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Everything posted by Tectonics

  1. The problem solves itself, just bioware needs to implement it. More servers, much higher server caps and Character/guild transfers. Do those three things (done the first one admittedly) and the queue situation will resolve itself to a more managable level like nothing
  2. I like the idea of Bioware blocking access to the highest populated shards for a week and forcing ppl to reroll on the lower shards, server caps do need to be upped a fair bit, but alot of these problems would be resolved with a better distribution of players. BIOWARE GIVE US CHARACTER/GUILD TRANSFERS
  3. thats the problem when i do get online the lag might be a bit extreme, fortunately i got myself to tatoinne during EGA so shouldnt be quite as bad as the starter zones but tonight will be something else, why did my friends have to choose one of the more popular EU servers to play on lol. Bioware need to up the server limits and consider the possibility of allowing for character transfers/Guild transfers.
  4. Im in a queue at the moment Scepter of Ragnos EU (queued up just past midday GMT/1pm CET) and still position 232, when i started at 340 something, so 100 places in 20mins isnt that bad, but again its midday, the queue tonight will be insane beyond belief.
  5. Scepter of Ragnos EU been in queue for about 30mins and still position 249, not as extreme as some of you guys, but very frustrating, i dont mind switching servers as couple are Light at the moment, but im in guild with friends on this server so unless they all move (whats the chances it wont happen on a new server) id rather now. The server caps are ridiciously low at the moment, need boosting considerably.
  6. Well at least i'll be playing on tuesday, got my product code from Origin, still no EGA which sucks.
  7. there is an ignore function as i recall, might start using it, getting tired of answering back to these posts
  8. Wonder how many more people other than me actually flagged that post for misinformation. Loved the Rage on the forums though, people need to read closer
  9. I fumed before i realised that myself, if that was the one and only invite for today so many people will get royally peaved
  10. Dec 11th......and not in. Should be next wave though, remain optimistic
  11. i agree would have been nicer to start last night, but meh, we "should" all be in before the weekend main thing
  12. aye same here, got My Account open in another tab aswell as its quicker to view that then wait for an email
  13. True but its based on numbers of pre-orders not dates, end of november very start of december = spike after beta weekends, i dont think there is that many to go. But still weather it be one wave or 2 or 3. the remainder should be getting in today
  14. I knew cunning was IA's main stat but didnt realise that about Kaliyo, thanks for that bear that in mind when i start playing
  15. Ok that was a bit kidish but hey im happy i finally get to play
  16. I CANNNAE WAIT YEEEEEEEAAAAHHH Its christmas only 9 days early for me. im going to get to play SWTOR TODAY WOOT:D:D
  17. each to thier own with the graphics, most games i could play at max or if not max then very close to it, but that can cause stuttering at times, the graphics in most games dont make a huge difference from low to high, its usually cosmetic things like shadows and lighting, stuff that after a while you dont even notice, so if my fps is low then i just turn off some of the cosmetic features forget i had done it and have higher fps as a result. Win Win.
  18. Im not in game yet, but i'll take that advice myself if my gfx card has issues. should find out later
  19. all i can suggest is try turning down the graphics, or turn Anti-liasing off. Oh and Antistropic filtering you can do that in Cataylst control center if your using AMD/ATI cards
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