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Everything posted by Turn-XGundam

  1. what about players who prefer certain spec over other for personal reasons?? i liked all the missile/rounds/cannon type attacks gunnery/arsenal offered. guess i'll have to play something else. my scoundrel was nerfed again stupid. by forcing a player to play a certain spec they might not enjoy is a bad balance. i am happy about TM nerf, but they did nothing to prevent the spamm from continuing on. they also decreased the already avg survivability of gunnery/arsenal.
  2. if you actually pay attention, you'll see both barrage/heat seeking missiles gain advantages from spamming TM, so the spamming will continue. 10%tm nerf is a not big deal, its the nerf to knockback which will be on CD longer now and 5%damage reduction nerf from power barrier. so our dps stays the same while we get easier to kill. biodumb also nerfed my scoundrel for no reason.
  3. in a balanced game all specs should be viable in pvp not one trick pony, besides vanguard assault > commando assault.
  4. its not the dps reduction which hurts the most its the idiotic defensive nerf only 5% damage reduction?? jet boost is on cooldown longer now:eek: tracer nerf pales infront of the power barrier/jet boost nerf. but oh wait sith warrior/jedi knight got buffed. so we'll do lil bit less damage while still spamming tracer yet we'll die even faster to glow bat users. biodumb good job.
  5. assault is 100times better on vanguard. but anyways the changes have me a lil worried, it could be a total nerf to make gunnery useless or buff to make us OP.
  6. ok mako sucks when you get her aim stat gear. get cunning stuff for her and watch the super heals come.
  7. dude don't believe the threads, scrapper is still powerful enough to kill any target. nerf just made the burst normal, the enemy has a chance to fight back. that being said find a another scrapper(which is hard no days most are DF or sawbones) for double shoot first, dirty kicks, sucker punches and double back blast(i call it dual barreled backblast) fun. heres a vid of a skilled scarraper
  8. lol i was surprised how fun/viable the class is even after the nerf, if anything the nerf did was force baddies to go heal or reroll. of course the class has some problems, but all classes have some problem or another maybe except sages/socrs:p for me the animations were just superior on scoundrel, op has a lot of "lol look at me owning noobs with throwing knife." cod moves. while scoundrel has the nutcracker kick to the ball, cheap uppercut and a SHOTGUN. that shotty:eek: also being rep nothing screams more ****** then bursting down a marauder or sith in general. marauder: rawr i am a sith marauder i r invincible *30secs later marauder: fuuuuuuu respawn door, scoundrel y u so cheap.
  9. i really like this idea ps am i the only scoundrel who has some natural rivalry to kill operatives. when ever i see a op unstealth/open, i get a sudden rush to burst on them:p srry about double post
  10. this is pvp problem for me. well this is the current issue i have i can burst one enemy down, kill them and say another one comes i have very dps at this point due to having no energy. any solution, every other class i played i can kill one person and seriously damage another. with scoundrel, i can kill one person, then have to run away to get energy.
  11. hmm it seems like torhead is wrong then, it states the cost at 2 ammo. my bad i guess.
  12. my main is a vanguard, i also have scoundrel. scoundrel has same energy problems a us vannys. if there jumping you can counter it by jumping yourself or walking backwards. if they snare you, you can snare them by ion pulse in cgc. you can burst them as well.
  13. does it even work for grav round, i know on my merc it works on tracer. normal cost grav is 2 ammo, 1 with muzzle fluting. although when firing it, it always takes 2 ammo even with muzzle fluting talent. i think it might be bugged, i have heard off charged barrel not working as well.
  14. well i have a low level scoundy so i don't have all good talents/attacks yet. but sustained is a issue all because of energy problems. i kill things well, its when there like 3 of them.
  15. well true but its more convenient noo?? no need to position, removing one extra step.
  16. if they allowed backblast to be used from any direction would it make OP say with sawed off talent. discuss, i think it will go long way of improving us sustained dps. currently we can burst like crazy, but if the enemy survives(most of them do) we can finish them but usually there buddy comes and we don;t have enough energy to beat them. thus forced to vanish and recharge. not to mention classes that can counter burst us damn powertech/shadow/marauders.
  17. great vid after trooper/bh smugglers are my 2nd fav class in the game.
  18. not only is scoundrel more fun then operative i feel we're better then them, the only edge they might have is there stun does't root. that being said i would like to our regular dps to be boosted, maybe let back blast be used from any direction. so with sawed off talent free back blast used from front,side and behind the enemy. there by improving our sustained dps.
  19. can't sawbones just stealth when about to die??? if so that a huge advantage, commando/merc do less healing resource wise.
  20. i heard swtor 2 is coming out this summer, so gonna unsub from this game and get swtor 2.
  21. 1.2 would have hit test server already if the guild choosen knew how to read.
  22. well i don't mind having another attack in rotation, its slight problem i have with buff/debuff setup/stack up. currently 5 tracer gets you the heat seeking buff, most of the time unload buff, railshot buff, damage reduction buff, vent on crit, armor debuff. so 5 tracers to set up your attacks, now if they give half of the above mentioned buff/debuffs to powershot. it will take 5 tracer and 5 powershots to get the same setup. that 5 extra gcd not to mention both are channeled abilities not instant. this is will make arsenal a very easy class to beat then it is already, also the dps will be lowered. now that problem can easily be avoided if they increase buff/debuff % so you don"t have to do 10 attacks to set up.
  23. the enemy had some with almost 90k healing, i am guessing most player were below lv30 in that match. when an enemy heals each other, you can do crazy amount of damage.
  24. tracer is getting nerfed. good job nerfing a decent class, now time to nerf sorc/sage/sent/marauder/sin/shadow. i am coming for ya
  25. i think by splitting buff/debuff from tracer/grav to other attack, they'll probably increase buff/debuff%. eg: maybe tracer will keep the armor debuff, it will reduce armor by10% stacks 2 times only now. while power shot gets power barrier which gives 5% damage reduction stacks 2 times. cause the way it is setup now, if they split the buff/debuff and give some to powershot. it will take 5 tracers and 5 powershots to get the same result 5 tracer gets now. so thats 5 extra gcds, plus the extra time since both tracer/powershot are channeled. too much time to do the same buff/debuff could effectively nerf us. powertech pyro is 1000% better then merc one. hopefully they use the suggestion above.
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