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Posts posted by Sandanglockta

  1. World of Warcraft is falling down the same hole actually, even since WotLK. Instant gratification, casual friendly. It is what kills MMOs interest, litterally.


    Disagree here. The subs started to plummet after Cata was launched, and the number one complaint at the time was that the Heroics were too hard (that still cracks me up... HEROIC is too hard). Making the game easy in Wrath is what made it so popular, which is why they are going the route they are going now to get people back.


    They are going the "Network TV" route, and I really want to play the "HBO" of games.

  2. 1) If you make bound loot tradeable for an hour or so (as in "game that must not be named"), you get into the situation where people start rolling need for their friends in the group (like the current disaster that is Raid finder in "game that must not be named").

    2) I find it incredibly rare that at least one of my 5 companions can't use a drop that I get as a result of greed. All of my minions are wearing Columi bracers that I bought with a token that I won with a greed roll because no one needed them.

    3) Making all blues and greens BoE, but making Purples/Custom BoE on greed but bound if you win with a need roll is a more elegant solution that I have seen somewhere.

  3. First, they are going to wait longer than one month to do anything about anything, because one month is not a trend.


    Next, they will wait to see how many of the initial dropped subs over the next few days affects the faction balance. (has nothing to do with the game, people come and go... especially the first month)


    Finally, they will make Republic female characters hotter than Republic female characters. The teen male crowd will start rolling Republic in droves.


    Solved... I accept Visa, Mastercard and Paypal.

  4. (like the PVP popup)


    This is the point dude. They HAVE a working random LFG tool (and a working damage meter), and it's called the warzone queue. They aren't WORKING on something that is not all that hard to implement. They have made the decision to wait, and it has NOTHING to do with them needing more time to develop it.

  5. This game wants nothing to do with WoW and is building its on community from various MMO's.


    They want their subs though, as this isn't a non-profit organization. Hardcore gamers don't pay the bills, casuals do. You have to make endgame challenging and compelling enough that the hardcores care about things like world first, but also appeals to the massive population of casuals that fund the cost of developing the challenging stuff.


    Ironically, Blizz lost the lions share of those subs since Cata dropped. If you listen to people in their forums, it was because... wait for it... it was too hard. Heroic dungeons were TOO HARD. The day they nerfed them in reaction to that outcry a little part of me died, because I knew it was only going to get worse. Fast forward to 4.3, I kill DW in Raid Finder IN WEEK ONE, and then on normal in WEEK TWO.


    I guess the question is not what WE want, but what does Bioware want - the money or the street cred. I'd like to see em get both, but without resorting to the "Ewok Pet Battle System".

  6. Top 10 reasons players gave up on (insert early 2011 launched MMO name here)


    1) Class/Spec Imbalance (reacted too slowly to a few godlike specs)

    2) In Game Meters for PvP but not PvE = bad (better to have none than partial)

    3) PVP AFK'rs (people farming XP by queing and setting autorun)

    4) Easymode Macros (some classes could macro 6 abilities to 1 button)

    5) No Looking for Group Tool at Launch (people are so emo about this on both sides)

    6) No Mobile Authenticator at Launch (huge wave of accounts hacked, cust service not prepared)

    7) No Mod/Add-On support at Launch (even with a lot of UI options built into that game)

    8) No Guild Bank at Launch

    9) No Server Transfer at Launch (faction imbalance makes PvP miserable)

    10) Official Forums filled with gems like "L2P" and "Go #^%$ Blizzard's @#$& you WoW fanboi"


    Back in February people screamed very loudly "We don't NEED these things to be a great game", yet almost all have been implemented/fixed in the last 10 months (judging by the spam trying to get me to re-sub by calling these "added features").


    Let's all come back to this thread in 3 months to see what has been added to SWTOR.

  7. My sig says it all. That's how I feel, like Cypher rolling his eyes when people are freaking out that Neo didn't fly. I still play WoW, and if you read those forums on a Tuesday and maintenance goes 2 minutes late people are all "cancelling sub" and "*** Blizz". Then they get in and it's like you just hooked up an addict with their fix.


    New MMO = 1 month of queues, then 5 years of "my class is broken" in the forums.

  8. The only thing more exhausting than the people running around with their hair on fire are the people that decide THEY need to write a post to calm everybody down. Somehow what THEY have to say is going to be that beacon of light to make everyone come together for a group hug.


    So far the only thing that makes TOR exactly like every other MMO is the OFFICIAL forum. This week it’s “I didn’t get in”, then once everyone is in you will have 1 day of dead calm before 10 years of “my class is broken” begins.

  9. Sigh. It isn't about the launch. They have infinite servers. It is about spreading people too thin, which becomes a problem when that first batch of people leave the game - WHICH IS INEVITABLE NO MATTER HOW GOOD IT IS.


    Even if every month you have 200,000 new subs and 50,000 quit, you could be one of those people on a dead server in here complaining that they merged your server with a West Coast server and your old one was East, etc.

  10. Honestly, I love the competition. I will continue to play both. I'm sure the folks at Blizz are concerned that their death grip will be loosened, but it's not going to be a WoW killer right away.


    Now Rift on the other hand... I smell free to play coming on that bad boy VERY soon.

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