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Posts posted by Sandanglockta

  1. Which is why I sub to multiple games.


    Exactly. I'm not sure I have seen my thoughts put into words so clearly before. I don't compare this game to others, because I am part of that minority that realizes we are allowed to like more than one at a time.

  2. If we showed good support then maybe they would not be hassled to "Bring 1.2 asap." and maybe we could be playing right now.


    I have a few quotes for you, and I'll let you figure out where they came from and how they apply to what you said above...


    "If you listen to the fans, eventually you wind up sitting next to them."


    "It's done when it's done."

  3. Still playing since day 1, but if addons, LFG etc. come I will most likely stop.


    Its a great game, but the attitude that those 2 things brought to wow - is most likely coming here too then and I play games for fun and dont want such elitist folk around me.


    This is the problem Bioware has. One group will quit if you add LFG and Meters, and one group will quit if you don't.


    I enjoy maximizing my classes output, and meters help me do that. I enjoy entering a random que, doing my dailies and farming mats, and then being transported to the flashpoint with no down time on the fleet trying to get a group together.


    At the same time, I understand RachelAnne's point. Nasty people spam meters in chat and use it as a way to put people down and kick them out of groups. They also use the anonymity of cross server que's to be as nasty as they want to be. You can say "then don't use it", but the pool of people available for PUG's now will plummet if LFG gets rolled out.


    Tough problem for them... trying to placate both sides.

  4. I don't care that they did it, I just don't understand how I missed it in patch notes - I will assume I just missed it. I am one of those major nerds who reserved a few names on every East Coast server at launch, because I didn't know where I would be. Now that I know, I just deleted a bunch of them (good news for some of you game of thrones fans) and I didn't mind doing it all.
  5. Corellia dailies are long overdue. They should have made the existing Heroic 4's and 2's give daily commendations from the start. More people might have actually finished the planet, and would have started running hard modes with their modded gear having full level 50 blue armor/mod/enh - plus would have had a head start on daily comms.


    Just having an influx of level 50's would help the people that can't find enough people to get a group, and breathe some life into that place - which had a decent ending I thought.


    I would LOVE to see the numbers on how many players actually completed all of the 4's on Voss and Corellia. Even in a really good guild, it was tough to get people to run them.

  6. Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?

    My main is a level 50 sniper, and I rolled a Smuggler up to level 15 just to check out the play style... which was the same. I am 10/10 HM, but don't PvP much. I played it because in other MMO's I mostly played melee classes and wanted to change it up here.


    Did you enjoy the story?

    I liked the IA story a lot, but getting a healer so late in the leveling curve was tough. Kali just started getting eaten alive by the late twenties, regardless of gearing her up.


    Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?

    I got used to cover, but it took time and I don't really even think about it anymore. I didn't like my long CC being on droids only, but I got over it. It made things more challenging, and that's not a bad thing.


    Do you still play the class? If not, why not?

    Yes, I still run Operations on the sniper. My Marauder is level 40 now, and leveling difficulty has not even been comparable. Having a healer right off the bat makes it much MUCH easier.


    Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?

    I know Operative healers and their biggest frustration is their AOE heal. Having "purple" has made Sorcs a must have for many of the harder fights.

  7. Hate to say it but in an MMO you need the rich, poor and middle class.


    Yup. The hardcores are the minority that give the game some credibility within the gaming community, but the casuals keep the lights on. I would argue there is a thin line between middle class and casuals though.


    I don't agree with the OP that catering to the hardcores "first" is good for business because it will make everyone else "strive to be them". They certainly won't leave because the game starts losing hardcores (quite the opposite I would guess).


    The casuals want pets, achievements, playing the auction house and all that other stuff that I have no interest in. It's fluff, and it seems like a lot of it is fast and cheap to crank out. Start dumping that crap in, get more casuals to stay/play and spend the money on some decent fights.

  8. They'll either inspect them to check their gear and enhancements to see if they're right


    This right here. It's already going on right now because the only tools people have are HP and inspect. So even without having a "gearscore", this is what you have to do if you are pulling together a pug. You have to pre-judge people based on gear, which may have more to do with how long they have been lvl 50 than their skill.


    Even if they don't do it prior, you can bet I am doing it after multiple wipes. Why? Because even though it's "just a game", my time is still important to me. I don't want to wipe all night because someone is just going through the motions.


    People keep saying logs will take the fun out of the game, but for some of us end game IS the game. Not everything is as easy to see as standing in the fire. If the IA is spamming Snipe as often as possible and running out of energy for most of the fight, is that really something you don't want to know? Isn't it something you would want someone to tell you if you had no idea what you were doing?

  9. Tons of people dumped Rift after a month if I recall.


    Rift's forums still go back 2 years, and if you go and look at the posts in March 2011 you will see that the big reasons people were "saying" they were quitting were:


    1) Class/Spec Imbalance (reacted too slowly to a few godlike specs)

    2) In Game Meters for PvP but not PvE = bad (better to have none than partial)

    3) PVP AFK'rs (people farming XP by queing and setting autorun)

    4) Easymode Macros (some classes could macro 6 abilities to 1 button)

    5) No Looking for Group Tool at Launch (people are so emo about this on both sides)

    6) No Authenticator at Launch (huge wave of accounts hacked, cust service not prepared)

    7) No Mod/Add-On support at Launch (the UI was customizable too)

    8) No Guild Bank at Launch (never understood why this took so long)

    9) No Server Transfer at Launch (faction imbalance, empty planets)

    10) Official Forums filled with gems like "If they implement any of this it will ruin the game" and "L2P" and "Go #^%$ Blizzard's @#$& you WoW fanboi"


    No joke. I went back over there today just to browse, and it's like Groundhog Day.


    PS. They added/fixed most of this stuff, but it was too late...

  10. Hate the way your bars are setup? Someone will make a mod. Can't stand the GTN interface? Mod. The layout of the map getting on your nerves? Mod. Having trouble remembering where you farm the most Quick-Growth Agent? Mod. Want a timer on your buttons instead of the blinky thing? Mod. Love it just the way it is? My mods won't affect your game.


    It breaks my heart to know that Bioware is burning resources on the UI customization, when it will never be enough for players. I get the sense that some really great options for players are being stifled because of the two that are so derisive: Meters & Boss Mods. I could really care less about either, I just want some decent customization (not moving the same bad stuff around on the screen).


    I am sure there is a 650,000 page post for mods in general, but I couldn't find it. I am sure the mods will move this there in short order.

  11. I hear WoW is free and needs subs.


    WoW crafting sucks, but it is superior to TOR in one respect, and that is equality. Almost all professions provide an equal buff to your main stat. And the extra bonuses above and beyond are minimal, such as their version of Biochem where stuff just lasts 2x longer.


    Boring? Yes. Constant whining about stuff needing to get nerfed on their forums? Not any more.


    Bioware will figure it out eventually, which is why I love these threads.


    PS. Infinitely re-usable Operations level stuff is going away, so enjoy it while we have it.

  12. I have 2 guildies that got a crystal recipe drop off the world boss in Hoth, and they are selling them for 300k each. Ya, that's what I said, EACH. They are both up to about 6 million credits now, while I spend my time farming Biochem mats that net about 200k per hour on the GTN.


    Sorry to the Artificers that knew about this and had the market cornered, but the OP started it!!

  13. After reading this I decided to do a quick Voss run. I spent 60 minutes farming nodes, with very little time spent farming kills - only when I got aggro on strongs/elites. I am sure with some planning, mapping, etc. I could do better, but this is just back of the envelope stuff anyway. Over that 60 minutes, I came up with:


    30 - Red Goo

    50 - Quick Growth Agent

    67 - Psychoactive Compound

    58 - Parasitic Microorganism


    The first three average about 1,500 credits each on my server (Keller's Void US), and the Parasitic is only about 100 credits each atm. That's about $226,000 credits in materials if I took the time to sell them.


    I also did an Abundant Yield Grade 5 Bio mission which took about 20 minutes (using Vector), and that yielded 2 Quick-Growth Agent and 3 Parasitic Microorganism at a cost of about 1,500 credits. So, normal missions cost are probably less than 50% of the cost compared to what I pay on the GTN. With almost zero effort that is a pretty good return.


    The annoying part is that the stims are going for about 21k on my server, which is at or around mats cost. I don't know the crit rates real well, but I suppose that is the only inherent benefit to making stims vs. selling mats.


    Bottom line is that if you do ops 3 times per week and use 1 stim per night, it is costing you about 63,000 credits or so per person to provide for the group. Using REALLY dirty math, about 3 hours of farming per week?


    Or put another way, you are a really generous person!

  14. Sounds like a personal problem and a cool story bro. You should try getting some medication for your A.D.H.D.. If you want to play a boring mmorpg, go play WoW. WoW will bore you to death, literally.


    Exactly. It's OK if SWTOR sucks. All that matters is that WoW sucks more. Well played sir, well played.

  15. There is untapped potential in Light and Dark side system. I would love to see a quest that makes changing faction possible, Light side Juggernaut ftw.


    Yeah, no question. Once they have tried ump-teen things to fix faction balance, they will realize they did it to themselves by giving Imperials "paragon" choices. Then they will realize it's about Light vs. Dark anyway, then factions will implode and this game will finally do something interesting...

  16. I BELIEVE that once you put mods in the social armor it affects whether or not it then becomes light, medium, or heavy...not sure though.


    No, it's still light armor even after you mod it, which is the problem. Even though Heavy/Medium wearers can in fact wear light armor, they cannot "play" in it because they lose some form of mitigation or something. Once people can do Operations in the slave girl costume, there will be a lot less complaining about this.


    Its not a RNG problem. I believe its a problem with killing two of the quest mobs simultaneously. Stop using aoe and loot each mob and your problem with the drop rate on that particular quest will go away.


    Seriously dude? Stop using AOE? I don't like "workarounds" in my game play. No wonder stuff that doesn't "grind our game to a screeching halt" gets fixed so slowly. The player base has decided to be patient and find workarounds.


    why doesn’t every crafting profession have something as useful as biotech's reusable buffs


    why are ilum dailies pve and pvp so buggy (hopefully less so today)


    I agree with much of your post, but these two get on my nerves. Defend the Shipment is fixed every reset, and every week it bugs again by Friday. And then I come in here and see people making excuses about it being bugged because someone failed while doing it. Put it in a stinking cave and phase it ffs.


    As for the professions, they will not be able to keep the top end Biochem stuff re-usable as an ongoing benefit. I would expect them to just last 2x longer, or something like that.

  17. More specifics about what I am looking for: a detailed analysis, containing information about combat performance, romance quests, and gear suggestions for each advanced class and their respective companions. Right now, 95% of what I can find is information that has been available since release, and is either backstory or about crafting.


    First, I would like combat performance for my actual class, let alone for companions. The math is sketchy until they open up combat logs. Once we get that and target dummies, then I'm sure the companion math will follow. It might be interesting if I knew for a fact that, based on the way the game rotates your companions abilities that are set on auto, I would get the most DPS out of a companion by turning them all to manual except 2 abilities the game spams that blows stuff up faster.


    As for gear, I'm not sure I understand. Every companion has a primary stat and a role that are listed, and they follow the same guidelines as player classes. If you have a healer companion that uses cunning, then their primary will be cunning and secondary will be alacrity.


    As far as advanced classes, I'm really not trying to troll you here. You companions join you at predetermined intervals between 1-50 that you can't change. If you are a BH tank, then you are in heaven because you get a healer right away. If you are a sniper, you get a ranged tank only for almost 30 levels, so you are in for a different experience and can't do anything about it.


    Then once you reach 50 you will most likely only ever use 1 (2 tops) for dailies and such. That is completely dependent on your playstyle and role. Even if my melee tank is the best in the game, as a sniper I almost always use my healer because that fits my needs when soloing dailies.


    Anyway, what I posted has been the most I have seen so far, but I assume someone will come up with something else soon.


    PS. If you find a site that tells more detail about the romance quests, please don't post it... that's way too much spoiler for me.

  18. I will assume that you haven't read this. http://liberi-fatali.net/the-old-republic/star-wars-the-old-republic-guide-and-faq/#companions


    Each companion is spelled out like this...


    Name: Kaliyo Djannis

    Age: 29

    Sex: Female


    Role: Ranged Tank

    Primary Stat: Aim

    Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol

    Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator

    Recruited: Hutta

    Personality: Dark

    Likes – Disrespecting authority, casual violence, anarchy for the fun of it

    Dislikes – Self sacrifice for the greater good, sincerity, obedience, patriotic spirit and being taken advantage of

    Romance: Yes/Male/DS


    Loves – Luxury, Underworld Goods, Weapons

    Likes – Military Gear, Technology

    Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +2 Underworld Trading Critical

    Voice Actor: Tasia Valenza

    Intelligence Profile: Background (Summary): Multiple contradictory accounts make full background assessment difficult. Subject likely born on Rattatak. Escaped homeworld at a young age. Proceeded to find employment as freelance enforcer and assassin for major criminal syndicates (Exchange, Hutt Cartel) and individual underworld figures (Rholl). Persistent links to Brentaal Four anarchist cells (see Revolutionary Edge Brigade). Minimal activity within Imperial borders.


    Personality: Kaliyo Djannis prizes her freedom, and will lie, murder and blackmail in order to ensure that she is in control of a situation and able to indulge her vices. Known to pursue lengthy vendettas to redress grievances. Possesses a track record of expertly manipulating employers, lovers and associates (agents should not be fooled by attempts at seduction). As with many mercenaries, her loyalty cannot be purchased, but her services can be–if only temporarily.


    Notes: No known military training, but extremely capable with assault weapons. Has been known to bite when disarmed.


    If this is NOT specific enough, then you really need to spell out what you are looking for.

  19. Could it be that you see your WOW server's dwindling population and therefore join the hordes of 13 year olds that come here to bash a game that hasn't even been out a month? A game that now has more content than WOW had at the start?


    The number one thing SWTOR has in common with WoW is the minutiae on the official forums. It just amazes me that the forum mods leave these flame wars open as long as they do. Of course, with so little Republic available for me to kill in game, maybe I do need an enemy to focus on! WoW players, who are so jealous of my game that they will stop at nothing!!!


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