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Everything posted by Bonsaikitten

  1. Bonsaikitten reporting the latest news from Uthar Wynn.: Time: 20:30 yesterday Reps online: 27 (9 50's) Imps online: 13 (5 50's) Warzones the last 2-3 days: 0 My mood: very bad
  2. Currently our server, Uthar Wynn, has around 25 level 50 reps (even less imps) online at prime times. Because of this, we cannot do more than 3-4 warzones per day, find anything on GTM, or gather enough people for raids, and hence we are not enjoying the "multiplayer" part of this game. People are either quitting because of this, or rerolling on Tomb of Freedom Nadd. I will not leave a level 42 legacy, so what can I do? When will we see a server merge for european servers? We need help..
  3. People say you should not use DS in PvP and OH LOL that is just wrong. 100% of the time, DPS (unless I'm the DPS) will waste their precious interrupt the second they see a cast bar. DS is very valuable in these situations, even though the regen part is bad. Other than that, for the end-game PvE (Soa NM and Bonetrasher NM), I agree that UWM+EM does the magic. Whenever I see KP being used, I giggle.
  4. Well done Bioware! No matter how you do this, people will be crying. A to blizz, D to the community, F to live streams making me jealous.
  5. I just killed everyone, topped the damage charts and pretty much was invincible... There, fixed
  6. Just wondering, will empire and republic be able to communicate in the game, or will their writing just seem danish to each other?
  7. I've yet to see any awesome keyboard tappers doing swtor pvp on youtube. Can anyone link a video if they find?
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