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Posts posted by itsmymillertime

  1. Do Ilum (Crystal Ball mission) as it cannot be abandoned. Then do Belsavis (including Section X) / Ilum / Corellia dailies until you are 52 and get some gear then go to Makeb and pick up seeker droid / macro quest lines so you can do the dailies on Makeb at the same time. You will be 55 at the end.
  2. This idea is bad as it would allow more people to sell items driving costs all the way down so that no profits can be made.


    I remote into my desktop at work and send all my companions to do missions and have almost made 100 million since early access of RotHC selling mats and missions. If I had an app, I could have made alot more.

  3. He was asking for legacy weapons. How else do you interpret his post?

    With the weapons on the Gree vendor, you can transfer stuff.

    The ONLY thing I haven't tested was the offhand hilt/barrel to one of the Gree sabers/pistols.


    when 2.0 came out certain offhand barrels/armorings got restricted so NO GREE WEAPON can transfer them. For example the barrel you get from a knife can no longer be put into a mainhand slot. Also, some are "melee" bound and some are "range" bound so they added more restrictions that the Gree Weapons cannot help with transferring.


    The guy you responded to already knew about the Gree weapons, you interpreted that he did not.

  4. I have been stuck at lvl 400 slicing for over a week now.. neither the trainer on IMP Fleet or Kaas City will let me train it up. I've tried restarting several times, how can I get it to 401-450 please?


    1. Buy the expansion

    2. Go to trainer and buy "Advanced Training"

    3. Run missions.

  5. Never saw that, but I have no idea why it would take them more than a few seconds to fix a calculation error.


    they replied to that also. they wanted to make sure the calculation was correct so no error they would make would not have lingering implications on the economy.

  6. As soon as you finish chapter 3 of your class quest, you get introduced to a non-abandonable quest to do the Illum storyline. Illum is a leveling planet with a story that happens before Makeb.



    The republic won the battle of Ilum and they control it, with the end of Makeb, the imperials are preparing for a counter attack against the Republic. It would not make sense to change Ilum to always be level cap.


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