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Everything posted by monkeydud

  1. Anyone else think all these whiners should just quit already? Having read the forums the last few days I can wholeheartedly say that I am FED UP of all these doom and gloom merchants. 1.SWTOR isn't an MMO? wth. Well lets see The game is MASSIVE - even C&VG said they couldn't do a fair review off the bat as the content was so large they wanted to do it justice. Its MULTIPLAYER as I see TONS of people online and general chat is really lively. And yes i have to go ONLINE to play it. Seems like an MMO to me. 2.All the moaning minnies at level 40/50 complaining that the end game worlds are empty. WTH do you expect the game is 6 days old fer crissake. Personally I would be worried if all 1.5 million users were level 40 plus by now. 3.I'm assuming they must be jacked on Red Bull/Purdeys and sleep deprived after 6 solid days of 24/7 gaming to even BE that high a level. 4. I have NEVER played such an immersive game what with all the spoken dialogue. The quests are interesting, the Medical droid revive is GENIUS - even 90 seconds wait is better than a long BORING pointless ghost walk of shame back to a revive point. I have not felt like I am grinding for even one nanosecond which trust me is a first. 5.I have pretty much played every MMO in existence and this is the best BY FAR. In fact I would classify it a MMORPG in all honesty as I really feel as If I am a Jedi and that my choices really MATTER with the whole companion loyalty index. 6. Finally - If you dont like it then stop playing it. Why post on here how much you hate the game? Nobody cares. I certainly don`t. Go and play some other game. I can only assume the MMO you played before this was perfection personified. I'd love to know the name of the game you all played prior to this as it must have been so frickin awesome SWTOR can't possibly touch it. SAY NO TO THE HATERS.KEEP THE FRIENDLY SPIRIT ALIVE.PLEASE BOIWARE DON'T EVER TO F2P.AND FINALLY TO THE WHINGERS - DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOUR *** ON THE WAY OUT. Oh and final thought to the haters - I love this game so much I am going to upgrade my GPU as my current one struggles a bit. Now just go away please and leave us alone
  2. pretty much everything you said I have played Flashpoint Esseles twice with no trouble getting a group, done the Heroic 2+ on the Jedi Starting world and one Heroic 2+ on Coruscant. I saw TONS of people on the game, the General chat is really cool with alot of friendly people. The speech is awesome, I love the multiplayer conversations, medical droid revive, cut scenes, area and auto loot and basically everything about the game. Like the man says its 5 days old! give it a chance. If you hate it so much then QUIT already and go away. We dont want to hear all this negativity. Go back to WOW or whatever and leave us to have our fun.
  3. Constructive Feedback continued Now it may just be my age (42! Ahhhhhh) but the text is WAY too small. The only text I can change is in the chat log. Even then what you type is still way too small and only changes size once you actually hit `Enter` PLEASE Bioware give us a global control to change the size of ALL the text. Same goes for the Map. Unless I'm missing something the only way of actually seeing anything closer is to use the magnify feature. It would help if you could change the scale manually. Apart from that I am really loving it so far. I do like the medical droid revive that lets you go stealthy to get out of harms way - genius
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