, striker, scout, etc. or being restricted in the type of ship you can fly based on your class.


    another thing alleviating my concern is i really like the republic ship models (not so crazy on the imp ones though)


    also, it looks like there's 5 different types of ships: infiltrator, scout, bomber, gunship, striker

    i wonder how many of them will be usable by players. all of them?

    i'm tired of speculating lol. i want this thing to release already.

  6. Would rather they stopped selling the gear and instead sold pvp and PvE gear in the form of mods, armorings and enhancements just like the planetary comms dealers


    regardless of what the gear looks like, i'd love for the PvE vendors to function like the current PvP vendors, where you can buy specific mods and enhancements with comms to min/max how you want.

  7. i still think what we see is mostly what we're going to get. maybe some more modifications to make cross-faction sets more unique and probably some more color changes, but the basic armor design will be the same.


    but the more people complain about it, the more i think that the armors really aren't so bad.


    even when i first saw them, my initial reaction was 'wow, these GW2 armors look great'

    i just thought that they didn't fit the theme of star wars, but that they didn't look too bad.

    they definitely fit the theme of dread guards and oricon though, so i think it'll be fine after all the QQ dies down and they've been in the game for a while. there are many sets already in the game that are similarly-themed.

  8. you have two options when you join the group:


    take the guy who needs gear


    take the guy that's giving your group a better chance of getting through the content



    if you don't need to do the latter, don't. just take your guy who needs gear from the content and don't worry about it.

    if you feel that your group might have trouble without your more-geared healer, then explain to them: 'hey, i'm going to bring my other healer, but i want to roll for this one. is that ok?'


    you ask if it's ok before you even enter the operation. and, as a rule of principle, you let them know that you're giving up the right to roll on anything from the character you bring.

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