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Posts posted by oaceen

  1. Im pretty sure Arch is already aware of that.....


    Not sure what relevance your post has to what he has suggested (which was to increase the ammo reduction of GR from Special Munitions to 2/4/6 in lieu of getting the old set bonus + HIB ammo redux from Special Munitions).


    cool man.

  2. While Day/Night cycles would be cool, I think they are not needed. Having fixed day/night helps to create an atmosphere of certain location. For example, running Darvannis operation during day would make no sense.


    rejecting day/night cycles completely because it wouldn't make sense in one specific examples doesn't really make sense.


    day/night cycles have been a staple of MMOs for a very long time. it is a relatively basic feature among most MMOs.



    as to the question: it was reported recently that the devs made an aesthetic choice not to go with them. 'snapshot in time' i believe was the term they used. i don't really agree with it. one, i don't agree that that was the reason, and two, i don't agree with that as a proper justification for not having them.


    the whole story from 1-50 takes place over many years, so it's just silly to think we'd spend only a few hours on each planet where nothing would change. especially now that we have all of these missions that are taking us back.

    each planet could be different with their cycle times, and they can still have artistic flavor with certain planets like drumond kaas perpetually storming and go from dark at night to still pretty grey during the day.

  3. some people react negatively even if you're trying to help them. things get misunderstood. it's very easy to do in text-based communication.


    it can be very frustrating dealing with people this, and believe me, i do know firsthand, but he was simply frustrating to deal with, you actually crossed a line by being confrontational and saying what you did.

    some people are new to the game, and also many kids play this game, so you really don't know who is on the other end of the computer or why they act the way that they do.

  4. I am totally against this suggestion. Arsenal is not a heat constrained class (unlike Merc Pyro).


    i mean, i actually agree with you that arsenal is not heat constrained, though i would also admit that you and i are probably in the minority of players who feel that way (unless of course you mean from the perspective of using the old set bonus, then, well, idk what to say).


    but that said, since when is pyro is heat-constrained?

  5. Erhgg!! No fix for force shroud.


    why spend a question on something that's already been asked and answered?


    we should just keep submitting feedback that we think it's a bit stupid and why (ie: the inclusion of the chance to fail was never even documented until players found it, and smuggler's dodge does not have a similar chance to fail)

  6. Dont think anyone asked for buffs to damage, cept quickshot, which right now is just worthless. If we become OP because of that id eat a hat of your choosing.


    Survivability is what we are looking for.


    this was posted before the answers came out

  7. i remember when they said they were going to nerf sages so my combat medic would be more desirable. they made our AOE 4 targets instead of 3!

    and then nerfed everything else into the ground! ):<

    +3% inc healing with kolto residue (down from 5%), -5% inc damage with charged shield (down from 10%), only 1 cell generated with supercharge (down from 2), adding an ammo cost to trauma probe, reducing the ammo reduction from field triage from 2 to 1 while keeping it a 3-point skill (the absolute biggest change imo)


    and then they gave us a battle rezz that was basline for scoundrels and sages (even dps). thanks, zoeller.

    'we buffed your AOE and nerfed everything else, so stop complaining about being broken'

    good time.




    anyway, another comment. i have a guess that them not testing shadows with the new content was probably a result of shadows being so OP for so long and the fact that they still do the best in TTK metrics, so they just thought 'well shadows are still better, so i guess we should test the other tanks'

    i also have a guess that kitru wasn't entirely honest about his interactions with the community members. the only takeaway i really got from his conversation was that he was really annoyed no one knew him by his forum handle.



    the PvP quote reminds me of zoeller's stunlocking operatives comment from his interview with darthhater.

    On the topic of nerfs, it’s obviously controversial if we decide we have to nerf something. I don’t expect people to throw us a parade. Ultimately, people are going to be very unhappy. Practical matter is you need a complete bird’s eye view of all eight classes — how they interplay with each other, how the entire health of the game is — to fully understand how things go. There is the small-minded approach of “so many people play Sorcerer, BioWare is never going to touch them.” No, that is not how it works. If we leave the Operative the ability to stun lock and kill people — yes, there aren’t many Operatives — but over the long term, that means people will quit the game cause it’s not fun. We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives, then that might be part of that, and they will be not as likely to re-subscribe.
    it also goes against this quote

    "The fact of the matter is that Scrapper DPS is closer to target in 1.2. Understandably, if you were already struggling with an encounter, you may view this as an undesired change. For clarity, we don't agree that this is "unfair" for "pure PVE" players as the changes are not meant to (despite popular perception) specifically target PVP over PVE."




    there's another quote too, right after, where he talks about balance philosophies

    The stun lock was part of it but we actually identified the Operative at launch as problematic, and we had to watch it. We had to wait at least until we had data to make sure it was actually a problem. It’s very hard to balance a game on theory. We like to take a measured approach, watch what is actually happening in the game, and not meddle with you every week. Because everyone will have a feature of the week and, in many cases, the counter to that develops organically in the community in no time. There’s no reason for us to interfere, but if we see something that warrants interference, then we will have to act. 1.2 is one of those cases where we can go across the board, we can look at things, and we can rebalance.



    and here's another 5% quote

    I do reject that there is a “well, Operatives don’t have the sustained damage in Operations.” They do. They are within 5% of a Marauder.



    here's the whole interview http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19979-guild-summit-interview-with-georg-zoeller

  8. It was?

    Nope - don't remember that.

    I just remember entering Makeb on the first day of pre-release and running the first of my characters through.

    Don't remember not being able to play it.

    Maybe I did wipe it from my memory.

    Either way - in no way or form is anyone that bought the expansion more than a month ago due anything.


    i have the same recollection as you

  9. your gear seems fine for doing HM 55s


    your parse is probably a little low, but you are also probably not doing some things other people do like use adrenals, and do you have every class buff on your legacy? are you using a nano-infused stim? these things can make a huge difference on parses.

    also, people typically parse for 5m on a dummy, and do several parses. or go 10m, 20m, or even longer because the longer you stay at it, the less RNG will affect a short sample size (such as really high or really low crit)


    that said, i encourage you to check out the guardian and juggernaut forums for some guides or you can start a thread there to ask for help with your spec, rotation, and stat budget. there's a lot of people in there that should be able to help a bit more than the people in general discussion (and usually a bit less trolling).


    also, you're geared enough for a story mode terror from beyond or scum and villainy operation. there's a one-time quest that will reward you with some crafting materials. i believe you get 2 purples (mass manipulation generators) and 4 blues (exotic equalizers). the purples also drop from optional bosses in operations and the blues also drop randomly in operations and the final and bonus boss in HM 55 flashpoints.


    you can get someone to craft a 72 hilt for you for your mainhand and a 72 armoring for your offhand. it requires 1 purple (generator) and 4 blues (equalizer) as well as 5 isotype-5s, which you can get for 35 daily comms from the vendor.


    if you supply these mats, most crafters will craft it for you for free, since they can sell any crits they get. or ask in your guild. i'm sure someone can help you a bit more with this about who to talk to on your server.

  10. So going by your own numbers, the difference is 6.5%? BW stated they are working towards 5% variance in dps between the classes and by YOUR numbers in YOUR post above, the variance is 6.5%?


    3000 - 6.5% = 2,805


    So if they tweak for that extra 1.5% then you are golden right?


    Lol...1.5% does not equal the entire class being gimped now does it?



    actually the OP has fluctuated between 20%, 15%, and 10% as bioware's difference goal, which makes all of this rigmarole all the more ridiculous imo.

  11. % of Target/Hits/Action/Total Damage/Average DPS/Average Damage/Hit/Critical


    26.64% 144 Double Strike 232854 772.15 1617.04 54.86%


    28.25% 70 Tracer Missile 272097 898.21 3887.1 45.71%


    haha, good call. had the columns mixed up :o

    i was surprised when i was typing that out too and just figured 'well, it does get that surge bonus...'

  12. What I would consider a true cc is 60 second stopping something for 6 seconds I wouldn't consider it a cc tool. What good is it situational at best maybe fleeing a fight.


    i misread what you were saying. it is a cc tool, and actually a very powerful one since it's an AOE. you have to look at class comparisons holistically, not point-for-point. the grass-is-always-greener approach doesn't really work in this game, because not everyone gets the same CC tools or even the same mezzes.


    for example, vanguards get no mezzes at all and has no CC that lasts longer than 4s

    their AOE cc is similar to your intimidating shout, but only lasts 2.5s (with a PvP set bonus to increase it by .5s), but unlike yours, stuns for the duration and is not broken on damage

    and as i said, they don't get any mezzes, but they get a single-target 4s stun, and they have a baseline pull

  13. lol no way. I mean I spam grav round a lot too, but it still isn't as bad as balance shadow, and at least Grav Round is useful on multiple levels (1 proc, 1 stacking buff, 1 armor debuff).


    the quote i was replying to said no class spams an ability more.



    let's look at the dps leaderboards thread for a quick comparison:


    arsenal merc


    balance shadow


    tracer missile, 70 hits, 898 dps


    double strike, 144 hits, 1617 dps


    but wait, double strike hits... double, so that's 72 times vs 70 times (~3% difference) and actually a lot more dps actually to the guy who said grav round does more

  14. they should just add resolve to PvE or just really tone this stuff down (or maybe both). i play a tank so that i can be in control of a fight, where things are positioned, the pace at which we complete the content, etc.

    i'm fine with the occasional stun or knockback, but the amount of control in PvE content lately is not 'challenging', it's just extremely frustrating, especially as a tank.

  15. This is a great post. Not sure I am in complete agreement they are fine however I do believe BW should balance around the top 10% and let the rest trickle down. If we are balanced so be it let's adapt and get an arena spot although I think the meta needs to be shaken up to change some preception currently about the FoTM classes small changes like push Undyings cd out ect. Stuff that minimally affects PvE DPS.


    Anyway off on tangents great post read it people.


    i think fine as in 'not nearly as bad as the OP is claiming'

    able to do the content. have some difficulties, but still viable, etc.

  16. Actually, the change to grav round was in lieu of returning HiB to be free. The lower energy cost (3 per cast) would cumulatively help a great deal towards ammo management overall.


    actually, grav round isn't any cheaper than it was before: 1 cell = 8 ammo (2 cells = 16 ammo)


    and HIB still went up, even with the old set bonus, because it should have lowered the cost by 8 instead of only 6 to keep it in line with the old talent.


    EDIT: nvm. misunderstood. i thought you were explaining the change to special munitions to someone who misunderstood, not the rationale behind a suggested change.

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